
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 126: Was targeted

To Zordhis's surprise, the entire medical examination process was completed, and Gu Yi did not appear.

He also wanted to ask how Morgan was going when Gu Yi appeared.

After all, she is the daughter of the Dimension Demon, maybe it is a Marvel DC raven.

"Could it be that Taj Kama had an accident? Gu Yi finally died?"

Zodhis thought for a while, but didn't care.

Mr. Lan who contacted Bruce Banner, the big boss, had been arrested by Zordhis in advance. Therefore, the blood sample sent by Bruce Banner was also in Zord's hands.

"Does my power come from his body?"

Bronsky looked at Bruce Banner, about to move.

"Accurately, it's not."

Zodhis corrected Bronsky's statement.

In fact, he thinks that the Banner family and the Rose family may have blood problems. Normal people will die if they are exposed to gamma rays, but they will become giants if they are exposed to gamma rays. What are you going to do?

What Zordhess injected was General Rose's blood and transformed him into abomination. The effect was similar to Hulk serum.

At the same time, he has quietly asked the members of the World Snake to collect all samples of Rose's daughter, Banner's wife Betty, who is also the Red Giant, and Banner's cousin, Jennifer Susan Walter. Si, that is, the female Hulk.

The other members of the Hulk family have not been found yet.

After the medical examination was completed, Bruce Banner was given a suit of his own.

"Uh, I don't need a battle suit."

Bruce Banner looked at the battle suit in front of him and said awkwardly, there is no battle suit that can withstand the Hulk battle.

"Try it, Dr. Banner, this suit is made of special fibers and is indestructible."

Zordheath said that it was actually the vibrating fiber, but of course he could not say it blatantly. After all, Wakanda had lost hundreds of tons of vibrating gold, although Zordheath no longer needs to steal it. , After all, the atomic composition is enough for him to get all the matter, and Zhenjin is among them.

Although Bruce Banner didn't expect much, he still put it on, just as an attempt.

Just when Zordheath got a Hulk sample and was about to go back and try it, a man dressed in aristocratic clothes, holding a gentleman civilization stick in his hand, combed his hair to match Zordheath's blue dyed hair gel hand hairstyle. Fighting is a type of flies flying up to stand unsteady, just one word, silky!

This middle-aged aristocratic man was originally going to go in one direction, but when he passed by Blade Technology Industry, he suddenly stopped.

"The breath of hell..."

The man looked at Blade Technology Industry, then changed direction without hesitation and walked in.

Neither the security guard wearing a war machine at the door nor the monitoring of the Black Queen seemed to have seen this man, let him go in.

The sound of the crutches rang out in the corridors of the Blade Technology Industry. Unlike others, he frowned almost when the crutches fell on the floor of the Blade Technology Industry Building.

However, there is no special reaction in the magnetic field in his perception, and there are no unusual changes in the atoms. Everything looks normal?

He put down the research in his hand, the Dark Knight armor covered his whole body, and then walked out of the laboratory.

He feels that something is wrong is the biggest one. In this regard, Zod believes in his own feelings. Although he is a scientific researcher, everything should be based on data and laws, but sometimes people's feelings are so mysterious.

When Zod pushed open the atomic alloy door in his laboratory that required 500 tons of force to open, he saw a man dressed as a middle-aged noble gentleman, and this man was in the magnetic field and There is no such thing in the atomic realm!

"Good evening, Zodhith."

The man said with a smile.

"who are you?"

Zord Histon knew that he had encountered the enemy he didn't want to encounter, the enemy on the mysterious side.

Thinking of this, the dragon power tattoo under the dark knight's armor lit up, allowing Zodhis to see the true face of the opponent.

Razor-like teeth, horns, recurved hooves of the body, plus the darkness surrounded by black mist.


"Who I am, it doesn't matter, Zodhith, the important thing is, you have the breath of hell, have you been to hell?"

The man appeared to Zordheath's side out of thin air, he slowly circled around Zordheath, and then said.

When he said this, Zord Histon understood something.

It is estimated that he and Gu Yi went to the **** dimension for five days, and as a result, he was stained with the breath of the **** dimension, and then he was targeted by the devil?

At the same time, Zodhis also guessed the identity of this devil. Except Mephisto, no devil could dare to wander around the earth so arrogantly during the reign of Gu Yi, even though he is only a projection now. , Not the ontology.

Mephisto is indeed here for this reason. As one of the masters of Hell Dimension Fragments, he has a very obvious ability to recognize Hell Dimension Fragments that he has never seen before. He does not see the Hell Dimension aura on Zordhis. However, it was preliminarily judged that the other party had gone to a new fragment of **** dimension that he had not seen!

This will undoubtedly make countless demons and demons go crazy, and Mephisto is no exception.

Zordhis, who knew why the other party came, knew that there was no possibility of negotiation, and the power of the dragon appeared immediately.

The dark blue dragon hovered vividly on Zodhis, setting off him like a **** like a Buddha.

Mephisto's pupils shrank even more. uukanshu.com is a well-informed **** lord who has lived for so long and has not been killed by anyone. Of course Mephisto knows the power of the dragon, and also knows that the power of the dragon once blew the power of the phoenix.

Damn it!

This projection of him was sent over with great difficulty. Before Mephisto could say anything, Zordhis had already punched it!

The power of the dragon was wrapped around the fist, producing the same effect as the Monkey King Dragon Fist.

Mephisto's projection was impacted by the power of the dragon, and instantly disappeared and disappeared!

"It doesn't seem to be very strong?"

Zordhis looked at the disappearing Mephisto, feeling a little strange.

Although it was a projection, it should also have power. In order to beware, Zordhis just made a full shot and stopped at the critical moment, otherwise the blow would be enough to razing the entire New York to the ground.

In any case, it is troublesome to be caught by the old devil Mephisto.