
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 139: Public institution private

Many superheroes don't understand how the Superhero Association wants to become an official organization. The main reason is that the usual reputation and reputation of politicians and capitalists is too low. This group of superheroes see too many disgusting things committed by politicians and capitalists. Bad things, I don't believe this group of people subconsciously.

However, Zodhis has no idea about their going or staying. The "Global International Strategic Attack and Defense Logistics Support Special Operations Agency" is just a title that allows the world snake to appear openly and exercise its privileges, even if all the superheroes in it are gone. Now, Zodhis can also pull a batch up immediately.

Like Tony Stark, they naturally know what benefits the "Global International Strategic Attack and Defense Logistics Support Special Operations Agency" has for superheroes. They helped persuade other superheroes and did not let them choose to leave.

Of course, there are still superheroes who feel different and inconsistent and choose to leave. This is helpless.

In this way, Zodhis became the director of the "Global International Strategic Attack and Defense Logistics Support Special Operations Bureau". He felt that the name was too long and too difficult to pronounce, so he put the "Global International Strategic Attack and Defense Logistics Support Special Operations Bureau The name was changed to "Excalibur Bureau", which is not the same as the Space Sky Sword Bureau created by Nick Fury.

The headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau was set by Zordhis as a battleship at sea, which is similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Air and Sky Mothership, except that the firepower and defense are the difference between the sky and the earth.

By the way, the insight plan of S.H.I.E.L.D. has also been cut in half because of the emergence of Excalibur. It is said that Nick Fury's face was very dark at the time, and it was so dark that other people could clearly see it.

The other black-faced person is Alexander Pierce. Finally, Hydra has been lurking diligently for so many years before infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. into a Snake Shield. He hasn't enjoyed the privileges of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sword game?

What is even more frightening is that the power of the Excalibur Bureau is still higher than that of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. It was originally intended to disband the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau and most of the agents joined the Excalibur Bureau.

However, the director of Excalibur Bureau Zodhis refused this point, and he said that he would choose someone to join him.

Alexander Pierce had no choice but to infiltrate the Excalibur Bureau like infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

However, the power of Excalibur was beyond his imagination. Dr. Zola was killed when he tried to invade the database of Excalibur, and he almost couldn't return.

And even if he came back, he was tracked to the address by the Excalibur Bureau. If he hadn't transferred his subject urgently, it is estimated that Dr. Zola is already in the Excalibur Bureau.

After all, the Excalibur Bureau is different from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. The field personnel of the Excalibur Bureau are all superheroes. I dare not say anything about the attack, but how can the few people and weapons in the Hydra base area be able to prevent the mixing of the World Snake agents? Excalibur Bureau Field Team.

"Agent Natasha Romanova, meet again."

Zodhis was sitting in the office of the Director of the Excalibur Bureau, looking at the black widow in front of him and said.

From the looks of it, this black widow, who is not Scarlett, is much more gorgeous than Scarlett, and her figure is even hotter and charming.

"Chief Heath, why would you agree with me to join the Global International Strategic Attack and Defense Logistics Support Special Operations Agency?"

Natasha was puzzled. Many of her colleagues, including Hawkeye, had retired because they failed to join the Excalibur Bureau.

Zodhis was silent. Can he say that it was because you were alone in the original plot. It doesn't matter if the power is weak, he can use X gene to strengthen, but the behavior mode and thinking mode are weak, then there is no way. Kuwen Novel Network

A group of big men finally had to rely on a woman's high consciousness to save, just like a group of boys who hadn't grown up, Zordheath simply didn't want it.

In contrast, Nick Fury, who doesn't have Batman's abilities, is also easy to use, so Zordhis will keep him in Excalibur.

Anyway, even if he suspected something, he couldn't do anything, because the supervisory department had all become Zordhis's since the first day in office.

Executive Deputy Director Nick Fury came to Zordheath for information on the first day he took office.

The superhero database is only available in Zordheath, and Zordheath also refused to open the superhero database to Nick Fury.

Just kidding, although Nick Fury is very reliable in most cases, but there are also pits, and a pit is a big pit, how can something as important as the superhero database be open to him.

After all, most of the superheroes currently do not want to reveal their true identities. Even the countries that established the Excalibur Bureau want to know the true identities of these superheroes, so Zordhess has done a good job of secrecy... In the mind.

Unless Mr. Fantastic Reid can get this information from Zodhith's mind, no one can know.

Agreeing and keeping the true identity of the superhero secret is also the reason why Zordhis can be placed in the world snake grandiosely. After all, there is no need to register the true identity, only the information of the Excalibur Bureau agents needs to be registered. In that case, he can even let The Red Skull can also be a Excalibur agent.

Countries can only rely on their own intelligence personnel to explore the true identities of these superheroes, but unfortunately they don't know that most of the superheroes are rootless waters, and it is impossible to find their true identities.


Seeing that Zodhis did not answer, Natasha asked again.

"Your abilities are very good, plus, if I don't take you in, where else can you, an old man who survived that period, go? Find a farm to be a farmer for the rest of his life?"

Zordhis pondered for a moment, and then said.

Natasha had a meal, UU reading www. uukanshu. com smiled.

"Secretary, it's very rude to expose the true age of a woman at will."

She approached Zordhis and looked at the talented and powerful man.

Even if Natasha had come over from that period and had seen a man who didn't know how many powerful, genius, handsome, and wealthy, no one could compare to the man in front of her at the moment.

At the same time, what Zordhis said was actually an unexpected answer for Natasha, but it was in line with her inner thoughts.

She is indeed unable to adapt to a peaceful life. Although she always complains to Nick Fury that she has no vacation and low wages, in fact, this act of justice is her salvation to herself. She does not know how much to do and how long to do it. Complete the redemption, but if she can, she will choose to keep doing it.