
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 118: Powerful armor

However, compared with the heroes of One Punch Superman, Marvel's superheroes lack lethality. m.chinabook.me

After all, it is a movie moved to the big screen. It can't be too bloody. One Punch Superman doesn't have so much scruples. The heroes have a variety of ways to kill the weird people, making everyone look unique.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Dozens of them were enough to smash the tank, and punches that penetrated the ground enveloped the entire upper body of the Deep Sea Race.

Facing the sprinting and accumulating blow of the Golem, the corners of the mouths on the highly animalized faces of the Deep Sea tribe were slightly raised, and they seemed to be a little excited.

The purple muscles on the lower back of the ribs bulged high, and then his arms stood up to the front to block, as if a tower shield was erected to firmly protect the upper body. But the rumbling cannonball-like punches on the ground have long been unable to bear it. In just a few seconds, it was like being crushed by a group of tanks, and the gravel powder was scattered and covered the two people in the center for a while.

At this time, anyone who looked at the fighting situation felt that the Stone Man had the upper hand. Few people could hold on to boxing at such speed and strength. As long as one was slack or timid, he would immediately be blasted into mud. the result of.

But only the Stone Man himself knows what kind of monster he is facing. It's a pity that his teammates have been trapped by more and more deep-sea tribes and fighting hard. The military has even damaged more than a dozen war machines. , An Iron Overlord, and several tanks.

Puff-a small spit of green blood spit on the ground.

"Jie Jie... Isn't that just the case."

The deep-sea tribe has a hideous expression, and the crooked lower jaw snaps firmly while moving, and then directly...recovered? !

Hu Hu-Hu Hu-Ho!

The man lying on his back in a pit more than half a meter deep is a stone human, with scars all over his body, and the hard rock body is cracked. At this time, I heard the words of the deep sea tribe. He just raised his head, and then immediately fell down.

"Soldier, it hurt me a little bit. Is your so-called continuous beating useless?"

"This kind of attack without the slightest killing intent doesn't matter how much it comes, **** it, let me taste your taste, it should be very chewy."

The deep-sea tribe said with drooling that in the concept of the deep-sea tribe, marine creatures that cannot mutate into human form are completely different species from their own and others. Those who mutate but are not powerful enough are called civilians, and only those with fierce nature and strong physique. To become a soldier.

Naturally, all the invaders were soldiers.

I didn't know that I was just constructed by atoms, and then I was given a temporary creation of consciousness. Even if I don't care about anything, it will naturally disintegrate in just a few days.

"After this time, we can promote the superhero project and turn the earth into a forbidden zone in the entire universe..."

Zod looked at the superheroes and the military who were in a bitter battle. Even though the military had continuously increased support, the tanks and helicopters that were not flexible enough were destroyed by the Deep Seas, and the number of flexible enough war machines and Iron Overlord was too small.

"Then, the next step is to debut!"

Zod gathered from the black nanobots on his toes, and then formed a dark knight armor all over his body.

He levitated weightlessly, and then fell to the center of the battlefield.

This time Zod didn't plan to use electromagnetic force. Although it was very simple, but occasionally he wanted to stretch his muscles and bones.

"Dark Knight Zod!"

"Is he finally here?"

A deep-sea clan Daredevil and Blade Warrior couldn't help but say.

Spider silk and venom are also treated the same as them.

At this time, a deep sea clan pounced on the dark knight Zod who entered the arena so arrogantly.

Then everyone saw Zod punch out.


The air was directly penetrated, and the deafening shock wave and sound wave spread out, and the deep sea tribe was directly blown up, and most of the body was directly shattered!

"this is!"

Nick Fury of Snake Shield was stunned, his one-eyed pupils were splitting!

"Couldn't he have upgraded his armor again!"

This shocking scene made everyone couldn't help thinking.

After all, the previous Dark Knight Zod did not show such power, it is estimated that he has upgraded his armor.

But no one thinks that this is Zod's own strength, mainly because Zod's image of business has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he is just a genius scientific researcher.

Another deep-sea tribe raided from behind, and then Zod disappeared in place like lightning, leaving an elongated afterimage in everyone's retina. Zod appeared behind the deep-sea tribe, and the nano-robots in his hands gathered and formed A knife, and then the knife began to become red.

High frequency knife!

A knife split the deep-sea tribe that attacked in two, and the blood on the knife was directly shaken into blood mist by high-frequency vibration.

The third deep sea clan hit the dark knight Zod in the head with a punch, and the dark knight Zod did not move.

"The speed, strength, and defense of this armor are too abnormal, Reid, can you get it out?"

Johnny said in surprise and envy.

"Uh, no, I can't understand its principle, but I should be able to try to create something similar."

Reid answered with an enlightened look.

Seeing that the scene of the audience today was to be taken over by Zod alone, the bg that exploded on the street sounded.

Then I saw hundreds of flame tail flames flying from a distance.

"That is..."

Everyone felt shocked.

"War Machine... Legion?"

Some people hesitate and ask unsurely ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Don't worry, because Iron Man is here! "

The steel battle suit painted with gold and red flew in front, and then a familiar voice appeared.

Zod was a little surprised. It was Tony Stark who had produced so many steel suits.

Hundreds of steel battle suits attacked the Deep Sea tribe in the air, assisting the military's war machine and the Iron Overlord to fight.

However, Zod found that these steel suits were mass-produced goods, not the various models of steel suits in the original plot house party.

Then it quickly revealed the weakness of these steel suits, that is, the lack of firepower.

They cause limited damage to the deep-sea race.

Therefore, the scene looks very grand, but in fact it is useless at all, it just attracts attention.

Tony himself discovered this, but he came to the rescue, but he didn't expect these monsters to be so beating.

So everyone's eyes returned to Zod.

Zod maintained the speed of a deep-sea tribe with a knife, and occasionally a deep-sea tribe with a punch. Although slow, the efficiency was hundreds of times that of others.