
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 119: Pretend to be unsuccessful

Compared to Zordhis's efficiency, other people suddenly felt like they were very useless.

And Zordhis felt that he should also show some strength, so in his hand, nano-robots gathered to form a gun.

This gun is full of sci-fi styling, which makes people know that it is very high-tech at first glance.

Tony Stark looked at the changes in the nanobot on Zod, thoughtfully.

Strong melting gun!

It can launch a high-heat energy ball the size of a basketball, which generates thousands of degrees or even higher temperature after touching an object, which can melt or vaporize almost any enemy.

Zod pressed the trigger at a deep-sea tribe who was leaping forward, and an energy ball protruded from the muzzle, and then slammed on it violently. After a flash, the deep-sea tribe suddenly vanished.

"Fuck! This weapon is so powerful!"

Johnny was shocked, feeling that this weapon looked dangerous, because there were burnt marks on several deep-sea scales near the deep-sea race.

"Do you create ultra-high temperature energy weapons in a short time?"

Reid also fell into the same thoughtful state as Tony Stark, but his thoughtful estimate was much more terrifying than Tony Stark.

Nick Fury stared at the screen. He only felt that the gun looked a lot like the Hydra energy weapon during World War II.

The same shot passed, and the enemy was wiped out in ashes and disappeared.

Of course, he would not suspect that Zordheath was a Hydra. After all, the Hydra has been wiped out by Captain America, but in the absence of a universe cube, Zordheath was able to develop weapons that looked similar. , And the power of this weapon is still that great...

Thinking of more and more monsters and understaffed superheroes, Nick Fury suddenly had a bold idea.

On Zod's side, he didn't think so much. Like the last time he broke through the atmosphere, he was just showing his "strength".

After all, this kind of technological product can be mass-produced and replicated. Who knows how many strong fusion guns Zordhis has? If you use this advanced energy weapon to fight the backward gunpowder kinetic energy weapon, everyone knows who is more likely to win. Big.

The fusion gun is powered by a magnetic beam nuclear fusion reactor and can continue to emit ultra-high-temperature energy light bombs. The Ark reactor on Tony Stark's chest is estimated to be able to fire this fusion gun five times.

No matter how large the number of deep-sea tribes is, it is actually due to the restrictions on the military's use of heavy weapons in the city. Otherwise, the artillery positions will directly wash the ground with a round of artillery, or the fleet near the coastline will come to wash the ground with a round of naval guns, even these deep seas. The clan is not afraid of bullets, and they can be piled up with a pile of artillery shells, not to mention missiles, cloud bombs, infrasonic bombs and other weapons with greater lethality.

It can be said that Zod made the perfect use of the city environment to create a misunderstanding that the strength of the American military, which was misunderstood by the general public, was inferior to the strength of Zodhis and the superheroes.

I believe that after today, the credibility of the military will go bankrupt, and people will believe in superheroes and Zordhess more.

This is a kind of operation, after all, Zod still has to live on earth for the time being, so let's talk about it when he goes to the universe later.

Of course, if this kind of combat environment is not in important places such as the wealthy areas of New York, the military will probably grit its teeth on bombers and artillery shells.

After Zordhis joined, the battle lasted more than three hours and finally ushered in the end.

The deep-sea people never appeared on the coastline. The military sighed with relief. After this battle, they suffered heavy losses. As a result, the credibility of the citizens declined. It was a headache.

But this was a sudden accident, and the military couldn't blame anyone, and they really couldn't compare to superheroes in this respect.

Especially Zordhis, he almost turned the tide on his own and saved everyone.

And the military is greedy for Zodhis' energy weapon, and that gun seems to be very powerful.

But Zordheath had previously set up the people he created so that even if they had an idea about Zordheath, they couldn't do anything.

The military can't help it, but the bittern of the Snake Shield has already come to the door.

"Natalie, what are you doing in my office?"

Zod returned to his office, and then he saw Natalie standing next to the desk, and he asked pretending to be ignorant.

"Meeting for the first time, Mr. Zordheath."

Then the office chair turned around, and the black-skinned egg was resting on the table with his hands, and then his mouth was close to his hands, in the shape of a commander-in-chief.

"Security, there are illegal intruders."

Then Zod called the security.

When Nick Fury was startled, several powerful beast soldiers appeared, wearing the security uniforms of Blade Technology Industry, and they were going to take people.

And Natalie shot at this time, wanting to subdue these security guards, let Nick Fury talk to Zordheath.

As a result, as soon as she took the shot, she was caught and subdued by the animalized soldiers whose strength was far above her.

The black widow who was pinned to the ground was stunned. What happened?

Where am I?

The headquarters of Hydra or Leviathan in Russia?

Are the security guards of Blade Technology Industry so exaggerated?

"Natalie, although you don't know what you want to do, but you are fired, I will keep the lawyer's request to sue you for the possibility of stealing the trade secrets of Blade Technology Industry. Now, you are with this black-skinned egg leave."

Zodhis said quietly.

"Wait, Zodhis, UU reading www.uukānshu.com we are not..."

Nick Fury just wanted to say something. The animalized soldier who understood that his boss didn't want to listen to their nonsense, went straight up and subdued Nick Fury who wanted to resist, pressed him to the ground, and then took him away together.

"Uuld, I'll let someone throw away everything in my office, and the walls will be demolished, so I will renovate the decoration."

Zordhis informed Urd.

He doesn't need to talk to Nick Fury, he knows what Nick Fury wants to say, after all, his mind is unconcealed.

"I thought about the Avengers plan in 2002. Was it because I was ahead of schedule?"

Zod looked at the view overlooking New York from the floor-to-ceiling windows and shook his head.

Nick Fury wants to cut Hu?

wishful thinking!

"What the **** is going on, don't tell me that the security guards of Blade Technology Industry are all from Leviathan and other secret agents?"

Nick Fury's face was gloomy. As a tenth-level agent, he and the famous black widow were subdued by one trick. Are the security guards of Blade Technology Industry so terrible?

"I feel that they are not ordinary people, it is very likely that they have all been transformed."