
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 20: Trading and Flicker

   Zod invites Norman to enter the biological laboratory.

   There is a long corridor here, with glass structures on both sides, filled with light tubes, illuminating the passage very brightly.

   At both ends of the channel are secondary krypton gold alloy doors with a thickness of 50 mm. Norman doesn't know the significance of this. Is there anything special about the tubes?

   Or what is special about this passage?

   Norman, who followed Zod through the passage, didn't know that he was walking on the blade. This 10-meter-long passage was Zod's evil-interest restoration of the laser passage in Resident Evil.

The use of laser weapons in the real world is not realistic and reasonable, because of energy consumption and material issues, but here is the magical Marvel world, coupled with Zod's Krypton technology, successfully restored this even secondary krypton gold Laser tunnel for direct incision.

   In the biological laboratory, there are four guards standing upright. They are the animalized soldiers and the last line of defense in the biological laboratory.

   "Mr. Norman, first of all welcome you to come today."

  Zod found a place to ask Norman to sit down. Norman looked around for a while before sitting down.

   "In order not to waste meaningful and valuable time, I went directly to the topic."

  Zod continued.

Norman was expressionless, but this straightforward approach made him very satisfied. After all, he is getting closer and closer to death, and he is beginning to cherish time. It is because Zod mentioned the curse, otherwise Norman is still talking now. In the laboratory.

   will not come in person either.

   "I can cure the retrocellular hyperplasia inherited in your family."

  Zord doesn't like to make rounds, he prefers to make everything clear.

   Norman was not surprised, although I don't know where Zod knew so much.

"what do you need?"

   Norman didn't lose his calmness. Zod said it could be cured, but he hadn't seen it again.

   "I want Osborne Industries, and the Osborne family."

  Zord said with a smile, the bargaining chip is in his hand, it doesn't matter whether Norman accepts it or not, the big deal is that he will go to Harry himself after he is dead, Harry is much more foolish than Norman.

   Norman's face suddenly looked ugly, and Zod's appetite was beyond his imagination.

"Don't be too busy to refuse, I only have this need, but you can't afford it. Think about it after you die, Harry will actually follow in your footsteps, even Harry's son and daughter, and Oss Those shareholders of this industry, they can't let Harry take control of Osborne Industry. There is only one chance, Norman."

  Zod looked at Norman after speaking.

   Norman's expression could not see any waves, but his heart couldn't be calm for a long time. Yes, he had no choice at all. There were two routes of life and death. Normal people would not choose the path of death.

   "What do you need Osborne Industries and my family for?"

  Norman naturally doesn't want to die. Zod's words reveal the cruel facts. If they don't seize the opportunity, the Osborne family will continue the curse. They have had enough!

The old and cunning Norman is also powerless at this moment. Although he can use various means to persecute Zod after he returns, Norman feels that since Zod has spread everything out, maybe he doesn't care about Norman. Pressure?

   What's more, he really didn't want to be surprised.

   "Norman, have you heard of the world snake?"

  Zode meaningfully began his own big cause of flickering.

   World Snake became a huge organization established since World War I and active in the shadows of all parts of the world in Zod's mouth. Their ambition is also very simple, that is, to rule the world!

   is a very simple and unpretentious villain, and Zod is the newly appointed North American director. He is weak at the moment and needs the power of Osborne to help him gain a foothold.

   Norman didn't believe it, but when the four lycanthropes in the biological laboratory transformed under Zord's order, Norman was shocked.

"They are animalized soldiers who have undergone organizational transformation. We got Captain America's Super Soldier Serum. After researching, they created this controllable super animalized serum. Their body functions are equivalent to ten times that of ordinary humans. , And this is only the most basic organization of animalized soldiers, and there are even more powerful animalized soldiers above it."

  Zord believes that with Norman's expertise and experience in biotechnology and super soldier serum, he can clearly know how much the so-called super animal serum has subverted human imagination.

   There is no way to make it without enough time and experimentation, money and accumulation.

   Otherwise, the Super Soldier Serum will not fail to make progress and breakthroughs in the hands of Osborne Industries.

   Beastized Soldier!

   Super animal serum!

   More powerful beast soldiers!

  Norman is engaged in biological research, so he knows the meaning of it naturally, not to mention that Zod is talking about a controllable super soldier!

  If Zord just took out the serum, Norman would still be suspicious, but the finished product is in front of him.

   "The treatment you are talking about does not mean this, right?"

   Norman said suddenly. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   "Of course not, the super animal serum is just a biological weapon that transforms and adjusts the human body. A disease is a disease. How can it be confused, and it is not a panacea."

  Zord said whether your brain is watts, if it is just an ordinary injury, such as a disability, it can be cured by super animal serum, but genetic diseases or diseases are impossible.

   "However, the veterinary soldiers who have undergone the transformation will have their own physical functions and immune systems strengthened, and they will be immune to most diseases."

  Zod continued.

Because of the shocking facts Zord brought out, Norman soon believed in the existence of the world snake, and he did not ask what if he leaked or violated the date, the huge organization that has existed for so long, it is easy to clean up. .

   The facts that Zord brought out are in line with most of the logic, and Norman who doesn't comply can make up for it himself.

   "What will I get when I join World Snake?"

   Norman asked.

   "Join the World Snake? No, Norman, you are not an official member yet. My deal with you is to cure your family's genetic disease. It is not that simple to truly become a member of the World Snake."

  Zod said that you think too much, the threshold of the world snake is very high.

   Norman nodded, saying nothing.

Then he underwent a full-body examination by Zod. Zod was very interested in this retrocellular hyperplasia that made Marvel's black technology rampant and helpless. Of course, this is also the reason why Norman did not go to find Mr. Fantastic and Tony Stark. , Otherwise it should be solved by those two guys.

   After checking, Zord suddenly understood what was going on, and Norman put on a suit.

   "Go back, it will be fine in a few days."