
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 195: space!

Umbrella company underground base.

A spaceship is docking here.

With a total length of 20 meters, a total height of 5 meters, and a wingspan of 15 meters, it has a domineering look and heavy and sharp armor in many parts of the fuselage. Even without firepower, it can crash the world's top fighter without any damage.

This is the spacecraft made by Zod. The key technology of the Krypton spacecraft is missing, so that Zod can only rely on self-study to make such a spacecraft.

In terms of alloy, because Zod is not bad alloy, triple alloy is used, which is vibrating gold + original krypton gold + Edman alloy.

These three alloys are combined in perfect proportions, making the defensive power of this spacecraft completely crush the shield of Captain America. It is estimated that even Thanos uses his war blade made of Ulu metal by the dwarf king. The hacking will not hurt this spacecraft.

At the same time, because the original krypton gold absorbs energy and repairs itself, as long as there is enough energy, this spacecraft can repair itself.

"... Energy, weapons, reconnaissance, communication and other systems are available..."

Zod looked at the spaceship in front of him with satisfaction, and it seemed that he could finally go to the universe.


The mention of a name makes people fascinated...

Although Zod has followed the Krypton army to conquer many planets in the DC Universe, can the DC Universe and the Marvel Universe be the same?

In other words, the DC Universe is much more dangerous than the Marvel Universe, and he was in fear during that time.

Just as Zod was about to greet the Flame Fairy, Asides and Tifa got on the plane, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw Gu Yi mage.

Heart and lungs stop!

"Mage Gu Yi, you... easy to scare people to death, don't you know!"

Zod slapped his chest, killing a Hulk with every blow, and the corner of his eyes twitched.

Well, she found that Zod has become stronger again. If Zod was a candle some time ago, now Zod is already the sun.

This guy grew up eating something, so many times all of a sudden, the exponential exploded is not so exaggerated.

"Let me think about it, you came to prevent me from going to the universe? Why, because I will harm the universe?"

Seeing Gu Yi had something to say, Zod asked immediately.

"No, I'm just here to give you a star map, lest you hit a black hole or a star."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

Star maps are like maps used by people.

The universe is expanding and changing all the time, and the star map naturally needs to be updated from time to time. Otherwise, it's okay to go wrong, and it's not impossible for a plane to crash and die if you plunge into the star.

"How many times have I hit the future of black holes and stars?"

Zord paused, then asked.

"Out of 10 million times in the future, you will hit a black hole 5 million times, more than 3 million times you will hit a star, and all the rest will hit a supernova explosion."

Gu Yi thought for a while and said.

Is it so unlucky?

Zod is speechless, it's too dark, obviously I have passed through and become a Kryptonian, isn't it a European?

These three kinds of dangers, Zod actually didn't pay attention to it, um, the day of destruction is so inflated.

But Flame Ling Ji, Tifa, and Esthers are not good, they are just ordinary Kryptonians and will die.

Zod just wanted to take a honeymoon trip while taking a cosmic adventure, and didn't want to become a widow.

"Actually, you have been recognized by Space Gems, and you can avoid these things from happening."

Gu Yi continued.

"But I don't know how to use it."

Zod opened the palm of his right hand, and in the palm of his hand, was inlaid with a dark blue dazzling gem, which was probably going crazy when the women saw it.

Gu Yi sighed and looked at it.

"It is estimated that in this world, only you can embed infinite rough stones on your body without being affected..."

What an animal's body is needed to withstand the infinite rough stone. Gu Yi knew that ninety-nine percent of life forms would be wiped out when they touched the infinite rough stone.

"No, there are actually many more."

Zod shook his head. There is no problem playing with infinite rough stones is the same as playing with glass beads. Moreover, Zod originally wanted to eat space gems.

He wanted to see if the Day of Destruction could digest the infinite rough stone.

At the same time, there are 120 billion stars in the Milky Way. Zod wants to see the influence of these stars on him, in case some magic superman, thinking superman and the like are made, he will make a lot of money.

Although he has no weaknesses after becoming Superman of Destruction, Zord still wants to be more capable.

"It's up to you to find out."

Gu Yi kept silent about the space gem. After all, this gem was used well and threatened very much.

Many people think that space gems can only be used for teleportation or charging, but space gems can actually create space collapse, gravitational imbalance, or even create a singularity, instantly destroying everything around...

"Please come back as soon as possible, Zodhith, the earth cannot be without you."

Gu Yi gave the star map, which is a metal container, to Zordhis.

"Does the earth still need me now?"

Zod asked strangely, the Excalibur Game he created is enough to deal with all dangers~www.mtlnovel.com~ Thanos might overturn the car.

"There are still many powerful enemies..."

Gu Yi was very meaningful, but he didn't say it.

I hate you magicians who talk about gods and gods the most.

Zod complained in his heart, is there anything he can't say directly?

Once Gu disappeared, Zord didn't care about her.

He put the star map on the receiving port of the spacecraft. After linking, the star map data was imported. Zod put away the metal container, and then the black queen notified Esther, Tifa, and Yan Lingji.

As for King Ada, it is best for her to stay and help Urd deal with the umbrella company. After all, Zod made her at the beginning and was only twice as strong as ordinary people.

"A honeymoon in the universe? It feels very romantic."

Tifa was very pleasantly surprised, because Zod hadn't told her about it, and didn't let her know until he got the spaceship out.

"Traveling too Xu, is this the ultimate pursuit of your Chinese people?"

In fact, Yan Lingji is not very interested in the so-called universe, that is, Taixu. If it is not for Zod who wants to go, Yan Lingji actually prefers to go back to the place of Baiyue that year.

"Just a few of us, don't plan to bring the army?"

After Esdes understood the concept of the universe, he felt that this is simply the most beautiful place, countless worlds, countless enemies and wars!

"Bringing the army is a matter for the future, and now is to explore it first."

Zod also knows what Esders thinks, but now the number of Burning Legions is still too small. Thanos has invested hundreds of billions of troops in a battle. How to fight?

He drove a fighter jet to climb quickly out of the atmosphere.

Behind the shrinking earth, the beautiful scenery of clouds, oceans, and land is shocking and speechless.