
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 108: Fantastic 4

   The missile prepared by Tony Stark was so powerful that it penetrated the carapace of the centipede elder and then exploded inside.

   This directly exploded the centipede elder into several sections.

   Then Tony Stark saw the regenerative ability of the centipede elder.

  How to fight this special?

   At this time, relying on the time gained by Tony Stark, Reid was also charged.


   Reid yelled, Susan understood, and bound the centipede elder with an invisible force field, and the venom and spider silk also launched spider silk to help trap the centipede elder.

   Reid aimed at the head of the centipede elder.

   The centipede elder who felt the deadly danger chose to shed his skin and be reborn!

   It directly abandoned the restrained carapace and completed the molting at a super fast speed. Unknown to Reed, it directly exploded the head of the centipede elder with a single shot.

   Just when everyone was relieved and thought that the centipede elder was solved, the centipede elder broke out from the ground under Susan's feet, and Susan was bored!


   Reid, they were shocked.

   Tony frowned, the vitality of this thing is too tenacious.

   But this is not the end, he swallowed Susan's centipede elder, and roared up to the sky.

   Then, a huge figure ran from a distance and slammed into the centipede elder.

Elder Centipede was hit by a huge body and rolled out.


   Reid was pleasantly surprised, he knew that Ben would definitely come!

The Golem is in a complicated mood. He didn't intend to continue to change back to the Golem. However, seeing the news on the news that the Fantastic Three, spider silk, and venom resisted the centipede elders, and they were fighting hard for the people, making Ben prepared in his heart. Condemned.

   Although he has changed back to an ordinary person now, can he hide under the protection of others as an ordinary person with peace of mind?

What's more, the damage caused by this huge centipede is so great that if it cannot be solved as soon as possible, there will be more casualties and the city will be damaged. This will affect many uninjured people, and Reid and the others seem to be There was nothing to do with this huge centipede.

   I thought about it very hard for a long time, and finally decided to change back to the stone man again, not for anything, just to protect everyone's peaceful life!

   "Ben, Susan was eaten by it!"

   The thunderbolt fell in front of the stone man.

   "I see, what do I need to do?"

   Stone Man Ben nodded, then looked at Reed.

   "Ben, can you restrain it, I will blow its head with a shot later."

   Reid said.

   "Gentlemen, and this big guy, can you hurry up?"

   Tony ran out of weapons, and now he can only rely on the energy cannon to hold the centipede elder.

   After the two sides discussed the countermeasures, they acted immediately.

   The stone man ran to the centipede elder, who recognized him, and the moment he just hit him was always hurt.

   So he also first noticed the stone human being. Just when it was about to dive and impact, its body suddenly stiffened, and then the middle of the body swelled.

   "It's Susan!"

   Reid said excitedly.

   The stone man took the opportunity to grab the centipede elder's leg. With hundreds of tons of strength, he couldn't grab the centipede elder and was driven by it.

   Fortunately at this time, the spider silk and venom spurted the spider silk crazily, covering the three and three layers in the centipede elder.

   Reid also pointed his muzzle at Elder Centipede at this time.

  The blue energy light bomb destroyed the head of the centipede elder!

   The huge body fell weakly, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

   was finally resolved, but New York was almost destroyed.

   Tony is very interested in these superheroes, not to mention that everyone fought together just now, so why not eat a meal and become good friends?


Nick Fury, who fought visually on the Air and Sky Mothership, also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Tony seemed to have bombed a few times at first and then paddled all the way, but this time they were able to easily solve this monster, Reid's Weapons are indispensable.

   It seems that this Reid is also a genius, but I don't know how it compares to Zodhis.

  Zod: Not better than, not better.

   Tony was also very interested in Reid's weapons, and then he found out that he didn't understand the principles of Reed's weapons.

   It doesn't make sense, I'm the smartest genius in the world, how could I not understand?

The corpse of the centipede elder was originally taken over by the Snake Shield. Of course, the American military refused. They wanted to get a share of the pie, and it was best to pull the entire centipede back.

   It turned out that when the two sides were arguing, the corpse of the centipede elder quickly turned into nothingness.

   This is Zod speeding up the centipede elder's molecular movement, so that it will not leave a single molecule.

   "Natural degradation?"

   "It is likely that body fluids and air have undergone a chemical reaction to decompose."

   Tony and Reid saw this scene, Reed ignored his girlfriend Susan, and ran to the place where Elder Centipede disappeared with Tony to study.

   Only Susan, who was contaminated with the digestive juice of the centipede elder, stood there blankly~www.mtlnovel.com~ She suddenly realized that she didn't seem to love Reid as much as she thought.

   Because this man loves his science more than she loves her.

   The next day, what happened yesterday, the Fantastic Three... Now it is the Fantastic Four who has become famous, and Tony is also famous. They have become the heroes who saved New York.

  , of course, also has a negative impact, that is, the US military has been questioned again.

   questioning their ability is not as good as a few heroes, so where does so much taxpayer money go every year?

  The United States of course cannot be questioned in this way, so they made a promise that they will purchase a large amount of the Iron Overlord series of war machines from the Blade Technology Industry, in order to strengthen the determination of the American military to protect taxpayers and American citizens!

   "Ms. Urd, please help me ask Zodhis, can Iron Overlord deal with monsters like giant centipedes?"

   The military said that it was a large-scale purchase, but in fact it was still very hesitant, because the size of the giant centipede was much larger than that of the Iron Overlord.

   Iron Overlord is at best a three-meter-tall little giant. The huge centipede is more than 100 meters long by visual observation. If such a big monster continues to appear in the future, can the American military rely on Iron Overlord to defend the United States?

   "Mr. Zod is not omnipotent. Iron Bawang is only for the products of the previous Deep Sea King. If you really want to deal with huge centipedes, Mr. Zod said that he can help make huge mechas."

   Uuld's words made the military representative roll his eyes, a huge mecha, not to mention the manufacturing cost, how much will Zord sell after it is manufactured?

   Iron Overlord has 1.5 billion, let alone a huge mecha?

   I'm afraid it's not an offer from a direct aircraft carrier.