
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 135: Zodhis is crazy

"Zord, I know you are very anxious about this situation, but if the Superheroes Association really does this, then we will now turn from gray to black. After all, you need to know the opinions of the people in Congress on the people. It's actually optional."

Tony Stark shook his head.

Superheroes are now the beacon and white in the eyes of the people, and the gray in the eyes of politicians and capitalists are still acceptable.

But if the superheroes choose to enforce justice across borders, it's different.

Because politicians and capitalists are very sensitive to this kind of things, today you can enforce justice across borders to wipe out the terrorists, will you be able to kill the president with black material tomorrow?

Even if the Superheroes Association is now overwhelmingly popular and has won many people's support, if Zodhis participates in the next presidential election, it is likely to be elected, but in fact, politicians and capitalists only hold the so-called public opinion. It's nothing more than an attitude.

Once the line is crossed, there is a merciless blow.

Zodhis nodded, and then left.

Sure enough, in the end, I still have to go back to this road.

Whether it is because of the local people who will be punished, or the possibility of the Zandalar tribe's subsequent revenge against the Dark Knight Zod, Zordhis didn't want to see the incident of the truck exploding.

Since the superhero can't do it, let the devil do it.

Zordhis returned to the base enthusiastically, and the atomic composition quickly created the role he needed.

Hercules Hercules!

The image is the image of the Berserker in the Moon World, created in a one-to-one ratio.

During this period, Zordhis joined the blood of Green Hulk and the genes of the mutant "Gaia".

"Gaia" belongs to a mutant gene discovered by accident. This gene is very interesting. It can draw power from the ground to obtain three superpowers: super power, super defense, and super regeneration. As long as it touches the ground, the power will continue to flow. , And can even keep getting stronger.

It sounds a lot like Antai, the son of Poseidon and Gaia in Greek mythology.

Antai is the son of the sea **** Poseidon and the earth **** Gaia. He never feels tired, his body can absorb the power of the earth as soon as he touches the earth, so as long as he doesn't leave the ground, he has power.

The Hercules, which was originally shaped by Green Hulk + Red Hulk, is already a powerful and indestructible war weapon. Coupled with the Gaia variant gene, this huge black man has become invincible and indestructible. God of War!

Hercules was written by Zordhis.

The taciturn Hercules stood up.

"Go, kill all those Zandalar tribes for me."

Zodhis took Hercules teleported to the city of Benghazi in Libya, Africa, and then said to Hercules.

The chief of Zandalar is now thinking about how to avenge the Dark Knight Zod. The previous case of a truck that blew up gave him a good inspiration.

He was gazing at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows and was delighted that he had come up with such a good idea. When he came up with such a good idea, a carp flew up from below and tumbling in the air for several laps before hitting his floor-to-ceiling windows. Baidu Fiction

"What the hell?"

Chief Zandalari was dumbfounded by the broken glass splashed with blood all over his body, but this is a Karp, and he is on dozens of floors. How did this thing fly up?

At this moment, he heard gunshots and explosions resounding outside the sky. Looking down from the French window, he saw a **** man hitting the Zandalar Building he was proud of.

The Apache, who was too late to take off, was directly blasted by the black giant, and it was seen that Chief Zandalari's heart beats faster, bastard, that was the Apache that was finally bought! ! !

He saw his men set up an M2 large-caliber machine gun and swept at the monster.

M2 large-caliber machine gun, using large-caliber .50BMG ammunition, has the advantages of strong firepower, stable ballistics, and extremely long range, with a rate of fire of 450 to 550 rounds per minute.

The gun adopts the working principle of the barrel with short recoil, and the iron-carrying-down locking structure.

The gun adopts a single-pass feeding mechanism and a double-pass feeding mechanism. The guide post at the tail end of the boom lever is inserted into the curved groove on the top of the bolt. When the bolt moves back and forth, the feeding action is realized.

The gun uses a simple sheet-shaped front sight and a vertical frame type gauge, both the front sight and the gauge are placed on the receiver.

This thing is more powerful than the famous Barrett heavy sniper, which is equivalent to a burst of anti-material sniper rifles.

The original intention of most heavy machine guns is not to hit people, but to ensure that they can attack people behind the bunker or remove obstacles.

Not to mention that it is now eight heavy machine guns VS a flesh and blood body?

But the result was astounding. The black giant ignored the rain of bullets. The .50BMG warhead hit him, and even his skin could not be broken. Instead, after being approached by the black giant, he punched the car and the machine gun.


Three Zandalari soldiers aimed at the black giant with their long-lasting rocket launchers.

The roaring rocket was avoided by the black giant with his unimaginable physical skills. At the same time, he kicked a car and kicked the car into the air. It instantly flew over a distance of tens of meters, even There was a wave of air, and it stopped after hitting a wall, and the three Zandalar soldiers had no idea who owned this bone.

"Damn, he dared to do something to us!"

Chief Zandalar was stunned. From his point of view, the black giant was probably similar to the Hulk, the S-rank hero of the Superhero Association. After all, the two look very similar, because Zordhis has done a good job of confidentiality. Coupled with the destruction of the military's files ~www.mtlnovel.com~, the outside world has always thought that Hulk is like that, and they don't know the existence of Bruce Banner.

The Dark Knight Zod is a lunatic!

How dare he, how dare to let a superhero do such a thing!

Chief Zandalari has always felt that his courage and madness are far beyond ordinary people, otherwise he would not win out of more than fifty brothers and sisters and become the chief, but at this moment he found that he seemed to be more than Zordhis That's far away.

He is not afraid of the five gangsters, is he not, the United Nations has jointly sanctioned him?

What exactly is he going to do, does he want to put the superhero and himself above the law and the country? ? ?

For a while, Chief Zandalari only felt cold all over, he quickly pressed the phone with a trembling hand, and he wanted to tell the "big boss" behind him that Zordhis was crazy!