
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 197: Selling knowledge

Ankara Tamame Star, a remote planet in the universe, has no resources to be mined, but has its own atmospheric environment that can allow life forms to rest temporarily.

In addition, it is very remote here, there is no need, and others will not come, so it becomes a place for predators to rest and trade.

It's just that those predators didn't expect that they would meet a group of unreasonable guys today.

Zod is actually very interested in the technology of the Marvel World, and of course he wants to dissect and study the aliens.

Especially these are still predators.

"Go to hell!"

A predator holding an energy gun, after firing it, was blocked by the energy beam with his bare hands, and then he looked horrified, looking at the monster's expression, and then he was crushed by the weapon in his hand.

The four Kryptonians are enough to sweep everything, and Thanos will be beaten up when Thanos comes, not to mention just such a group of uninfluenced predators.

Zod inspected the spaceships of these predators, and then received a large sum of money.

"Fortunately, electronic money is used. If it is physical money, it is too special."

Zod transferred every predator's money to the interstellar account he had just set up.

He is very poor now, for the universe, he should be a big poor man, and the money in the Marvel universe seems to be very valuable.

Tifa didn't fight with Esther and the Flame Fairy. She followed Zord and watched him fiddle with the predator's spacecraft.

Zord then found the star map possessed by the predators.

"Ladies, we are leaving."

Zod said to Esdes and Yan Ling Ji from his telepathy.

Esther stopped his attack, then took a breath.

Freeze breath!

The remaining predators were all frozen by her with a look of horror.

Flame Lingji didn't have any opinion on Esther's actions like this, she was not the kind type originally.

After the two of them got on the spaceship, Zod took them through a space node marked by the star chart, which leads to the largest black market in the universe.

Angola is just a purple star!

A special celestial planet has a high density, which leads to its strong gravitational force and a thick atmosphere, with a volume equivalent to about fifty times that of the Earth.

Basically, things that are not visible in the entire universe will be traded here, and the group of sand sculptures of the Guardians of the Galaxy may be seen, but they should not have formed the Guardians of the Galaxy yet.

From the outside of the atmosphere, the purple star of Angola looks like a purple gemstone, which is why it has this name.

It's just that Zord feels that a planet with such a thick atmosphere does not know what special environment will be formed.

Fortunately, Zod's spacecraft is strong enough, and I'm afraid it may not be the strongest spacecraft in the universe.

It directly broke through the atmosphere, and neither of them felt any bumps in the Zod inside.

After breaking through the atmosphere and entering the planet, the first feeling is cold.

Then a towing beam struck over, and the spacecraft piloted automatically, followed by the towing beam and landed in a place full of various spacecrafts.

Zod grabbed the translator from the predator, so there is no need to worry about the language problem. Coupled with the super brains of the Kryptonians, the language of the entire universe is estimated to be learned in a while.

Where there is demand and supply, a market will be formed. In essence, the black market is actually a naturally formed market that exists because of need.

The gravity of Angola's purple star is much heavier than that of the earth, but the Kryptonians don't care about such a little gravity, whether the gas is poisonous or harmful, or whether radiation will produce any reaction.

Because the biological force field is the most buggy protection, it can filter out everything harmful to the Kryptonians.

"I hate the cold here."

Yan Lingji said, although she didn't feel cold at all.

"A lot of weird guys, are they aliens?"

Tifa looked at the scaly, furs, arthropods, reptiles, and even the intestinal luminal life extraterrestrials in front of him.

Their mammals are considered rare aliens.

"Here, we are aliens."

Zod corrected Tifa's statement. He felt that the Marvel Universe was okay. At least it was not so perfunctory to engage in a lot of humanoids. If the skin and hair were dyed, it was said that they were aliens.

Although there are still a lot of carbon-based organisms.

Angola Gangzixing gathered a large number of aliens, including black market merchants, predators, interstellar hunters, space pirates, and so on.

In the comics, even the Centurion of the Rising Star Corps will come here to drink.

Because besides being the largest black market in the universe, it is also a well-known entertainment venue in the universe.

The Kryptonians have the strongest information-receiving ability in the universe. Super hearing and super vision have allowed Zod and others to see the darkness and cruelty of the universe at a very fast speed. A large number of cosmic wanderers whose home stars have been destroyed are sold here.

The scarcity is the most expensive, because the race disappears ~www.mtlnovel.com~ These unique seedlings are very valuable. They were trafficked to every corner of the galaxy, reduced to ornaments and playthings, and spent the rest of their lives as slaves.

"What are we going to do here?"

Esther asked Zod.

"Buying technical materials, these guys actually trade the most important scientific research technologies as goods. These are the most valuable things."

Zod quickly spent his money and bought all the scientific research techniques he didn't have before.

He quickly mastered this knowledge and wanted it at the same time.

This made Zod really want to grab it directly. The problem is that if he grabs it like this, the reputation of the people on the earth may be harmed by him.

Masking is also useless, because other people's scanning technology is not even unable to scan this point.

Unless you can transform perfectly like the Skrull.

At present, the Skrulls have not found a way to crack their disguise, and the Skrulls have the strongest spy intelligence capabilities in the universe.

After all, they can perfectly become targets that have been in contact or even just seen. What's more terrifying is that this transformation can also get the memory of the other party.

The powerful Super Skulls in the Skrulls can even copy 100% of the opponent's superpowers, memories, and so on.

While Zod was worried about money, he suddenly saw the bounty task.

Large and small bounty tasks, the highest is the universe spirit ball, offering a reward of 4 billion.

With this money, Zod can buy all the knowledge and still have 90% left.

"Bounty missions seem to be good too."

The mission list is densely arranged with hundreds of pages of mission information, including simple **** missions, sending letters, investigating the whereabouts of interstellar pirates, and so on. Advanced ones include the annihilation of cosmic beasts, siege of pirates, and force sweeps against newly developed planets. and so on.