
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 182: Troubled New York

"Maybe a spacecraft,...the landing place is in New York!"


Double scream again?



Can you let go of New York, what the **** did New York do wrong!

"Warning right away and evacuate people in New York!"

Nick Fury said with a black face.

In the center of New York, with the sound of the sirens, the ubiquitous sentinel robots around them immediately helped evacuate the people. There will be no situation of being trampled to death when falling to the ground, and no situation of running away.

A harsh whistling sound came from the sky, and red meteors swept across the clouds, staining the entire sky red. Immediately afterwards, a little scorching white light ball fell from the sky, smashing out a crater on the ground with a thud.

Even if the citizens of New York were far away, they didn't see this scene. Just hearing the loud noise knew that something happened in New York, maybe it was a weird person.

Those who witnessed this scene with their own eyes ran faster.

The shock wave whizzed around along with the impact, shattering the glass of the house and the car. The car was shaken or even overturned, and a large number of car alarms sounded.

"No! I just bought the car with a loan!"

"Ahhh, my Rolls-Royce Phantom!"

"My Bugatti Veyron! I just picked up the car today!"

A group of people who were crying heartbreakingly were soon taken away by the sentry robot.

They should have been stimulated to run wildly, so their offspring might evolve to run faster.

The TVs of thousands of households are showing footage of the crater, and the whole world is paying attention to unexpected guests.


The white smoke disperses!

Inside the crater, the spherical aircraft slowly opened, and a man wearing a combat uniform with a tail wrapped around his waist flew out.

"Is this the earth? A nice place, you can sell it for a good price."

Raditz sneered and looked around.

The cold words spread to thousands of households. Everyone realized that the visitors were not kind, but many people were very puzzled. Why do aliens speak English?

Raditz's combat effectiveness tester looked at a policeman holding a pistol.

"Huh, scum with only 5 combat effectiveness."

"Wow, alien monkey, new species, maybe I can have the right to name it."

Naturally, Stark is the one who talks about it, and he is the only one who never forgets to tease the enemy at any time.

Raditz looked at him, and a number jumped out of the combat effectiveness tester.

"The scum with a combat power of only 100."

Raditz sneered.

"Sorry, I think you must have not gone through the visa procedures. According to that international immigration law, you have to live in a small single room for a period of time until I call your home planet, let your planet pay the fine, and then extradite you. Go back to outer space. Okay, now pack your luggage and remember to bring soap and shower gel, otherwise it will hurt."

Tony Stark said with an unhappy face, although he didn't know what the fighting power meant, but Raditz's sneer and contemptuous attitude he heard.

"Shut up, scum!"

Raditz exploded Tony Stark with an energy bomb.

Fortunately, he had already put on the steel suit ahead of time, otherwise his life would be gone.

However, Raditz's energy bombs were not so easy to eat. His nano-suit Mark 90 was directly destroyed by more than half of the nano-robots.

"Damn it!"

Tony Stark was shocked by the terrifying power of Raditz's attack, and Raditz wondered why the opponent could withstand his attack. Although the attack just now was just a casual attack, even if it was 500 points of combat power, it would die.

"Before you asked who I am, I am in a good mood, so that you can understand and save you from dying unclearly."

Raditz with his hands on his hips, although Tony Stark is not dead, he still looks fragile.

Hulk and others who had arrived were also stopped, so it was good to listen to the enemy's intelligence.

"Wastes, clean your ears and listen clearly. I am a Saiyan from the planet Vegeta! You low-level civilization that can't even leave your home planet, you may not know what Saiyan means, then I Just put it simple..."

Raditz swept across the superheroes proudly and said loudly.

"We Saiyans are the strongest fighting nation in the universe!"


The superheroes took a breath. They only knew the strongest fighting nation on earth. It was the first time they heard of it in the universe. Although they didn't understand it very well, they felt so powerful.

Latiz ignored the panic in the venue and looked at Green Hulk with a grin.

"You are the most powerful warriors on this planet! What a coincidence, getting together saved me a lot of time. If you kill all of you, you can sell this planet!"


Latiz folded his hands together, and then suddenly let go, a large surging airflow blasted out from the center of him, and the pressure in the air suddenly increased. A terrible aura swept up, and a large area of ​​dust swept out in all directions like a storm blowing in the desert.

With the continuous release of Raditz's power, the ground began to rumbling and shake, and the small boulders were pulled out of gravity by the energy, and slowly floated beside him.

"What's the matter, is there an earthquake?"

"It's so powerful, it's like facing a typhoon..."

The superheroes stepped back and back, holding their hands in front of them, struggling to maintain their balance.

The enemy is too powerful, beyond imagination!


Raditz stepped on the ground with both feet, and the exploding muscles stepped out of a deep pit on the ground, rushing towards everyone like a cannonball.

Ben and Green Hulk, the largest stone men, became the first targets of Raditz's attack.

The Rockman hadn't reacted to ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and took a punch from Raditz. He felt as if his face had been scraped by a knife, and a large piece of stone chips splashed, and the whole person flew out.

Green Hulk's reaction speed is much faster than him. The main reason is that Hulk has experienced many battles now, and he has also accepted the fighting training of Zod. He is no longer the stupid man who only relies on a strange power to fight. A.

Raditz and Green Hulk punched at the same time, one big and one small fists slammed together. After a hard shake, the explosion shook other people.

Tony Stark rolled over, and most of his nano suit was scrapped, and he had no choice but to call the Veronica system for support.

Veronica immediately dropped the nano robot parts to Tony Stark.

Raditz's fist smashed through the surrounding air like a cannonball. The speed and strength of the heavy fist reached an unimaginable level, even blasting the air to create a sonic boom vacuum.

Lu Huoke took a hard punch, and after being repelled more than ten meters away, his anger made it stronger.

"Unexpectedly, I will improve my combat effectiveness..."