
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 133: Superhero resources

After Jessica Campbell became an A-level hero, she went to her friends to celebrate.

Wanda looked at Jessica enviously, she wanted a life like this kind of talent and no effort.

It's just that Wanda can only continue to study management, and Emma has no interest in Jessica becoming an A-level hero. She is the one closest to the secret of Zordhis.

With the gift of telepathy, Emma soon became one of the most popular girls in school.

Because everyone chats with her, they will be surprised that the other person is like a friend in the previous life, knowing themselves very well.

Even the little secrets and hobbies that are not known in the heart are clear.

Jessica and Wanda are no exception. Their hearts are completely defenseless in front of Emma, ​​and Emma can see their thoughts casually.

For example, Jessica's initial alertness, alienation, Wanda's enthusiasm from the heart and so on.

For Emma, ​​this is a very pleasant and relaxing time. There was no such life before.

In school, she has more and more friends and is deeply loved by teachers and classmates.

The results are getting better and better, because I can rely on my spiritual ability to cheat.

Gradually, Emma created a perfect image of a goddess with both character and learning.

At this point, Zodhis warned her that the abuse of telepathy can lead to unintended consequences.

After all, Zodhis rarely uses telepathy to spy on the hearts and thoughts of others, unless necessary.

Emma naturally obeyed on the surface, and still went her own way behind her back. Anyway, Zordheath could not find the trace of her telepathy.

As for the telepathy ability that stabilizes her own level, Esders is said to often disappear, so there is no need to worry that she will find herself using telepathy.

In fact, she still didn't know that Zodhis was ready to create a telepathic master and use him to supervise the mental situation of the entire United States.

Cooperate with the Black Queen to form the "clairvoyance and downwind ears" of the world snake.

"By the way, Emma, ​​I heard that your home is in Boston, won't you go back and have a look?"

Wanda asked Emma.

The dragon-level disaster has just raged in Boston.

"It doesn't matter, they evacuated in time and have left safely."

Emma smiled, then said.

After all, Emma belongs to the cadre of World Snake, and of course the cadre's family members have to be transferred in advance.

So Silver Fox Kara and the others are fine, even if Emma doesn't care about her parents, after all, a violent father, a mother who is drunk, drug-addicted, cheating, and an indifferent family cares.

Cara can make her care.

"That's good." v3 Academy

Wanda didn't think too much.


S.H.I.E.L.D. has been under great pressure recently, especially for Nick Fury.

The endless emergence of weird people makes S.H.I.E.L.D., which wants to protect the world's security and maintain world justice, seem so pale and weak.

They can't find the weird person the first time, but the Superhero Association can find the weird person the first time and arrange the people to evacuate.

They can't eliminate the weird people in time and reduce the loss, but the Superhero Association can eliminate the weird people as quickly as possible. Although Boston has lost hundreds of millions of dollars directly and indirectly lost more than one billion dollars, everyone feels it is acceptable.

After all, with the destructive power shown by the Asura Unicorn, if no one prevents it, the destruction of the entire Boston is only a matter of time, and this time will not exceed one day.

At that time, it may spread to other cities. After all, a dragon-level disaster is a crisis that can destroy several cities.

The Superheroes Association solved the Asura Unicorn in the shortest time, and the damage caused by the battle between the Asura Unicorn and the Hulk Hulk was within an acceptable range of loss.

It is precisely because of this that superheroes have also begun to attract the attention of governments of all countries. After all, all countries have tried for weirdos.

Conventional weapons and war machines can't produce effects, powerful weapons...not suitable for use in cities.

This is also the place where Zodhis saves his energy, otherwise, not everything can carry a fleet of naval guns to wash the ground or a row of aircraft's missile bombing.

Put the battlefield in the city, and then evacuate the masses in advance. The next step is the stage between superheroes and weirdos. Coupled with the ubiquitous multi-camera live broadcast of sentry robots, it shows the incompetence of governments and the heroism of superheroes. Fearless.

Zodhis is also planning to select several superheroes of handsome men and beautiful women and train them into superheroes.

Behind the splendor of the superhero is the incompetence of SHIELD. As a result, the funding of SHIELD has been reduced and reduced, even if Nick Fury makes trouble in the Security Council.

Because Alexander Pierce also realized that compared to the previous Super Soldier Project and Winter Legion, superheroes are obviously a potential unit far beyond imagination, especially Hulk, Golem, Iron Man Tony Stark, and Zod Heath, Fantastic Four, etc.

Each of them has the ability to solve a fully armed division on their own.

As a result, this power was completely in the hands of Zordhis. Hydra wanted to get this power, so they also sent many people to join the Superhero Association.

With Emma and the Black Queen, these people of course eventually became the world's snakes, but on the surface they were still agents of the Hydra.

They passed false information to the Hydra, while helping the world snake follow the vine and swallow more Hydra.

Even Alexander Pierce hadn't noticed that his Hydra had run out of it.

I am still immersed in the dream of getting the power of a superhero~www.mtlnovel.com~ In fact, it is not just Hydra that has realized the power of superheroes. Governments all over the world have also begun to recruit superheroes.

So much so that the weapon industry has been hit again, not counting Zodhis, he has successfully transformed into a superhero product.

It's just not for sale. Every day, countless capitalists waved money and wanted to invest, but they were all turned away by Zordhis.

There is no anti-monopoly law, so Zordhis doesn't need others to join in and dictate, he wants to monopolize this resource.

Of course, the external argument is that Zodhis stepped up to serve as the backing of the superheroes and prevented them from persecution by the authorities and capitalists. Most of the superheroes were not well-educated and did not have a good impression of capitalists. After all, the capitalists of the United States of America. There are really not many good things that have been done, and the official is the same.