
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 199: Suddenly 200

At the time of the checkout, the X galaxy civilizations, all humanoid aliens with blue skins with Mohican hairstyles, were all dumbfounded and respectfully looking at Esdes after watching the video.

As for Zod, Tifa, and Yan Lingji, in their opinion, they are probably the kind of soy sauce under the strong female.

For this kind of strong man who can slaughter the entire giant bat universe beast race with one person, the X galaxy civilization certainly did not dare to delay payment, and very readily gave Esders 130 million credit points based on the number.

It seems that the number of giant bat universe beasts is really large.

It's just that there is no concept for Zod and the others.

In fact, Zord can also sell valuable things like vibranium, Edman alloy and primitive krypton gold.

Materials are always the most valuable, and only energy can be compared.

However, Zord is impossible to sell. Selling is tantamount to helping others develop materials science. A high material science thing can easily drive other science and technology to climb rapidly. As one of the two major bottlenecks restricting the development of science, it is estimated that the entire universe Many civilizations are trapped in materials science, and at this time they sold Vibranium and Edman Alloy to them.

It is tantamount to being an enemy, tantamount to being a ball mole!

Zodna must not sell the earth's resources for a little money.

Zod, who received 130 million credits, swiped his card to buy all the knowledge and technology he wanted, and then started his own learning upgrade.

During this process, the three of Esthers and the others ran to other planets to play, and Zod was not worried about their safety issues. All three of them had Zod's thought waves in their minds, and Zod could directly be in danger. Teleport over.

"Interesting, it turns out that this formula is applied like this on Marvel's side..."

"This reaction... is completely in two directions from DC."


Zod quickly digested this large amount of knowledge after forgetting to sleep and eat. After turning it into his own use, Zod created a new war machine.

Space war machine!

His own nano armor does not need to be upgraded, after all, the defense and attack power are enough.

What needs to be improved right now is the individual combat capability of the Burning Legion.

Originally, Zord was biased towards space knights, reproductive armors, nano biochemical suits, and Thor's hammer armors.

Gundam is not in line with the style of the Marvel Universe, and it is estimated that it will be easily exploded.

The new war machine made by Zod requires the participation of the human body in the transformation to keep up with the performance given by the war machine.

With powerful speed and power bonuses, the weapons above are also very advanced, abandoning gunpowder weapons and turning them into energy weapons.

The chest is powered by three magnetic beam nuclear fusion reactors, forming a triangle-like shape for stable energy supply.

The power of the energy cannon in the palms of both hands has been improved. Zod adjusted the frequency so that the energy rays emitted were astonishing, enough to penetrate the defense of any armor on the earth, even the secondary krypton gold is estimated to be unstoppable.

In addition, the energy shield is selected. As long as the energy shield is turned on, any attack can be offset by consuming energy, which is an absolute defense in the true sense.

Although the energy shield also has a power upper limit, the energy shield can be broken if the output exceeds this power in an instant, but the breakthrough attack is also weakened by the energy shield, and the energy shield is not broken and does not exist. It is in the traditional sense. The shield is different, even if it is broken, the next attack hits the place that was just broken, it still has to be weakened by the energy shield.

Then it is made entirely of sub-Krypton Gold, and the melee weapon is a high-frequency sword with high quality and low price.

For the surface painting, Zod chose gray.

Because in his opinion, this kind of war machine is just a cannon fodder just getting started.

So the gray painting is worthy of the name.

Although it can defeat about 90% of superheroes and super villains on earth.

After the cannon fodder came out, Zod simply gave up biotechnology.

The main reason is simple. At present, Marvel Universe recognizes that the most advanced biological genetic engineering technology is the Cree Empire.

For example, the famous Captain Marvel and Ronan.

But even the Cree Empire didn't have a few super fighters that could be brought out. Zod was very interested in their biological genetic engineering, but this was no longer something that could be bought with money.

The Kerry people are not stupid. How could they sell their skills and knowledge for money? Most of the knowledge and skills that Zod bought are actually eliminated or on the verge of being eliminated, although there may indeed be idiots who really bought their own. The core technology is sold out, but there are certainly not many fools.

However, after all, the universe still runs rampant on the law of the weak and the strong, and Zod saw that it was sold by Kerry scientists.

There is no shortage of desperadoes in the universe. As long as the price is right, the Cree scientists are nothing more than a commodity.

The Kerry Empire is recognized as one of the three most recognized empires. While being feared by many civilizations, at www.mtlnovel.com, there are countless greedy eyes on them, all wanting to tear off a piece of meat to fill their stomachs.

There are countless interstellar civilizations coveting the Cree technology, and the Cree people know it well, but there is no good way.

On the one hand, the universe is vast and vast, and their strength cannot deter everyone. They can only win a group and then suppress a group.

On the other hand, the number one enemy of the Kerry Empire is the Scrul Empire. The two empires are at war, and there is no time to take care of other things. Knowing that someone is secretly messing up, can only keep it in a small book for the time being.

And the place of this transaction, in the land of nothingness, a place that Zod is very familiar and unfamiliar with.

Familiar is because he has seen it in comics and movies, and he is unfamiliar because he has never been.

Void Land, the site of the collector Tiwan, he used the head of an ancient creature to create a lawless place.

In the land of nothingness, there are many Kerry people who have been trafficked, or they are seeking jobs there, selling themselves at a clear price.

Unlike the black market, the transactions here are all on the bright side. It is estimated that the Kerry Empire should have a tacit attitude.

Some of the slaves there came from the Scrul Empire. They captured Kerry scientists, drained the surplus value and sold them in exchange for strategic materials. There are also the victims of internal struggles in the Kerry Empire, as well as the Kerry scientists who fled. On the one hand, they are avoiding war. On the other hand, not all Kerry people are willing to surrender to the supreme wisdom.

"If the Void Land is robbed, will Tiwan tear off his disguise and beat me up?"

Zod thought about it meaningfully. Diwan was not the one who was killed by Thanos in the movie. Tanya Diwan was one of the elders of the universe. He looked like an ancient human, but he was actually possessed. Powerful aliens have the ability to live forever, travel through time and space, and foresee the future.