
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 122: Sorry, if you have money, you can do whatever you want

"Don't underestimate a veteran military industry, you still have a lot to learn, kid."

Tony Stark said with a smile.

New Stark's industrial transformation only produces light industry and energy products, but it does not mean that there is no way to produce military equipment.

"Mr. Heath, I have a question."

Susan said directly.

Mr. Fantastic Reid was rejected from the Superhero Association's application, which makes the Fantastic Four feel strange to others, but for this reason, the representative of their small team in the Superhero Association is Susan.

"Please speak, the invisible woman."

Zod looked at her.

"It is undeniable that such a system is indeed very advanced and useful."

Susan came up and said something on the scene first.

"However, if you really do this, the association will inevitably gradually become a bloated and decadent organization. It will be just like those bad organizations."

"The heroes fight for their own interests."

"Or climb up desperately."

Susan's question, other people think it makes sense after listening, or they have seen too many similar situations.

They joined the Superheroes Association because Zodhis stood up and called for them. They just wanted to enforce justice, but they didn't want to be the kind of people they used to hate and contempt.

"I know that no system is perfect, or even if there is a perfect system, it will be crooked by others."

Zod nodded, then said.

"Therefore, we need a system of levels, rewards and punishments that are as perfect as possible. In addition, we also need a truly selfless power-holder who is responsible for controlling all affairs of the association and avoiding some people fighting for rights and interests. The leaders of the Association make the association move towards a better development."

"In addition, set up an overseer, the Sword of Damocles, to punish those who have fallen."

"Good idea, but in this way, the power of that person in power is too great."

Tony Stark knows this very well.

"So, I am the one in charge. I have gained money, reputation, and power. I have no interest in many things, and there will be nothing that can seduce me. As for the supervisor, this position is temporarily vacant."

Zodhith thought for a while, planning to find some time to dig out the popsicles, and it felt appropriate to have the popsicles as the supervisor.

Others can't refute Zordheath at all, and Tony Stark's mouth is flat, there is no way. After all, the Superhero Association was founded by Zordheath, and the popularity is still very high. Now even if he goes out to get a League of Legends Can't compete with Zodhis.

"Zod, the reporters are already waiting."

Uuld came over and said.

The Superheroes Association had already had reporters to release news before, and its own Global Daily News naturally got the first-hand news, which was a whole day faster than other newspapers.

Now, because of the completion of the Superhero Association Building, journalists are required to help announce the news.

When Zod walked into the venue, a large flash of light could directly blind people's eyes.

But what big storms and waves did Zord have not experienced? He walked onto the stage with a smile at the president level, and stretched out his hand to signal that everyone can be quiet.

Some female reporters think this smile is really good (money blessing).

"Mr. Zordhis, the identity of the other superheroes of the Superhero Association should also be exposed!"

At this time, a reporter asked a sharp question.

Zord didn't say a word, just staring at the talking reporter.

"what happened?"

The reporter was stared at by the cold eyes of the big capitalist, felt the great pressure, and couldn't help asking.

"Sir, I can ask, what do you mean by this, is it purely for gossip, or something else?"

Zod asked coldly.

"Of course it's not gossip, and I'm not that kind of third-rate entertainment reporter!"

The reporter immediately said loudly.

"is it?"

Zod replied non-committal.

"Then I can understand that you are one of those criminals."

"Hi! What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it?"

Zod raised his eyebrows and said.

"If not, why would you want to know the true identity of a superhero, and what do you want to do?"

No one can stand such a big hat on.

"I'm just, curious, human nature."

The reporter said in a panic.

"Is that so?"

Zod looked at the others.

"Are you curious?"

"It's a little curious."

"But we won't ask on such occasions."

"Do you know how dangerous it will be once their true identity is revealed?"

Obviously, most reporters are very sensible (collected money).

The reporter was immediately pointed at by Qian Fu.

"As an association, you even accept donations! We ask to know what's wrong with the identity!"

Perhaps it was the broken jar, or perhaps the counterattack point was found, the reporter suddenly said loudly.

"No, you are wrong. The Superheroes Association does not accept any donations. Blade Technology Industry is solely responsible for this."

Zod said awe-inspiringly.

"I am here, and Blade Technology Industry is here. That's enough. The identities of other heroes will be top secret and will never be announced unless they are willing. Heroes shed blood is enough. I don't want us to fight, There will be knives or doubts from behind."

"That's it, anyone else has any questions?"

Zod put his hands on the table and leaned forward to look at everyone.

Those who originally planned to make a difficult, or blind comparison realize it.

The dark knight Zord is not that easy to talk.

In addition to being a hero, other people ~www.mtlnovel.com~ are also the founders of the giant Blade Technology Industry.

It's not good to offend such a big capitalist in order to explode or have a brief talk.

What an uncrowned king, it's okay to lie to children.

"You, you, do you think you can do whatever you want with money!"

The reporter was furious, and felt timid, fearful, and irritated towards the tall figure of Zod (money blessing), and couldn't help snarling.

"Sorry, being rich means being able to do whatever you want, but I don't think you will understand this in your life."

Zordhis said that as a big capitalist, this feeling is really good.

He really didn't lie. It's just a superhero association. How much money can be spent, not to mention the oil field that just started, just the secondary krypton gold sucker monster is enough to make Blade Technology Industry have endless money.

After all, the rabbit's bottomless pit purchases secondary krypton gold, 10,000 U.S. dollars per gram can be collected.