
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 19: Blade Technology Industry

For a time, Zod became the target of many people's attention. Although Zod is not interested in listing, after all, he is no longer short of money.

There is no market for 10,000 US dollars a gram of vibrating gold, otherwise countries can buy all Wakanda vibrating gold, not to mention the clearly marked price of secondary krypton gold, and there is a production base in which it can be produced at any time. of?

   The secretary of the blonde girl that Zod found even told Zod that the order for secondary krypton gold alloys had reached the scale two years later.

   "Continue to produce secondary krypton gold, and then find me talents who produce weapons. Blade Technology Industry is not only in the field of materials, but also in the field of military industry."

  Zod said to the blonde.

   She is a high-profile student who graduated from a private prestigious university, and she has a smoky body.

   But Zod didn't go for her beauty and figure, just because of her ability.

   "Yes, BOSS."

Ould nodded. For her masculine boss, Ould certainly has thoughts, but she doesn't want to engage in office romances. She has a serious work attitude. She should do business hours during working hours. Other things, wait until after get off work. Do it later.

  Zord looked at the back of Uuld leaving with admiration, and he could only appreciate it.

Zord, who does not want to accidentally create a Kryptonian, does not intend to have relationships with other people. He does not like unexpected situations. With Marvel's urine, the unprecedented children born to Kryptonians and Earthlings may directly become Franklin. The existence of that kind of abnormal level, so this requires Zod to guard himself like a jade.

Then Zod pointed at the table with his finger. Although Ould and the others are very good, they still have a lot of experience inferior to those mature talents, but those mature talents will soon be targeted by headhunting companies even if they don't have a job. Although Zod's blade technology industry has attracted a lot of talents, it can't attract really capable people.

   Because Stark Industries is there.

   "Besides, my blade technology industry doesn't know if Hydra and agents have been mixed in, it should be there."

  Zord played with a sub-Krypton gold ball and used his power to turn it rounder, which was originally a square piece of metal.

   For the possible existence of Hydra and agents, Zod does not intend to pay attention to them. The most likely they are to peek at the recipe and production methods of the secondary krypton gold.

   However, without Zod's key technology, even if they get the production process, it is useless.

   Blade Technology Industry For reasons that are not what it used to be, the new subsidiary "Blade Security Company" established by Zod was given the green light and directly established.

   Private military, security consulting company, responsible for security, training and logistics.

   is actually a department created by Zod based on the configuration of the umbrella company. Unfortunately, he does not have the cloning technology of the umbrella company. Otherwise, after catching a few mercenaries, he will have countless human body materials.

  Zhetian Health Products Co., Ltd. also announced that it merged into Blade Technology Industry and became the pharmaceutical department of Blade Technology Industry.

   This is how a huge industrial group was completed.

   And the discussion about Zod from the outside world became intense.

Young and promising, not only invented the vitamin ∞ health care product, it is said that more than 30% of the population in the United States is using vitamin ∞, and this number is still increasing, and those who take vitamin ∞ indicate that their body A lot of health.

At the same time, it has also developed new alloys, which have changed the material technology of the world. Now Blade Technology Industry has become an industrial group with a market value of more than 10 billion, although it is not as good as Stark Industries, Osborne Industries and even Han Silent industry, but the prospects for development are considerable.

   is simply the best young man of the year, and Time Magazine even gave Zod the cover of this issue.

   and Uuld also told Zod that he had been nominated for the top ten people of the century who influenced the world, but Zod was not interested at all, because Tony Stark had already won it before him, and he was just a nomination.

   Just kidding, the current Tony Stark is just an arms dealer, but he has developed a new type of alloy, which has changed the material field and industry all over the world, is it just a nomination?

   When Tony Stark became the first person in new clean energy, Zod was convinced.

  Osborne Industries is one of Zod's attention, because there is Dr. Connors that Zod wants.

That is, Dr. Lizardman who specializes in cross-species gene transplantation and reptiles. The current Dr. Connors has not yet become a Lizardman. He is still studying Super Soldier Serum for Norman Osborne to treat his retrocellular proliferation. Of course, Dr. Connors didn't know about it.

   It's just that this experiment is currently in a state of stagnation, because Dr. Connors can't solve the violent sequelae after the serum injection.

   "Osborne Industries also seems to be a suitable target, Norman should be dying."

Zod thought, UU reading www.uukanshu.com reverse cell hyperplasia caused no one in the Osborn family to live beyond fifty. Most of them died around the age of forty, according to Norman's situation. , He estimated that it will be soon.

   Otherwise Norman will not get more and more anxious. Zod doesn't know if he can cure Norman. After all, he has never seen retrocytosis, and doesn't know what it is.

   "Uuld, help me meet Norman Osborne and just say there is something about the curse."

  Zord thought for a while and said to Uuld.

With the current size and prospects of the Blade Technology Industry, it is natural that the secretary of Osborne Industry will not be stuffed into the waiting line. After receiving the contact from Ould, Norman Osborne realized that his family's secrets might be possible. Was discovered.

  If it's someone else, then Norman will naturally let the other person sink into the sea or disappear, but Zod Heath...

   Norman decided to go see him.

   "BOSS, Norman Osborne has promised to meet, and he will be here at around 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

   Urd reports to Zod.

   "Well, then you can arrange for someone to take him to the biological laboratory."

   Zod nodded.

   Urder was a little surprised, because the biological laboratory is the secret department of the Blade Technology Industry, and even her secretary with the most authority except Zord in theory is not qualified to approach or even understand the biological laboratory.

   But when I think that Osborne Industry is the main business of biotechnology, it may be that Blade Technology Industry wants to cooperate with them.

   The next day, Zod met Norman Osborn in the biological laboratory.

   He seems to be in good spirits, but Zod's super vision saw that Norman's face was actually very bad, but it was covered by a thick foundation.