
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 12: Vibranium

"Hello, white devil."

   Thomas, the manager of the Midnight Hotel, raised his glass to Zod.

"what is that?"

  Zord felt inexplicable, and at the same time he took a glass of absinthe and took a sip.

   mellow taste and intoxicating aroma...

   "Don't you know, this is the awe of your powerful strength from other colleagues, you have your own nickname."

   Thomas smiled and looked at Zod, and did not forget to clink glasses with him to show his congratulations.

   "It doesn't sound very good, it's better than a simple and straightforward **** of death."

  Zord feels too vulgar about this nickname.

   After five million-level missions were completed in one go, Zod became a legend of the Midnight Hotel and a legend of the killer world.

After all,    is completed continuously, there is no preparation time at all, even if there is a killer who wants to challenge, he will shrink back when he sees this record.

  Zord is in a good mood. He can earn more than 10 million in a short period of time and become a multi-millionaire. It is a joy to behold.

   Although it is said that in capitalist countries like the United States, multimillionaires are everywhere.

   In his spare time, Zod wants to create a stronger armor for himself.

On Krypton, Zod's birth is scheduled to be a researcher. He will naturally choose the aspects of his interest for research. Of course, as a traverser, it is impossible to do research alone. He also specially made friends with General Zod. Guys, the idea that you can subdue them in the future...but now it's gone.

   The armor he is now wearing is Zod's own work, which is made of super alloys extracted from Kryptonian metal and collected alien minerals. This super alloy is called "krypton gold" by Zod's evil taste.

Krypton gold is very strong, heat resistance, anti-strike, toughness and hardness are very high. Although the armors on General Zod and the others gave them strong combat power, they are very fragile. After all, the battle between the Kryptonians is too strong. , Ordinary materials cannot withstand the destructive impact caused by battle.

Krypton gold is different. In front of most of the weapons of Krypton, Krypton gold can remain intact. Even the super weapons that Kryptonians are afraid of are only changing the surface of Krypton gold, but Krypton gold itself can absorb energy to repair. own ability.

  Zord doesn't expect the combat effectiveness of the armor, but he doesn't want to worry about his clothes halfway through the fight, so let's get a stronger armor.

   As for wearing the same tights as Da Chao, Zod expressed his shame, but he couldn't accept it.

   He came to the Midnight Hotel today, just to get some vibes through the channels of the Midnight Hotel.

   Vibration is not unique to Wakanda. After all, there is an inner ghost smuggling vibrancy in Wakanda. Even Ultron can get enough to build a vibrating body. Zod thinks it should not be so difficult to just ask for some.

   And Black Panther's father, Tchak, in order to send domestic bachelors to study abroad, so that Wakanda can become a high-tech country, he also sold a small amount of vibrato.


   Thomas naturally also heard of this alloy. It comes from a backward African country and the number is very small, but it seems to have increased recently.

   "Ten thousand US dollars per gram, this is just a normal price, the actual price is still very high."

   Thomas said that he could do nothing, not because the hotel was unable to get it at midnight, but because the price of Zhenjin was very exaggerated.

   is exaggerated enough to bankrupt a multi-millionaire.

   "I have more than 8 million in my account, how much can I buy?"

   Zod asked without blinking his eyes, money is just a tool, of course you have to spend it when you need it, not to mention that guarding the midnight hotel is a gold mine, and you can make money with your own ability.

   "Wait a minute." Thomas dialed the phone and looked at Zord after a brief conversation.

   "Up to five hundred grams."

   Thomas didn't make his own claim, but asked his superiors before telling Zod.

   So expensive?

  Although I have been mentally prepared for a long time, the price is still beyond imagination.

No wonder even Tony Stark doesn't have a vibrating jersey. After all, he always updates. If he uses vibrating to make a jersey, the Mark 3 weighs 90 kilograms. Even if the vibrating is a very light metal, that's enough. The astronomical number of bankruptcy for most people.

   Zod rested in the Midnight Hotel for two days, caressed the box with the vibranium in his hand, it was time to leave.

   The efficiency of the Midnight Hotel is very good, which made Zod more sure that there must be Hydra behind the Midnight Hotel.

   When he returned to his home, the villa had been built. Zod went directly into the basement, where he was prepared for his studio and research institute.

   He first checked the vibration data.

   Hardness is not comparable to krypton gold, but the special properties of vibrating gold is its most valuable place.

   The molecule itself will not increase significantly when absorbing the mechanical energy. The external vibration energy is stored to form the molecular bond of the vibrating gold. As a result, if the vibrating gold absorbs a considerable amount of vibration energy, it will be extremely hard. UU看书www. uukanshu.com but it is not clear what the upper limit of the amount that can be stored is, if there is an upper limit, it should explode and release the absorbed energy.

  Krypton gold is full of resistance to various attacks, heat resistance, cold resistance, corrosion resistance, stable structure, not affected by high-frequency vibration, resistance to kinetic energy, and so on.

   "It's only a pound of vibrating gold, and I can't study anything."

   Zod frowned, if he could find the perfect ratio between krypton gold and vibrating gold, he would be able to create an indestructible armor.

And Zod is also very interested in the original Edman alloy and the true Edman alloy, but there are no mutants in this world, so it is naturally impossible to obtain the liquefied true Edman alloy. The original Edman alloy is only Captain America. The formula of the true Edman alloy is only known to the US military. The problem is that the production is extremely rare, and the worse secondary Edman alloy is currently popular.

   "So, I still have to make money."

  Zord needs more vibrating. Before Ultron comes out, there is no need to worry about the price and the market.

   I turned on the black phone, and the tasks on it were densely packed and there were so many demands. I really don't know how so many people die every day in this world.

   Then Zod saw a task naming himself.

   With Zord's current fame and skill, he has arrived at the task and chose him instead of looking for the task by himself. There are many people who name him, and it's another matter if he doesn't look good.

   However, this employer was very generous and gave seven million dollars directly, just to solve the goal.

   And the target, Zod looked at it. He was a fan seller, with conclusive evidence, ready to go to jail, but at this time the fan seller broke out and said that he knew the shady of Wilson Grant Fisk, and he was going to testify in court tomorrow.