
Marvel’s Wizard

VJTHOMAS567100 · Movies
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37 Chs


The Hogwarts bursary is 100 galleons per year. You don't need to go to Gringotts to get it. Professor McGonagall brought it with him when he visited.

There are three main currencies in the wizarding world: the gold galleon, the silver scepter, and the copper nat. 

One gold galleon is equal to 17 silver siks, and one silver sik is equal to 29 copper nuts (bad math means big head). 

"There's a lot of stuff, Mr. Carmen; we might need to go buy a big box and a small cart first!" 

Professor McGonagall pulled Jerry, who was looking around, through the dense crowd and soon came to a shop selling sundries. 

In the store, Jerry bought a super-large suitcase, a cart, a set of glass or crystal vials, a telescope, and a brass balance. 

Then they went to a crucible shop with a shiny "Patch" sign and bought a crucible (pewter, standard size 2).


"What kind of pet do you want—an owl, a cat, or a toad?" 

After the Crucible Shop came out, Professor McGonagall looked at the Ella Owl shop next to him and asked Jerry.


There was a thoughtful look on Jerry's face.

In fact, Jerry really has no idea about keeping pets. After all, he didn't have the habit of keeping pets in his previous life.

"Little wizards now like owls, because they can help deliver letters and gifts and are relatively more practical!" 

Professor McGonagall thought that Jerry didn't know much about pets, so he recommended the most popular pets in Hogwarts today.

"Owl? "Forget it, it's still a cat; I prefer cats!" 

Owls are indeed very practical for little wizards. They can help deliver letters and gifts. Relatively speaking, cats and toads seem to have no role other than eating.

But Jerry knew that in a pet therapy store in Diagon Alley there was a cat with the blood of a raccoon called Crookshanks. 

It was the smartest cat evaluated by Sirius. Not only could he quickly detect people who were morally corrupt or suspicious, but he could also identify Animagus in animal form.

Also, it is able to solve some problems on its own without help or guidance.

As someone with a secret, Jerry felt that if he had to keep a pet, it would be nice to have a cat like this.

The point is that, with the existence of Crookshanks, Ron's mouse, Scabbers, who was transformed from Peter Pettigrew, should not dare to approach him again. 

As for owls, there are public owls in the school that can be used. If you don't need to spend money, why should you raise it yourself? 

And there's also an owl post office outside.

"Cat? "Few little wizards buy cats as pets now!" 

Professor McGonagall heard Jerry's answer, with a little surprise in his words but a smile on his face. 

As an Animagus-turned-Tabby Wizard, Professor McGonagall certainly loves cats. 

It's just that little wizards are now popularly buying owls as pets, and owls are indeed more helpful to little wizards than cats, so she recommended Jerry buy owls. 


Still, Jerry would be very happy if she chose cats as pets.

"I prefer cats!"

Jerry shrugged and smiled.

"Okay, then we need to go to the magical zoo in a while." "There are no other pets in this store except owls!" 

Professor McGonagall gave a rare smile and then took Jerry to the Lady Magician's Robe Shop, opposite the Owl Shop. 

"You go try on clothes first; I'll go next door to buy books for you; and then we'll go to the magical zoo in front to buy pets!" 

"no problem!"

Jerry nodded and walked straight into Madam Magickin's robe shop.

"What a brave little guy!"

Seeing that Jerry was in this unfamiliar environment, in addition to being curious, he didn't show any cowardice at all, and he didn't even hesitate to go to the store alone to try on clothes, so he couldn't help sighing secretly. 

"Are you looking for a Hogwarts uniform, dear?"

As soon as Jerry pushed the door open and walked into the store, a short, plump woman greeted him with a smile. 

"Yes, I need three plain-faced wizard robes, a plain-faced pointed hat for daytime wear, a pair of dragonskin protective gloves, and a winter black silver-buttoned cloak, thank you!"

Faced with the question from the Chunky Witch, Jerry politely followed the requirements he had seen on the parchment and said them one by one. 

"Oh, don't worry, we have a lot here." "To be honest, there is a little girl interviewing clothes in there now." 

The Chunky Witch smiled and pointed to the back of the shop.

Jerry followed the pudgy witch's fingers to see a little aunt Nian with bushy, unkempt brown curls and a pair of rabbit-like front teeth standing on the footstool. 

A witch next to her pinned her black robe and measured something with a tape measure.

"Hey, did you go to Hogwarts too?"

When Jerry was standing on the footstool next to him, the witch also put on a black robe and began to measure. The little girl next to him asked him in a somewhat domineering tone. UU Reading: www.uukanshu.com 

"Yes, I am this year's freshman!"

Jerry smiled.

If Jerry was an eleven-year-old boy, and a little girl about his age spoke to him in a domineering tone, he would be a little **** off.


But in fact, given Jerry's previous life and the eleven years since he crossed the border, he is already an old man in his early forties. 

So when he watched a little girl talk to him in a domineering tone, he would only feel that the little girl was quite cute.

"Me too; no one in my family understands magic, so when I got the admission letter, I was surprised, but also very happy, because, as far as I know, this is one of the best schools for magic!" 

The little girl seemed to be a little talkative, and while she was standing on the footstool and couldn't move, she chatted with Jerry.

"Looks like you know a lot!"

Jerry complimented him very cooperatively.

The little girl raised her chin proudly. 

"Of course, when that Professor McGonagall came to my house yesterday, I asked a lot of questions, and I have decided to memorise all the textbooks before school starts. "By then, I will definitely become the best wizard!" 

"Oh, that's for sure; I can see at a glance that you are not an ordinary person, and you will definitely become an extremely good wizard in the future; come on!" 

Jerry stretched out his hand from under the black robe and gave Xiao Gu Nian a thumbs up, smiling to himself, 

"What a fun little girl!" 

"Hermione, how are you here?" "We've bought everything except the textbooks now!" 

At this moment, the store door was pushed open, and a middle-aged couple pulled a cart into the house and said to the little girl who was chatting with Jerry, "