
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 13: Powerful armor

At this time, when Jin has not revealed his true colors, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a great philanthropist and entrepreneur.

   "That's not right, doesn't Jin have a bullseye? Want to come to me?"

  It's easy to see who the employer is. Of course, it is not ruled out that the person behind the fan is afraid that he may bite and get involved with him.

   After all, they dare to bite the gold and merge, the ghost knows what kind of brain this madman is.

   I can only say that Jin and Mrs. Gao, who has recently caught up with the Association, are selling fans. It is estimated that they have made a lot of money, and they are so generous.

   In fact, Jin is also afraid that the white devil will not look down on it because of the lack of money. The bullseye is now sent by him to do other tasks. There is no way to come back. He can only count on the white devil who has recently risen to fame.

  Zod took a look. The target is now detained in a tight prison in New York. It is not a problem to break through, but he may be noticed by the Snake Shield. He will definitely be heavily protected when he appears in court to testify tomorrow.

   Only the time on the road can be assassinated.

   But Zord feels that he is still a quick fight, he doesn't have so much time on a task.

   Passing the Midnight Hotel, Zod quickly arrived in New York, and then flew to the target prison.

   He intends to sneak in and kill the target directly.

   Zord, who opened the perspective eyes, easily found all the surveillance locations, and then just as he opened the God's perspective, avoided all guards and surveillance, and found his goal, Dai Qi.

  Dai Qi is panicking. There are no other prisoners in his cell for safety, so as not to be charged and bribed the prisoner to kill him in the prison.

   Zod used thermal vision to cut off the lock. Before Dai Qi could react, he pressed a hand on the top of his head.

"Do not--!"

   Dai Qi could not shout out, after all, Zod is not a person who likes nonsense.

   After breaking Di Qi's neck neatly, Zord left quickly.

   In the early hours of the next morning, New York City Police Chief George Stacy came to the prison to pick up the prisoner. He brought a large number of police officers, but in the prison, he saw Deqi who had long since died in anger.

   "What's the matter, the prisoner is dead?"

   George's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly stepped forward to see if the other party could be rescued, but he found a cold and stiff corpse, which was completely cold.

   "Impossible, we have been staring at it last night!"

   The warden was in a cold sweat, and the prison guards looked at each other. They all looked at each other to prevent the prison guards from having black police officers. No one left, and the prisoner died?

   "The door lock was directly cut open by the high temperature. Didn't you hear such a big movement?"

   George looked at the scene and found the burnt black on the door lock and the traces of metal melting. He immediately made up the scene of the killer using electric welding to fuse the door lock. The movement was not small at all!

  He has a dark face and intends to strictly investigate everyone in this prison.

   It took a while for the midnight hotel to get the information. They all thought that the white devil who took over the task was going to kill the target on the road. They never expected that the white devil would sneak into the prison. How did he get in?

   Zod received the bounty, and now he doesn't need cash anymore. It feels too troublesome. He asks the Midnight Hotel to transfer directly to his account.

   As for whether it will attract the attention of the IRS, this is too small to underestimate the Hydra. Maybe there are Hydra undercover agents in the IRS.

Jin Bin was also very surprised that the White Devil actually chose to kill Dai Qi in prison, and he succeeded, without making any noise. This made Jin Bin a heart of love for talents. After all, the bullseye was such a capable man from the Midnight Hotel. The white devil dug from the inside, even if it can't match the bullseye, it's not much worse.

   It's just an experience that the Midnight Hotel keeps the information of the White Devil in high-level secrecy, and Jin doesn't want to know that it will take some more time.


   Three months later.

   Zod went back to his home quietly, carrying a large amount of vibrating gold in his hand.

   The basement is full of waste products that have failed to make preparations. They are all semi-finished battle armors. It is estimated that they will cause a sensation when they are taken out, although they cannot be used.

   But today I can finally complete my armor.

   After an unknown number of attempts, he finally found the perfect ratio of krypton gold and vibrating gold, so today he spent all his money and bought vibrating gold back.

The thermal vision has been able to evaporate the steel at this time. Zod doesn't know how much temperature it takes to sublimate the steel. Anyway, it's terrifying. He uses it to heat the krypton gold and vibrating gold, and then mixes the two high-temperature liquid metals with his bare hands. Hours, finally made a battle armor!

  The black and non-reflective armor shape fits the outfit of a superhero very well. In terms of fashion value, it is estimated to be a super hero among superheroes.

Krypton and Zhenjin make this armor almost indestructible. It is almost because Marvel is a place where books are always eaten. Zod doesn't know if Zhenjin can hold on. The energy source of the armor is the wearer. , So no one except Zod can use this set of armor. Each arm has a row of arm blades, which can be manipulated to pop out or retract. UU reading www.uukanshu.com can also use thermal vision to heat the arm blades to form heat. Melting knife, used to cut most things.

In addition to the arm blades, there are steel claws that imitate Wolverine. The steel claws can also be heated with thermal vision. Because the user is Zord himself, the armor has no long-range attack ability. He can get close to the enemy at once. What long-range attacks are still needed.

   Zod named-the sun **** battle armor.

   After the battle armor was completed, Zod put on it and took a flight.

   It feels very good. The energy supply program designed by Zod is very suitable for his own energy situation. Unfortunately, the lack of materials and key technologies, otherwise Zod can be smart.

  The Sun God Battle Armor has a built-in super battery, which can store the energy that Zod usually releases, and can also store solar energy in the sun.

   Because he has seen Superman overturning countless times, Zod felt that he had to prevent this from happening, so he could only make a spare armor.

   As long as the Sun God armor has energy, it can exert a good combat effectiveness. If he falls into weakness due to magic or red sun light, he will be able to turn directly after wearing the Sun God armor!

   "Maybe we can add a high-frequency sword? After all, I might not even be able to use thermal vision."

  Zord thought.

   Falling into the paranoia of persecution and the phobia of insufficient firepower, Zod looked at the Helios War Armor he had just created, and felt that his previous ideas were not enough.

   Fortunately, it's just an addition of weapons, so there is no need for major changes.

   High-frequency sword technology has long existed in Krypton, but most Kryptonians are keen on hot weapons and will not use this silly technology that uses high-tech on cold weapons.