
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 100: 100

   Then Tony Stark learned that Pepper Poz had moved to Blade Technology Industry.

   After all, Pepper Poz is too much. Obadiah smuggled Stark Industries' arms and weapons. Of course, he didn't want Pepper Poz to know about him, so he hinted that others would squeeze Pepper Poz out.

   Little Pepper Bozi was short-lived, and the knife's edge technology industry threw an olive branch, so he went to the knife's edge technology industry.

After Xiaojiao left, Obadea found a high-achieving student in the management department who graduated from Xiaojiao a school. The most important thing is that he is hot and sexy. Although his ability is not as good as Xiaojiao, he can be a human, sensible, anyway. Ke Industry has been squeezed out of the leading position by Blade Technology Industry, and it doesn't need Little Chili to be as capable as it is.

   "I'm going to get Poz and Harpy back."

   After Tony listened, he was silent for a while, and then said.

   "Wait, Tony, I want to return Stark Industries to you..."

   Before Obadea finished talking and asked the secretary to take out the contract, Tony Stark opened the door and walked out.

"no need."

   He shakes his head.

   I didn't know if Tony really didn't care or pretended not to care.

   The news of Tony Stark's return could not be concealed from the news media, and he did not intend to conceal it.

   Then at the press conference, he said directly that he announced the closure of the weapons department of Stark Industries.

   But because he is no longer the president of Stark Industries, this announcement is invalid.

   "Why, Obadea, why don't you support me in closing the weapons department?"

Although Tony knew that the second Inson who took care of himself was actually sent by the terrorists to closely monitor him, but the first Inson was not. Those Stark Industries weapons posed too great a threat to civilians. , So Tony wants to close the weapons department and find the guy who smuggled the weapons at the same time.

   "Tony, you have to calm down. The company is not my sole responsibility. If the weapons department is closed, the interests of many shareholders will be damaged, and the military will not agree to close the weapons department."

  Obadea said with a helpless look, actually thinking that fortunately he didn't return Stark Industries to Tony, who would have thought that Tony Stark would make such a show operation as soon as he came back.

   You need to know that Stark Industries has military shares, shut down the weapons department?

  Don't even think about it!

   Not to mention that Tony can't care about things now.

   "Tony, your energy now is to research the steel suit. You didn't know that the war machine of Blade Technology Industry has launched new products."

   Obadiah said to Tony Stark.

   The reason why he was so good to him, apart from the fact that Stark Industries' shares began to rise after Tony Stark came back, is because Tony Stark is currently the only genius who can catch up with Zodhis.

   After all, other people can't even imitate the war machine, but Tony Stark left the finished product, it's just a miniature nuclear fusion reactor.

"New product?"

   Tony asks Jarvis to search for new products from Blade Technology Industry.

   Then I saw Iron Overlord.

   As for Gears of War 2, Zodhis announced the suspension of production because he found that Gears of War 2 was quite powerful, which was not conducive to his superhero training program.

   "He has already achieved this level..."

   Tony Stark looked at Iron Overlord in surprise.

Completely crush the data of Gears of War 1. Iron Bawang's armor thickness is more than twice that of Gears of War 1, which makes it more difficult to be knocked down. At the same time, it is not too large and will not affect it. flexibility.

   "What is the Deep Sea King?"

   Tony inquired about the Deep Sea King's information and was silent after seeing the hideous monster.

  Zodhis just met the Deep Sea King, and then he made a war machine to restrain the Deep Sea King?

  Iron Overlord is undoubtedly enhanced melee melee combat ability. The built-in AI is proficient in all human fighting skills. Even if the driver cannot react, the AI ​​can directly react and attack and defend.

  The weapon equipped is also the first choice for heavy firepower.

  Tony knew that Obadea wanted to develop the steel suit by himself to compete with Zordhis, but he didn't want to sell the steel suit.

   There used to be this kind of thought, but now, Tony Stark does not want to do it.


   "Tony Stark estimates that in a few months he will be able to build the Ark's cold nuclear fusion reactor, and he will be able to see Iron Man at that time, but he guesses that he can't be regarded as Iron Man now."

   Zod said with a smile, after all, he has sold so many war machines, and now "Iron Man" is flying all over the sky.

   Even Tiebawang already has orders, but because of the trouble of processing and the high price, the quantity is not very large.

"open mouth."

   Zod lay on Esther's lap, then Esther gave Zod a bite of ice cream.

   Then I took a bite with the spoon that Zod had eaten. It tasted very good~www.mtlnovel.com~ Actually, I didn't leave any saliva. "

  Zord saw what Esders looked like and said.

   In order to prevent his DNA from falling and being obtained by others, Zod has restrained himself with electromagnetic force and biological force field, which prevents him from producing dander or hair, not to mention saliva and sweat.

   does not even produce smell.

   "Then I will taste it now."

   Esters didn't mind, holding Zord's face and bowed his head.

   After a bit of a fight, Esters spoke loosely and looked at Zord in confusion.

   But she didn't see the emotion she wanted in Zod's eyes, so she continued to eat ice cream in disappointment.

   For Zod, he only needs to control the production of various hormones in the body. For him, desire is something that can be well controlled, and it will not become a weakness because of anger, lust, and greed.

   "I want to study solar ray storms."

  Zod patted Esther's butt, then got up and left.

   The solar ray storm is naturally the cosmic ray radiation storm of the Fantastic Four. After being completely absorbed and summarized by Zord, it is now contained in the special container of atomic alloy, which is guaranteed not to leak a trace.

   And Zod has actually been studying for a long time, but the animalized soldiers used to do the experiment were all dead and wounded. If he hadn't been able to resurrect the dead with atomic-level electromagnetic power, no one would have dared to try.

   Then Zod tried to experiment with various unmodified gangsters, but they all died because of their genetic collapse.

   "There must be a secret in this, but my level is not enough..."

  Zod stared at the surging storm of cosmic ray radiation.