
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 154: accident

No one quit, just kidding, they all know that Excalibur is the most promising place in the world, and their agents are also eager to be like 007 and Brother Tom in the movie, they are also superheroes like Excalibur. It is possible to realize their wishes where they get together.

Of course, there are ill-intentioned people here, and there must be Hydra, but Zordhis doesn't care very much, anyway, in the end, they will all become their own people.

"The name Excalibur Bureau doesn't seem to sound very good, do you want to change it?"

Zordhis was thinking about other things at this time. He resolved the release of the speech in a few words, and there was no long talk. He didn't like this kind of face-saving work.

Anyway, the special agent training of the Excalibur Bureau is also very simple, at best it is more difficult than other special agent organizations.

When he got into the luxurious car, Estherston put his long legs on his lap.

The driver of the world snake looked straight ahead without squinting.

"Go to the Excalibur Bureau headquarters."

Zod said to the driver.

"Black silk is not for you, you should wear long boots."

Then Zod said to Esters.

"The little lover you booked has been pestering me lately."

Esders did not hear, and his long legs went deep into his suit along Zod's abdominal muscles, and Zod sighed.

"Which little lover?"

He asked suspiciously, do I have other humanoids besides the two of you?

Excluding the number 18, she is now at most a small cadre of the world snake, and she has also been mixed into the system of the Excalibur Bureau.

And it's still scheduled.

"It's that Emma."

Esther said.

Zord suddenly realized that Emma did go to the world every day recently. As a heart-inspired person, she has to complete a lot of tasks, so Zord is not surprised, just listening to what Esdes means, Emma seems to be Not doing business properly?

"What a naive little girl, thinking that you can get your approval by defeating me."

Esther looked like this man was really guilty.

Zod wondered whether he had done anything inferior to a beast to Emma, ​​he had never done anything to a beast, and there was nothing that Yang Guo had done for a lifetime.

Moreover, defeating Esdes... Emma really dared to think that although Esdes has little room to become stronger due to the strengthening of the sun, it has reached the limit of normal Kryptonians, but it is no exaggeration. In fact, Esther's combat effectiveness is on the entire earth, except for Gu Yi, Zod, Sentinel, Hyperion, and Lan Surprise who don't know if there are any, it is estimated that no one can beat her.

Everyone is probably crushed together. Oh, Mr. Fantastic, Reid may have a miracle. If Esdes kills him and Susan, he will most likely be hit by Franklin in the future. This is also how Zord treats them. The two turned a blind eye, and there was no reason to develop a relationship beyond friendship with Susan, because they were easily attacked by their son across the timeline.

Of course, there is also Zod's relationship with Marvel heroines and most of the female characters, because their free love and free marriage make Zod very unaccustomed.

It's almost everywhere to have relationships with people, and some are simply cheating and cheating. Except for a few female characters, most of them are like this.

In contrast, Zod felt that it was better to play with his own cyborg, after all, he was a second-generation wife in a proportional proportion.

"I have no interest in her."

Zod likes the type of beautiful big sister, Emma... it may be a few years later, after all, she has developed well in the original plot.

But Zod is still the same to her, as for Morgan, who is still studying at Kama Taj, and Wanda with unlimited potential... To be honest, Zod might consider whether to maintain the relationship with love for the power of the two of them.

There is also Qin Ge Lei that has not been found. In this universe without mutants, Qin Ge Lei's body definitely has fragments of the power of the phoenix.

That's the power of the phoenix!

Although the power of the phoenix was crushed by the power of the dragon, the power of the phoenix was still one of Zord's most desired powers.

With it, no matter what you face, you can fight it.

"The one named Wanda, Jessica, and the missing one named Morgan, are you not interested?"

Esther continued.

"I have you enough."

Zod caught Esther's trickster.

Although he thinks Esders is not suitable for black silk, a pair of dazzling white legs, covering it up, is the biggest sin.

But this kind of black silk that crossed the knees, and a section of the thigh exposed by Esther wearing a miniskirt, formed a perfect absolute field, so that Zord began to feel that the hormone secretion in his body was abnormal.

At this moment, Zod suddenly kicked the driver in front of him out of the car window. Esters was surprised when Zod was so anxious.

The car exploded!

However, Zod quickly walked out of the flames wearing Dark Knight armor, and Esther disappeared.

After Zodhis's research and control of electromagnetic force goes deep into the atomic field, he can predict part of the future by observing atomic motion. The scientific version of the super ability to predict the future is just that he predicted that a bomb will explode in a place where a car passes by.

"Is it another terrorist attack by a lunatic?"

Zod looked at the sewer that had been blown apart in a big hole. He visually saw that the bomb was installed in the sewer and detonated when he passed by. The car was blown up into the sky. At this time, it was already fragmented, almost torn to pieces. Up.

The nearby Excalibur Bureau agents immediately rushed out to protect the director of the Excalibur Bureau.

"I installed a bomb on my route. Didn't you check for suspicious persons in advance?"

Zod asked.

And his route is not fixed. In UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Excalibur Bureau, everyone who knows his route is from Zod.

Is it accident and coincidence?

"Sorry, Director!"

The Excalibur agents quickly admitted their mistakes and did not try to shirk responsibility.

After all, Zod is a BOSS who can control their life and death at will for them.

In the United States, someone used a bomb to attack the director of the Excalibur Bureau, which quickly mobilized the four major intelligence organizations in the United States.

The President of the United States and the Congress are very angry. At this moment, there are still people who dare to make troubles, and they simply don't take them seriously.

"No matter how much money you spend or how many people you use, you must find out the master behind the attacker!"

The congressional lords were furious. For the entire United States, the sky was falling. The entire New York, large and small, from the four major intelligence agencies to the film police, were all busy.