
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Courting Death

The reason why Tang Hao thinks this way is also because of Mu Ge's performance before, which made him trust Mu Ge a little bit.

But trust belongs to trust, and it should be used.

The reason why he didn't intend to keep Mu Ge with him was because he didn't think that when he saw that the Blue Silver Emperor had left, Qian Xun Ji would drag him because of holding Mu Ge in his hands.

There is a high probability that Qian Xun Ji will pass him directly and chase the Blue Silver Emperor.

He wants to stop him, the most direct way is to attack him directly.

So if Mu Ge is in his hands, he will be of no use.

It's better to let Mu Ge leave with the Blue Silver Emperor. If he really can't stop Qian Xun Ji, if the Blue Silver Emperor is caught up again, at least the Blue Silver Emperor can still have a bargaining chip.

Mu Ge is just a soul king. Although he is a genius, he doesn't think his wife can't handle Mu Ge.

Especially after driving such a long distance, Mu Ge's soul power has almost been exhausted.

When Ah Yin heard Tang Hao's sound transmission, her beautiful eyes trembled slightly.

This was obviously something she didn't expect.

She didn't expect that Tang Hao still had this idea, and he still wanted to use Mu Ge.

In her impression, Tang Hao was not this kind of person at all.

But right away, Blue Silver Emperor was very moved, knowing that the reason why Tang Hao planned so hard was entirely for her sake.

"Master Hu Ge, I know what you've been worrying about!"

"I will stop threatening your pope with you later, can you do me a favor?"

At this time, Tang Hao didn't dare to delay, and quickly looked at Mu Ge.

"Your Excellency Tang Hao, please tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help!"

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Mu Ge agreed without thinking about it.

No matter what the help is, as long as Tang Hao doesn't use him to blackmail Qian Xun Ji later, Mu Ge really can't trust Qian Xun Ji.

"I hope Master Hu Ge can help me protect Ah Yin and leave together. After Ah Yin is safe, Master Hu Ge can leave on his own!"

Tang Hao looked at Mu Ge, and finally expressed his thoughts.

He will definitely not tell the real purpose.


Mu Ge was stunned when he heard Tang Hao's words, and his heart beat a few times quickly.

'This is an opportunity!'

"I hope…"

Tang Hao thought that Mu Ge has not heard it clearly, so he hurriedly said it again.

"Yes, I can promise Your Excellency Tang Hao!"

After Tang Hao finished speaking this time, Mu Ge suppressed the excitement in his heart, and quickly agreed.

'Idiot, this is the chance you gave me!'

'Tang Hao, your retribution is coming!'

Mu Ge laughed wildly in his heart, but kept his expression the same on the surface.

Tang Hao is creating an opportunity for him, a chance to take revenge on Tang Hao.

Mu Ge never expected that the opportunity would come so quickly.

"Thank you, I was the one who offended Master Hu Ge before!"

Tang Hao still didn't know the ecstasy in Mu Ge's heart, and that he was already planning to take revenge on him, so he thanked Mu Ge.

"No, I know you have to!"

Mu Ge looked like he understood.

"Ayin, it's almost too late, you guys should leave now!"

Tang Hao nodded, and then he didn't have time to be courteous to Mu Ge, he just left with Blue Silver Emperor just to fool Mu Ge, and turned his head to urge Blue Silver Emperor.

"Okay... Ah Hao, you must be careful, I will wait for you!"

Blue Silver Emperor also knew that she should go, and said with red eyes.


Tang Hao didn't say anything, he just urged the Blue Silver Emperor to leave quickly.

"Let's go, the later we go, the more dangerous Tang Hao will be. Only when you are safe, will he not be harmed !"

Mu Ge also said to Blue Silver Emperor.

"...be careful, I'm waiting for you!"

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin looked at Tang Hao again with red eyes and said before turning around and leaving quickly.


Mu Ge followed immediately without saying a word.

"Don't worry, Ah Yin, I will definitely buy you enough time!"

Looking at the backs of Ah Yin and Mu Ge leaving, Tang Hao, who stayed where he was, gradually became serious.

Afterwards, Tang Hao came back to his senses, slowly summoned his Martial Soul Clear Sky Hammer, and quietly waited for Qian Xun Ji to arrive.



Before the time for half a stick of incense, Qian Xun Ji arrived, floating directly in the sky.

"Tang Hao, where is the soul beast? And our elder Hu Ge from the Spirit Hall?"

Qian Xun Ji stopped in front of Tang Hao, and asked directly.

While questioning, Qian Xunji also glanced directly at the position behind Tang Hao, and could see two figures in the distance.

"So you stayed to stop me, for a soul beast, I don't know what to think of you!"

Qian Xunji quickly understood and lowered his head as mocked Tang Hao.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Xun Ji was ready to catch up, regardless of Tang Hao standing below.


"Did I let you go?"


But before Qian Xun Ji could catch up, Tang Hao erupted, and directly displayed his martial soul true body, the martial soul true body with a human and a hammer, and then ruthlessly smashed towards Qian Xun Ji.

From this, one can see Tang Hao's strength.

Only a soul master who has the ultimate control over their own martial soul can condense human and weapon together when casting the martial soul true body of the weapon martial soul.

The terrifying explosive power that Tang Hao displayed is something that even Qian Xun Ji can ignore it, so he quickly used his soul skills to block it.

"Tang Hao, I think you are courting death!"

"Fifth Soul Skill Angel Light Blade!"

Instantly Qian Xun Ji released fifteen small golden lightsabers around him, and then the fifteen small golden lightsabers converged into a large golden lightsaber, and finally slashed towards Tang Hao under Qian Xun Ji's slash.

"Clear Sky Jiujue!"


Soon Tang Hao fought fiercely with Qian Xun Ji.

Although Tang Hao's soul power level is not as good as Qian Xun Ji's, but with the blessing of the Death God Domain, he also exploded with a very strong combat power, and actually stopped Qian Xun Ji for a while.


At this time, Mu Ge and Blue Silver Emperor had already arrived at the edge of the Star Dou Great Forest.

At this time, they also sensed the fighting movement from behind.

"A Hao..."

Blue Silver Emperor couldn't help but stamp her feet, and look back.

"Let's quickly enter the Star Dou Forest!"

Mu Ge could not help reminding her upon seeing this.

'What if they can't get rid of Qian Xun Ji's pursuit?'

If he doesn't escape to a safe place, how can he attack the Blue Silver Emperor!

Before, Mu Ge didn't care about the life and death of the Blue Silver Emperor, but now he doesn't want the Blue Silver Emperor to be caught by Qian Xun Ji.

Because Mu Ge suddenly discovered that he now has the opportunity to take her as his own.


Read 10+ advance chapters here
