
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 144: Glove control

Cosmic energy is the purest energy that has existed in the world since the Big Bang. Anyone who can absorb and control this power freely is a god.

The most typical is like the Cosmic Presbyterian Church. This group of people is a bunch of destructive races who absorbed a large amount of cosmic energy after the Big Bang, and thus gained immortality and invincible power in the world. For example, the Planet Devourer, Uncle Tun, one of the five creation gods, and his four ambassadors, including the Silver Glider, can also use cosmic energy freely. Another example is the cosmic **** group, which is jokingly called the "Marvel God-level combat power measurement unit." Because of the racial talent, all of the cosmic gods can absorb the energy of the universe for their own use, and they can also avail of strange abilities.

The above-mentioned people who can absorb and manipulate the energy of the universe with their bodies are all god-level bigwigs, and the eternal race to which Thanos belongs below the god-level is an exception. As the most perfect creature created by the Celestial Group, the Eternal Race can also absorb the energy of the universe with their flesh. At the end of a certain time and space in Marvel, there is an old grandfather Thanos who did not wear infinite gloves and did not wear any external accessories. He simply sucked in the cosmic energy and directly raised his strength to the realm of super gods. friend.

In addition to the bigwigs of the above-mentioned systems, if any of the conventional creatures in the universe wants to absorb the energy of the universe without their own ability, then the explosion and death will be the only fate.

As far as Zordhis knows, there are almost no alien races in the Marvel Universe that can control the energy of the universe. The Kerry Empire's research in this field should be second to none, but even so, what they can do at best is to use an extremely weak little bit of cosmic energy to make biological transformations-even so a hundred Kerry people undergoing transformation Not one of them will survive.

Zordheath felt that Gu Yi knew how to use the cosmic energy, but if he went to find Gu Yi, Zordheath was a little worried.

So forget it.

In the super Kryptonian state, Zordhis exploded at an unimaginable speed, flew out of the solar system, and then rushed back and forth.

I tested my speed and strength in this state.

The result made him very satisfied. After all, the Kryptonians themselves have superpowers. The demihumans in the game rely solely on Qi to strengthen their power. After becoming a super Kryptonian, not to mention, the hardness of the steel body has also increased. One hundred times, all-round one hundred times strengthening, so that Zordhis was a little reluctant to quit this state.

However, the air leak was still very serious, although he returned to blue quickly.

So Zordhis plans to see if he can get a super Kryptonian with full power.

Since Monkey King can do it, Zordhis thinks he can do it too.

After maintaining the super Kryptonian state for a day, Zordhis found a way to prevent air leakage.

In fact, it is very simple. It is to use electromagnetic force instead of the senses to go deep into the microscopic field and manipulate its own atoms and energy.

Putting it in Infinite Horror, this is the nuanced technique of the fourth-order genetic lock. Zodhis directly reached the position in one step, not only controlled his own energy leakage, but also mastered the technique of attacking deep into the atoms and energy.

It is no longer a dream to kill Wolverine with a punch, and the immortality is a joke in front of him.

Of course, if it's the undead on the mysterious side, Zodhis can't be killed.

"An electromagnetic force alone is enough for me to dig."

Zodhis felt that he had not stepped out of the field of electromagnetic force, let alone mastered the four basic forces.

It's deep inside.

As for the use of magnetic field martial arts, Zodhis has not yet figured out how to rub the cells to obtain such a powerful force.

Can cells also be rubbed?

Or, I have been unable to practice magnetic field martial arts for a long time because my three views are too real. I want to abandon these three views, thinking that I can do it by rubbing the cells?

Zordhis thought for a while, and felt that the style of painting was still forgotten.

He wandered back to the earth.

Gu Yi noticed that Zodhis seemed to have become stronger, and he really surprised himself again and again.

Ordinary time ability is estimated to be useless for Zordheath. If it were not because he was using the power of the time gem, Zordheath could even directly use electromagnetic force and gravity to distort time and decipher the influence of time on him.

However, the priority of time gems is too high, and Zodhis will be affected by it even if he tries his best, which is very helpless.

Otherwise, Zordhis would have done big things now, and would not be cautious step by step to test Gu Yi's bottom line. Once Gu Yi had something to say, he immediately retracted without hesitation.

"Speaking of which, Gu didn't express anything about my act of making weird people and then acting as a show."

Zodhis resumed his routine.

The weirdo is the first step in Zordheath's attempt. After Gu Yi did not come out to stop it, Zordheath was a little confused by the judgment standard of Gu Yi.

To say that she was only in charge of the Dimension Demon and various invasion events, why did she ran out to control it before.

But if she doesn't just take care of the invasion, her eccentrics have done so outrageously, and she can't come out.

Master Gu Yi, you are embarrassed by your repeated horizontal jumps.


A beautiful and mature beauty in a coat got off a black Chevrolet-like car with a "T1" license plate. The coat with only two buttons was buttoned to reveal the white shirt inside, and the forward could be seen without losing dignity Tall and straight.

Such a woman has a strong attraction to men of any age, especially when she does not deliberately release this but she has a cold look.

The agents in the blockade, wearing black protective suits instead of suits, couldn't help straightening their waists.


One of the agents saluted.

"How is it going?"

Tifa's inquiry ~www.mtlnovel.com~ should be a tiger-level disaster, but it is very rapid. We are responsible for sealing the surrounding area and waiting for the instructions above. "

The agent replied.

"Tiger, are there no other superheroes around here, where are the symbiote troops?"

Tifa nodded, then asked.

"The nearby superheroes have all gone to solve other weird disasters. The symbiote troops are currently in another city to clean up alien alien monsters."

The agent said quickly.

Tifa opened the blockade while wearing white fiber gloves and walked directly in.

She accidentally discovered that Zod is still a glove controller. Wearing gloves can make Zod more excited, but not all gloves. Zod only accepts the touch of leather gloves and fiber gloves, so Tifa prepared a lot. Gloves.

Zod is certainly not a glove control, just because this person is Tifa.