
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 132: Superhero Association Test

"The next step is to arrange a fan meeting."

Zodhis asked the Black Queen to write down the schedule, arrange for Hulk to meet with fans, and increase the superhero's affinity among the people.

"What else?"

Zodhis asked the Black Queen.

"Today Jessica Campbell is going to participate in the Superhero Association test."

The Black Queen replied.

Jessica Campbell decided to become a superhero, and given that she could persevere in the kind of hellish superhero training, Zordhis agreed.

Anyway, her grades in school are not good, none of the dozen or so subjects that Zordhis has arranged for her has made a difference. It's okay to be a superhero.

"Open the live video, let me see."

Zodhis said with interest.

So Zordhis saw the test site of the Superhero Association, where a lot of people were queuing to become superheroes.

Inside the association is a huge test field with an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters. Viewing this area from the outside is like a big egg laid by a monster. Today, 500 people who are preparing for the primary (F-level) hero test are gathered in it but unremarkable, which also illustrates the extraordinary financial resources and power of the Superhero Association itself.

The wall as the 'egg shell' is divided into 5 layers, and the high-performance plastic is used as a support for the honeycomb structure to be added to the shell, followed by a buffer solid-liquid layer and some other facilities. This is also an evacuation project that is believed to be able to resist dragon-level monsters. (Of course it is impossible.)

Jessica Campbell was among them.

"Please note that this assessment is divided into five stages. Written test, speed and endurance test, bounce test, strength test, ability destructive test. Now enter the second stage."

The sound of the broadcast began to detail the test content.

"Are there no tests of neural response speed and cell viability?"

Zod asked the Black Queen.

"Sir, the nerve response speed is actually not easy to test. Normal F-class heroes have almost the same test results before they have undergone a period of training (a sealed room to avoid ball hits in all directions). Level B heroes, they have the basic ability to dodge bullets or ignore light firepower at this stage. Therefore, the limit of nerve reaction speed is also difficult to detect."

The Black Queen replied, after all, to become a B-rank hero, in addition to merit, the requirement is to be able to ignore the threat of light firepower.

The first round of written examinations is over at this time. Except for part of the test of hero personality tendency, the rest are questions that require professional knowledge. For example, how to rescue the people who are enclosed on the first floor at the fire scene, what location to break the building structure without compromising the overall balance, and how to deal with burns as an emergency. Others are even more diverse, including biology, medicine, and physics. The whole paper is comparable to the examination level of doctoral students.

At this time the speed and endurance test began.

The testers on the field all put on the sportswear prepared by the association, which also prevents the use of items to cheat.

The time limit is ten minutes. The basic condition for passing the test is that the speed of 100 meters enters within 7 seconds, and the speed can be maintained for ten minutes.

For ordinary people, this kind of test is completely a joke.

However, those who can pay a large amount of registration fee to participate in the test are basically at this level.

As far as the current progress is concerned, only two-thirds of the people have been brushed down.

Is Marvel World so Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?

Zordhis feels very exaggerated about this data.

Thanks to the wide test field, 50 people can be easily arranged for each test.

Jessica Campbell came on the field very quickly. This kind of test couldn't stop her at all. She reached the finish line at a speed of Yiqi Juechen, stunned the test officer.

Except when the Superhero Association was first established, a variety of powerful superheroes emerged in an endless stream. After that, testers rarely met such superheroes who were more than others.

After screening out some people with insufficient physical fitness, the final destructive test of ability is about to begin.

"The ability destructive test begins, please enter the area according to the number to prepare."

The moment the broadcast sounded, the entire platform began to descend at a slow and steady rate, and half a minute later, it merged into a larger square.

Physical damage, non-physical damage.

There are such simple and rude signs on both sides of the square, and behind it is a closed test room. It is also to protect the hero's ability information.

For example, if a person with high-speed mobility is learned about his detailed abilities, his opponent can create a variety of speed-limiting venues, and those with mental abilities can be embarrassed by moving bricks and knocking down.

Of course there are always people who are strong enough or who are overconfident...

Of course, Jessica Campbell chose the physical destruction test.

It was already two hours after the arduous test was over.

Those F-class and E-class heroes who struggled to pass physical fitness tests such as speed and endurance have also retired, and now they are beginning to conduct super destructive tests.

This link is set up for those who have special abilities or strong strength, as long as they pass the test, they can even become an S-rank hero in one step. Of course, few people have succeeded.

After all, Zodhis is very strict with S-rank heroes, and even Spider Silk Gwen and Venom are just mixed with an A-rank hero.

The normal super-destructive test is actually shooting a target, using the strongest means to attack the test wall, and then calculating the impact force and some additional factors (collateral damage such as poison speed, flame, lightning, etc.).

Now, the target is... an S-rank hero.

Of course it cannot be Tony Stark. Although his steel suit has been updated to Mark 45, he does not have blood-side armor. Tony Stark, who is armored by the gods, is still very weak, and Zordhis is also Worrying that a powerful superhero will suddenly appear, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will blow him up with a few punches, which is not good.

So it is another S-rank hero, the stone man.

The strength appraisal made by the S-rank hero himself must be more accurate than a rigid instrument.

At the same time, these guys who have just become superheroes understand the gap between themselves and the superheroes on the ceiling.

Not everyone is a Sentinel, Blue Marvel, Rising Star.

So so far, the Stone Man has not met anyone who can be eye-catching.

Naturally, Jessica Campbell is no exception, but he was able to give her an A-level evaluation with joy.

Then Jessica Campbell passed all the tests and became an A-level hero.