
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 145: Scientific research breakthrough

"I am a crab man who has eaten too much crab!"

What appeared in front of Tifa was a huge half-person, half-crab, um, the upper body was a crab, and the lower body was a human.

"Eat too much crab and turn into a weirdo?"

This is the first time Tifa has encountered this kind of nonsensical setting. He is a little at a loss. Should he kill it according to the rules or catch it according to the human law?

But the Crabman rushed towards her, and Tifa didn't think about anything when he saw it.

If it was the Tifa of the previous Final Fantasy template, it may not be so easy to solve the crabman, but now the Tifa with the Kryptonian soldier gene in the body just quickly gets close, and then a short jab, the crabman's abdomen is directly affected. The fight broke apart.

One punch Tifa, achieved!

Zod looked at Tifa knocking out the Crabman with a punch, and nodded in satisfaction.

The Kryptonian soldier gene is really suitable for fighting. It took a few days for Tifa to absorb the sunlight, and he was able to achieve 500 tons of boxing power. Compared with himself, who was still a scientific researcher, his growth rate was much faster.

Hulk can play as usual.

So I don't have to worry about the safety of my own woman.


If you want to ask scientific researchers where the most advanced technology in the world is, they will not say that it is in the United States, nor will they say that it is in the blade technology industry, but most of them will have a consensus.

In this world, the most advanced technology...the best in theory, there is no doubt...

They only exist on the drawings!

Especially in the top-secret research institutes of the current superpowers, there is no doubt that there are researches in this area.

In addition to the drawings left by a group of scientists who were so perverted to look like humans during World War II, there are also various imaginary drawings of modern times, and most of the technologies in modern national scientific research laboratories are undoubtedly The closest thing to the real thing of a theoretical drawing.

It's just that... the physical objects in the laboratory often have these or those problems. Among them, the two key issues of materials and technology have always been the obstacles to the practicality of experimental products.

And on the road of studying how to mass-produce, as far as the current scientific and technological strength is concerned, it will undoubtedly make its performance and theoretical data go farther and farther away.

In the final analysis, all physical and chemical problems can be attributed to material problems.

As long as the material is resolved.

Then everything is easy!

This is why Zodhis is called a genius beyond the century. His sub-Krypton gold almost made the world's fourth industrial revolution.

High temperature, high pressure, vacuum, low temperature, a variety of extremely harsh conditions, and materials that maintain performance in these environments...

For 70 years in modern times, why has science and technology not made much progress?

Due to material limitations, various alloys have been tried, but none of them worked until Zordhis was born.

The recent breakthroughs in dozens of important scientific and technological projects around the world are proof!

Although I haven't got full detailed information yet, most of the researchers and circles already know about this... the secondary krypton gold has played a considerable catalytic role!

Especially the aviation rockets whose production efficiency has suddenly doubled.

They learned that the reason comes from a batch of special tools created by sub-Krypton Gold!

It is with those tools that that country can suddenly speed up and increase production efficiency!

Those magical tools have greatly improved the efficiency of those senior technicians. For this, other countries can only envy and hate them, because they all know the so-called technicians and technicians who rely on their own hands to create miracles and miracles. How incredible.

It is the most important weapon of the country!

But under the cover of caring people, only a few big people and top experts in related fields know about it.

The effect of secondary krypton gold is more than that!

As a new type of alloy and new material whose material properties far exceed the upper limit of existing science and technology materials.

Their existence allows mankind to create epoch-making scientific and technological objects. It is no longer a moon flower in a well, but for the first time there is a tangible possibility of realization!

This alone is enough to make all major countries do everything they can to get them.

It's a pity that the only known source of output for this metal alloy is the blade technology industry of Zordhis, which makes them feel like they have nowhere to start.

After all, Zodhis is no longer a capitalist. He is now the director of the Excalibur Bureau. He controls hundreds of superheroes under his command. The superheroes have shown incredible abilities and powers in dealing with weirdos. Mankind is aware of the terrible nature of this group of superheroes.

In a laboratory building of Chongguo National Academy of Sciences.

A burst of cheers came from the bottom.

Immediately, this laboratory building attracted the attention of countless people, so that within a short while, hundreds of security guards arrived at the scene to perform security tasks.

"What's the matter, what breakthrough has been achieved? It makes those people so excited."

An academician came along and asked the person in charge.

The person in charge said with joy.

"It was Academician Li's project that made a breakthrough."

"Academician Li?"

The academician stopped and recalled for a while, the sixty-year-old man with a simple face and a little gray hair was overjoyed.

"So, Academician Li has researched new synthetic materials in electromagnetics?"

"Yes, it has been developed. It is reported that all indicators have reached the standard and exceeded the standard by many, so that the electromagnetic gun and other systems that are currently being vigorously developed have been strengthened!"

"Okay, this is a really great thing!"

The academician was happy, smiling like a child who had just celebrated his birthday.

He rejoiced.

"This is a world-class key research project ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is a big step in stagnant basic scientific research!"

"With this big step, our country can also have more bargaining chips to negotiate with foreign forces."

"Yes, in this way, we can also mass produce many large mechanical parts."

"I won't be so passive... Academician Li can also get the first prize of science and technology."

"It's definitely possible. How can it be so easy to achieve such a level of scientific research? This year, it will be him!"

"This is the glory of Academician Li!"

The academician said this and couldn't wait to meet with Academician Li, but was informed by the security staff that the entire team had been transferred.

This is understandable. After all, scientific research results of this level must be prevented from being destroyed by hostile forces or coveted by foreign forces.

What they didn't know was that the Spear Bureau did a good job in this regard, and most of the spies were killed or captured by the Spear Bureau.