
Martial Soul Simulator

This is the story of a reincarnator with a simulator martial soul who awakens his memories after becoming an experienced fallen. ………………………………….. Similar to my previous two books, I am translating and editing it one chapter at a time. So even I don’t know what is going to happen in the story. Support me on pateron: www.pateron.com/dragonNEET Choose Simulators ……………………………………………… Original name: Douluo: My Martial Soul is a Simulator. Original Author: Homophone of Fish.

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

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"Forget about it, let's talk about it in the Star Dou Forest!"

Hearing the words of the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang Hao also had a dignified expression.

But in this situation, there is no other way to think about, he can only continue to escape in the direction of the Star Dou Forest.

So, Tang Hao and the others continued to flee towards the Star Dou Forest.

Along the way, the Blue Silver Emperor didn't stop for perception either.

It's not that there is no such thing, it's just that the blue silver field is simply used for perception, and the blue silver grass is not used for information collection, so the range of perception is relatively limited.

With the strength of the Blue Silver Emperor, the range she can perceive is only 10 kilometers!


"We are almost there, the Star Forest is ahead!"

When there were still about two kilometers away from the Star Dou Great Forest, Tang Hao seemed to see hope, and his eyes were full of excitement.

However, the Blue Silver Emperor in Tang Hao's arms did not feel relaxed at all.




"It may be too late, Qian Xun Ji is already behind us, it shouldn't be long before he can catch up with us!"

Blue Silver Emperor's tone was full of unwillingness and despair, because she had already sensed that Qian Xun Ji had appeared within the perception range of her Blue Silver Domain.

It's just a little short, if they enter the Star Dou Forest now, there is still some hope.




"Damn it!"

Hearing the words of the Blue Silver Emperor, Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed, and the excitement in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Hao's eyes turned to the direction behind him in an instant, and he didn't need the Blue Silver Emperor to remind him, he could sense a powerful soul master chasing him from a distance at this time.


"What should I do? It's too late, we can't seem to run away!"


"Ah Hao, why don't you hand me over!"

Blue Silver Emperor said to Tang Hao helplessly.


"Unless I die, no one can take you away!"

Hearing what the Blue Silver Emperor said, Tang Hao immediately interrupted loudly.


"Since we can't escape, then we will fight him!"

The only one chasing after him was the Pope from the Spirit Hall, and Tang Hao was also aggressive, ready to fight.


"Impossible, although Qian Xun Ji was the only one who caught up, but there must be other people coming behind, Ah Hao, you won't be their opponent!"

Blue Silver Emperor shook her head sadly.


"So what, no matter what, I won't hand you over!"


"It's not a big deal to fight them!"

Tang Hao said firmly.


"Then I'll be with you, let's fight him together!"

Hearing Tang Hao's resolute words, the Blue Silver Emperor swept away the despair in her heart, looked at Tang Hao and responded firmly.


"And we still have Master Hu Ge in our hands, maybe Qian Xunji won't dare to do it!"

Tang Hao saw the expression on the Blue Silver Emperor, and said this, as if he was also cheering himself up.


"Your Excellency Tang Hao, I don't think our pope is willing to give up a hundred thousand year soul beast for me!"


"You are gambling, if you lose the bet, you will not be able to leave!"

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Mu Ge couldn't help but refute.

He really has no choice but to open his mouth now. When Qian Xun Ji catches up and Tang Hao really uses him to blackmail Qian Xun Ji, Mu Ge really can't believe that Qian Xun Ji is willing to give up the Blue Silver Emperor for him.

If it is Qian Daoliu, Mu Ge may still believe it, but Qian Xun Ji is not really that reliable.

After Tang Hao found out that he was useless, in despair, he might tear up his ticket and drag him to die together.


"Sorry, Master Hu Ge, I can only do this!"

Tang Hao just shook his head when he heard Mu Ge's words, without shaking his determination at all.

