
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 194: gap

In fact, the materials of Atlantis civilization are not weak anymore, after all, they need to be able to withstand such a huge sea pressure, and their alloy materials are very good.

But what Wakanda has is Zhenjin.

A pure natural ore that basically exploded most of the material.

Let you guys look down on us researchers who play with materials!

"Is that Zhenjin? It's too exaggerated."

Coleson of the Excalibur Bureau looked at the Wakanda natives invulnerable and invincible, killing the Atlanteans suspicious of Yusheng.

Knowing the existence of Zhenjin from the database of the Excalibur Bureau, he didn't feel surprised.

On the contrary, he is very envious of Wakanda. The other side has occupied the only vibrating resource on the earth and has been developing for so many years. No wonder it can surpass the common development of all mankind.

If materials are crushed, science will not have a bottleneck, and if materials and energy are both satisfied, the development speed of civilized technology will be beyond imagination.

However, Zord has recently found Edman alloy ore elsewhere. He thought of it as if this thing was not a specialty of mutants, but also brought by meteorites.

The existence of Captain America's shield means that Edman Alloy exists, and then he found Edman Alloy.

After mastering the atomic structure of Edman alloy, Zord can now be manufactured.

Of course, this does not mean that Wakanda is invincible. If it is invincible, it will not be flattened by the cannon fodder and alien beasts brought by Thanos.

It can only be said that the Atlanteans were beaten at first, and then quickly found the weakness of Wakanda to counterattack.

The two sides went back and forth, and the Marine Warrior directly opened the Wushuang mode, causing a lot of casualties in Wakanda.

"This looks like a real fire, it's not a trivial mess."

The Excalibur Bureau also has leisure and Yizhi watching the excitement next to it.

"The chief means that they are almost fighting, so we will go out and stop the war."

Bronsky dangling a cigar, leaning on the jeep, wearing a pair of sunglasses, and then said.

"Weakened their power?"

Coulson shrugged. He understood this kind of thing, but there were a few people in the Excalibur Bureau. Doesn't it take Wakanda and Atlantis too much?

At this moment, Wakanda dispatched their war machine. The so-called war machine refers to a giant rhino wearing a vibrating gold armor. It is radiated by vibrated gold veins. The rhinoceros in Wakanda has an unusually large body with a large head. The sharp horns are thicker than the thighs of adult males. They are powerful and fast. Once they rush up, it is a tribal blitzkrieg.

The Atlanteans found their feet trembling like an earthquake.


The vibration amplitude is not strong, like the aftermath of a distant earthquake spreading here.

But the sound of the tens of thousands of horses running from far to near made the Atlanteans tremble with fear, and then they saw the behemoth rushing.

"Big... Elephant! It's an elephant herd!"

"Idiot, that's a rhino!"


The sturdy and powerful limbs and rhino horns shimmer with metallic luster, and the size is more than twice the size of ordinary rhinos on the grassland.

Looking around, there are more than half a hundred of these behemoths, and they charge in a line with a terrifying momentum.

When the energy bomb hits the rhino, it just disappears, as if it didn't exist.

They wore an armor made of vibrating gold that could absorb energy. Except for a pair of eyes exposed outside, the front part of the body was almost completely shielded.

The Atlanteans were knocked into flight, but they quickly got up and actually fought with these huge rhinos.

Most Atlantis people have stronger physical functions than land people under sea pressure at that depth, not to mention the strength and defense given by the exoskeleton armor they wear.

They were also completely crushed by Wakanda in terms of materials, otherwise they could definitely win Wakanda without injury.

The two sides fought hard, and only after Wakanda dispatched the golden rhinoceros, did he finally get close to Atlantis.

They fought for a long time and didn't stop until sunset.

Seeing that a lot of people died on both sides, the Excalibur Bureau finally intervened, but at this time both sides had red eyes. Where did they stop and stop?

"Although it is said that they are allowed to hate and host each other because of this war, so as to prevent them from cooperating silently, but in this case, it is impossible for them to stop and stop."

Coleson complained.

Then I saw Bronsky directly transformed into a "super hatred", hitting both sides together, hitting whoever refused to listen.

Bronsky, who can absorb kinetic energy, is basically a sweeping Wushuang mode except for being injured when facing Atlantis.

Beat Wakanda and Atlantis completely calmed down.

This is the power of super heroes and super villains.

Atlantis has a more conceptual impression of the strength of Excalibur. After all, this monster called Bronsky ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is just one of the five S-rank heroes of Excalibur. Say, like him, there are still four, not to mention there is the strongest director, Zordheath did not make a shot.

In fact, he didn't know that Zodhis had recently started to change his course, preparing to turn all powerful super villains into superheroes. In that case, when Thanos came, the earthlings could solve it on their own.

Think about it, if Thanos comes to the earth, and it's against the combination of Super Abomination + Red Hulk + Green Hulk + Thor + Iron Man Tony Stark + Red Tank + Golem, even if Thanos has it. Two infinite gems are too choking in hand, I'm afraid they will be beaten directly.

Atlantis and Wakanda negotiated peace talks. In fact, they discovered at this time that it was only a small reason that caused them to fight, but they lost a lot of people on both sides.

Even though they remained calm and sensible at this time, this blood feud is very memorable, and maybe one day it will suddenly erupt.

But this is actually what the United Nations and Zodhis want to see.

Do not create this kind of blood feud as a barrier, what if they cooperate and develop, the United Nations is not willing to see such a scene.

At first, Zod was thinking about when to provoke Wakanda and Atlantis and get them to fight, but he didn't expect them to cooperate so much. They didn't even have a week to fight.

It can only be said that he underestimated the popularity of Atlantis or Wakanda.

Then Zod let the red tank Kain Marco join the Excalibur Bureau and become the new S-rank hero.

As a result, there are now six S-rank heroes in the Excalibur Bureau. Of course, he is not counted as the director.

"Let me think about it, what powerful super villain hasn't come out yet."

Zod flipped through his memories.