
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

Thank you, Tang Hao

'Tang Hao intercepted Qian Xun Ji.'

Muge doesn't know if he will die, but it is impossible to escape intact after thinking about it.

Even if he escapes intact, it doesn't matter.

As long as he and the Blue Silver Emperor successfully entered the Star Dou Great Forest, it would be almost impossible for Tang Hao to find the Blue Silver Emperor to rendezvous.

After Qian Xun Ji came in, it was difficult to find them, and Tang Hao was the same.

Because at that time, Pastoral would not give Blue Silver Emperor the opportunity to notify Tang Hao.


Ah Yin didn't know how dangerous her current situation was now, and she was a little moved when she heard that Mu Ge was more worried about her safety than his. At the same time, she knew that the most important thing now was for her to escape.

So Ah Yin let go of her worries about Tang Hao, and immediately entered the Star Forest with Mu Ge.

Along the way, the Blue Silver Emperor also used her Blue Silver Domain.

With the help of the Blue Silver Emperor's Blue Silver Domain, they avoided those soul beasts that might hinder them along the way, so it can be said that they were unimpeded.

Many soul beasts will not take the initiative to attack humans, and the Blue Silver Emperor can distinguish these very well.

Mu Ge just silently followed behind the Blue Silver Emperor, and did not choose to make a move for the time being.

Because at present, they didn't go deep into the Star Dou Great Forest, and it is not possible to guarantee his safety if he does it now.

Muge must ensure that Qian Xun Ji, who chases in, cannot find him after doing it himself.

   'Tang Hao, for your wife, give me some strength!'

   'Be sure to stop Qian Xun Ji, don't let him come in so fast!'

At the same time, Mu Ge also cheered Tang Hao up from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, if one wants to say who is the one with most hopes for Tang Hao to successfully hold off Qian Xun Ji, it is definitely Muge.



   "Clear Sky Jiujue!"

   "Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique · Ninety-Nine Return to One!"


Tang Hao, who fought against Qian Xun Ji, was indeed very powerful. The Clear Sky Sect's unique skills were constantly displayed in his hands, and Qian Xun Ji was blocked.

   "What a Tang Hao, what a great Clear Sky Sect!"

It was also the first time for Qian Xun Ji to fight against a strong man of the Clear Sky Sect, and he was also surprised by Tang Hao's performance.

He didn't expect that Tang Hao, who was just a Contra to be this strong, and that he stopped him by relying on Clear Sky Sect's unique skills.

Although Tang Hao continued to explode, he couldn't last long.

But Tang Hao's powerful attack power was something he hadn't expected.

   "Sixth Soul Skill Angelic Holy Sword!"


A golden vortex appeared in front of Qian Xun Ji, and a golden lightsaber gradually appeared in the center of the vortex, and then blasted towards Tang Hao.


The result of this collision is that Tang Hao's figure was blown away.

In the end, Tang Hao's strength is inferior. If it is an ordinary Titled Douluo, they may not be Tang Hao's opponent.

But what Tang Hao was facing was Qian Xun Ji who possessed an angel martial soul, and he is almost unstoppable in the same realm.

   "Damn it, come again!"

However, even if he was repelled, Tang Hao gritted his teeth and stood up, and immediately attacked Qian Xun Ji again.

   "You are courting death!"

Seeing that Tang Hao was still pestering him, Qian Xun Ji finally became angry.

He has already sensed that the Blue Silver Emperor has entered the Star Dou Great Forest. If he doesn't catch up now, the other party will be out of his range of perception. By then, with the Star Dou Great Forest being so big, it will be difficult for him to find her if he loses his direction.

   "Ninth Soul Skill Angel Glory!"


Immediately, Qian Xun Ji directly displayed his ninth soul skill, and behind him a huge real body of an angel condensed.

The angel statue made a prayer gesture, and then emitted golden light all over its body. A huge golden beam cannon shot out from the front of the prayer gesture, and blasted fiercely at Tang Hao.

When this beam of light blasted down, the whole world changed color, and an invisible shock swept across.

   "Great Sumeru Hammer!"

Facing Qian Xun Ji's attack, Tang Hao also felt the strong pressure.

Tang Hao gritted his teeth and performed the strongest move of the Clear Sky Sect, the Great Sumeru Hammer.


The two sides collided again, a huge golden light beam hit Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer and a shocking collision erupted along with the explosion of turbulent soul power.


The final result was that Tang Hao vomited blood and flew upside down. He was severely injured, and his breath became weak.

However, Qian Xun Ji's attack was also blocked by Tang Hao.

   "Great Sumeru Hammer!"

Seeing Tang Hao who successfully blocked his attack, Qian Xun Ji was shocked again.

   "Tang Hao, let me see how many times you can block me!"

After being entangled by Tang Hao for so long but failed to defeat Tang Hao, Qian Xun Ji became angry from embarrassment, which made him feel very humiliated.


In an instant, Qian Xun Ji released a soul skill again, blasting towards Tang Hao fiercely.

   "Great Sumeru Hammer · Ring Explosion!"


Facing Qian Xun Ji's attack again, Tang Hao's eyes were full of determination, and he directly displayed the profound meaning of the Great Sumeru Hammer, exploding the ring.

Because Tang Hao knew that without using the ring explosion, he would no longer be able to resist Qian Xun Ji.

   bang bang bang—

The eight soul rings around Tang Hao exploded one by one.


Then it all turned into soul power and condensed on Tang Hao.

For a while, Tang Hao's soul power also soared, reaching a very terrifying level.

"How can it be…"

Sensing the coercion of the soul power emanating from Tang Hao's body at this time and feeling a strong threat, Qian Xunji couldn't help being shocked.

He didn't expect Tang Hao to attack like this at such a time.

And he happened to have just finished using the strongest ninth soul ability, and now he is only using his eighth soul ability, which is not as strong as Tang Hao's after it erupted now.

"Go to hell!"

Tang Hao shouted, then swung the Clear Sky Hammer with full force, and slammed it hard at Qian Xun Ji.


Qian Xun Ji's eighth soul skill only blocked Tang Hao's attack for a while, and was soon defeated.

   "Damn it..."

   "Angel Guardian!"

Qian Xun Ji snorted angrily when he saw this, the ninth soul ability was temporarily at rest and could not be used, and he could only use a defensive soul ability.

And he also saw that Tang Hao's outburst was only a short one, he just needed to block it, and he didn't have to fight Tang Hao recklessly.


   "Blue Silver Domain!"

The Blue Silver Emperor, who had already entered the Star Dou Great Forest for a certain distance, found a hidden place, quickly stopped, and then directly displayed her Blue Silver Domain, eager to know Tang Hao's Condition.

Information beyond the perception range of her Blue Silver Domain is gradually conveyed to her through the Blue Silver Grass, which has a delayed nature.

Star Dou Great Forest is not too far away, so Blue Silver Emperor quickly collected the information she wanted.

She saw with her own eyes how Tang Hao stopped Qian Xun Ji.

She closed her eyes to collect the information and the Blue Silver Emperor's expression changed again and again.

Muge, on the other hand, stood quietly beside the Blue Silver Emperor, watching the change of the Blue Silver Emperor's expression.

Judging from the change of Blue Silver Emperor's face, it is not difficult to see that Tang Hao's situation is very bad.

   'Tang Hao, thank you for helping me successfully stop Qian Xun Ji!'

Mu Ge quietly looked at the Blue Silver Emperor, while thanking Tang Hao from the bottom of his heart, while quietly gathering soul power on his fingers.