
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 193: Fight

Originally, Zod thought that Atlantis and Wakanda would be in peace for a while. After all, there is no mutant in this world, and there is no Namor, and there is no conflict between the two civilizations.

As a result, not even a week later, his men told him that Wakanda had a fight with Atlantis.

"It's fighting? Why is it that Wakanda can use only one cover? Without that cover, why can I beat Atlantis?"

Zod asked with an unexpected expression.

The sea fighters in Atlantis can also fly on land, and the group of triangular fish-shaped warplanes at the end can also fly in the sky. To put it bluntly, the Atlantis army has no problem with land and air combat. Zod even feels the energy on the sea floor. The spacecraft has the ability to fly out of the atmosphere to conduct space warfare.

Wakanda's combat effectiveness...The reunion can be seen. I really didn't see any high technology at all, except for the energy shield.

Wakanda: It's still so backward outside, still using guns.

Others: So what do you use?

Wakanda: We use spears!

With the style of Wakanda and Atlantis fighting, Zod can only think of nouveau riche VS nobles.

Well, the people of Atlantis have mastered controllable nuclear fusion a long time ago. Although they exploded themselves, Atlantis sank, but the accumulation of civilization, coupled with the vast resources of the sea , Is really able to single out the entire land world and crush the fighting power.

Wakanda... It's hard to say.

When the two countries fight, the United Nations cannot control it. After all, the technology is still too advanced and can only be managed by the Excalibur Bureau.

Zod took the opportunity to say that the Excalibur Bureau's authority is only responsible for dealing with strangers, and it does not have the authority to manage the internal affairs of the two countries.

Unless, more powers are assigned to Excalibur Bureau.

The United Nations had nothing to do with Zodhis who seized the opportunity to benefit. After some discussions, they were also worried that Atlantis or Wakanda would destroy the other party. For the sake of peace of mind, they finally decided to use the Excalibur. The reorganization of the powers of the Bureau gave the Excalibur Bureau more powers.


The capital-Bernin Zana!

The rich and beautiful country has been a bit gloomy recently, not the weather, but the mood of the people.

There is a war!

Since the Atlantis civilization moved to its neighborhood, there have been many conflicts between the two sides.

Wakanda was worried about the discovery of his vibrating resources, while Atlantis felt that Wakanda was a monitor of the terrestrial world.

This made the relationship between the two parties have been very stiff until now, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The Wakanda people are isolated from the world because they have not been invaded by outside cultures, and their folk customs are very intact. Each of them has been trained as a soldier since childhood, and the people are sturdy and not afraid of war.

But not being afraid of war does not mean that they like to fight. No one wants to see their loved ones die on the battlefield.

Moreover, Wakanda is a small African country with a limited population and force, and every soldier is an extremely precious resource. It is acceptable for tribes to fight against each other occasionally, but they are not inferior to them in technology such as Atlantis civilization, and may even be more advanced countries to fight, and the outcome is unpredictable.

War is an eternal topic. There are many theories about the root cause, such as living space, natural resources, overpopulation, social productivity and production relations.

Since the emergence of mankind, war has never stopped. It and the brilliant civilization have run through the long river of history, catalyzing and promoting the progress of civilization, and threatening the survival of mankind.

In fact, before humans appeared, wars existed. Wars are not humans' patents, and so will ants.

Abandoning complicated concepts, war is for resources, attacking, plundering, and strengthening oneself.

At the front command, Techaka felt helpless when he heard the sparse gunfire from his own position.

He sold Zhenjin to trade with the US imperial government to create an American army, but the tribe's warriors looked down on long guns and short cannons, and stubbornly used the bows and arrows they had practiced since childhood.

This is the shortcoming left by Wakanda's retreat. There is no foreign cultural impact. The tribal people are conservative in their thinking and are unwilling to accept new things.

Tchaka realized what was wrong when he took the throne, especially the outbreak of modern wars, which made him see the backwardness of the country. He intends to promote basic national education, but the elders of other tribes are very resistant to this policy, thinking that it will shake the foundation of the country, and the plan has been put on hold.

It's not that the tribe's elders are short-sighted, but the ruling class is extremely harsh on knowledge. A group of foolish people with no culture, and a group of intellectuals with their own ideas, compare the two, fools know which one to choose.

The times of the outside world are advancing too fast. Tchaka also knows that to reverse the pedantic thoughts of the elders cannot be rushed for a while, so his method is to implement the strategy of power in the golden tribe with the least resistance, and wait ten or even twenty years later~www.mtlnovel .com~Other tribes that have been widened can only follow the general trend in order to survive, and the backward ideas will collapse on their own.

Governing the country is not something that can be done overnight. In Tchaka's plan, his generation wants to change the primitive and backward thinking. Wakanda's true strength will be in the next generation. After he paves the way, his son will inherit the throne and lead the country to complete its rise.

For now, his plan is very smooth, except for this sudden outbreak of war!

To Wakanda, Atlantis is like a person holding a stone tool and then encountering an orc with an automatic rifle in the jungle.

Obviously other humans are still in an era when they don't even have stone tools, but now they have to deal with orcs with automatic rifles...

Fortunately, Wakanda has vibrancy that Atlantis cannot understand.

Atlantis originally thought that dealing with Wakanda might be a little bit difficult, but the problem is not big, after all, they all have energy weapons.

As a result, you tell me what the **** is in front of me?

The native of Wakanda rushed up with a spear and a shield, but an energy bounced past. The other party raised that simple, ridiculous, vulnerable shield, and then blocked the energy bomb? ? ?

The Atlanteans began to be confused.

The main reason is that they suspect that they are too badly exposed to the sun and dehydration, and they have hallucinations.

But the clothes on my body are fine and I shouldn't be dehydrated.

Then Wakanda swung his spear and split open an Atlantean's clothes that were strong enough to withstand the shelling of a tank without being deformed, as if his clothes were made of tofu easily!

And when Wakanda used his backward bow and arrow, as soon as he released his hand, the arrow whizzed and pierced an ocean spaceship head-on!

This is the victory of materials science!