And he didn't believe that Qian Xun Ji really didn't care about Master Hu Ge in front of him at all.



Hearing Tang Hao's words, Mu Ge was silent for a while, and he was also thinking about what to do?

"Your Excellency Tang Hao, there is actually another way!"

After a moment of silence, Mu Ge suddenly spoke.


"A solution?"

Hearing Mu Ge's words, Tang Hao turned his head to look at Mu Ge instantly, and asked eagerly.

Although he doesn't know if Mu Ge's words can be believed, he has no other way. Maybe Mu Ge really has a way?


"It's very simple, just let your wife run away by herself!"

Mu Ge replied simply and clearly.


"What? Let Ah Yin escape by herself?"

Tang Hao was slightly taken aback when he heard this, this was an answer he had never considered.


"Spirit Hall is going to arrest your wife, not you. As long as your wife can escape successfully, wouldn't that be all right?"

Mu Ge said again.


"That's right, Qian Xun Ji is going to arrest Ah Yin, just let Ah Yin escape!"

Tang Hao's eyes widened when he heard the words, and Mu Ge's words woke him up immediately.


"Yes, as long as she escapes successfully, you can join her later. I believe that with your wife's ability, it will be very easy to find you!" 

Mu Ge replied .


"You are right!"


"Let's do it!"

Tang Hao thought about it after hearing the words, he thought that it was really feasible, and immediately agreed excitedly.

The method mentioned by Mu Ge is absolutely feasible, but there is only one premise, that is, he needs to stop Qian Xun Ji behind and create time for Ah Yin to leave.

He thought of this, but he didn't say it.

Because he has decided to stay and stop Qian Xun Ji.



Tang Hao immediately put down the Blue Silver Emperor, wanting the Blue Silver Emperor to leave first.


"No... I won't go, Ah Hao, you can't stop Qian Xun Ji!"

As soon as Tang Hao opened his mouth, Blue Silver Emperor shook her head, unwilling to leave. Although Tang Hao didn't say anything, she knew that if she wanted to leave, Tang Hao would definitely need to stay to buy her time.


"It's okay, as long as I can stop Qian Xun Ji for a while, as long as you escape, I will be fine. With my identity, Qian Xun Ji should not dare to kill me!"

Tang Hao didn't expect the Blue Silver Emperor to see through it, so he quickly comforted her.

He didn't know whether Qian Xunji wouldn't dare to kill him, but he definitely wanted to say so, so that Ah Yin could leave with more peace of mind.


"That's right, Blue Silver Emperor, even if you don't think about yourself, you should also think about the child in your belly!"


"Tang Hao won't necessarily die if you run away. If you don't leave, you and the child in your belly will die!"

Mu Ge was also helping Tang Hao persuade her.


'What the hell, I'm helping you like this, if you still dare to tear up the ticket later, then you really have no conscience at all!'

Mu Ge cursed inwardly, how could he have such a good heart, everything was just for himself.


"That's right, Ah Yin, you see what Master Hu Ge said so, you must listen to him!"

Sure enough, upon hearing Mu Ge's words, Tang Hao glanced at Mu Ge gratefully, and then hurriedly said to Ah Yin.


"It's too late, Ah Yin, hurry up!"

"I will definitely not let anything happen to you and our child!"

 Tang Hao continued to urge Blue Silver Emperor.



Ah Yin had a troubled expression on her face. If it was just herself, she would definitely not want to leave like this, but thinking of the child in her belly, Ah Yin finally nodded with red eyes:



"Okay, then, Ah Yin, go!"

Tang Hao said excitedly when he heard the words.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Hao quickly used the sound transmission to enter the secret and said to the Blue Silver Emperor: 

"I will let Master Hu Ge leave with you later, after you leave, he won't be of much use to me. So, I will let him follow you!"


"If I really can't stop Qian Xun Ji, you can still take him as a hostage!"


Read 10+ advance chapters here
