
Martial Peak Fan-Fic

A Martial Peak Fan Fiction Try to post once or so a week. This is for fun and has lazy writing but I just want to be productive. Thanks for reading and enjoy if possible. If there are any mistakes then please let me know!! Thanks for reading.

BrainDeadGuy · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

As Shao Jingyi continued to run and make his way of the building, he was attacked continuously by multiple cultivators. People came left and right as he just slammed through the doors.

"If would be so helpful if I could output my damn qi," he thought. When a cultivator reaches the Initial Element realm, the can start using the Yuan Qi within their bodies to perform physical tasks. It isn't until when one reaches the Qi Transformation realm, they can release the Yuan Qi in their body. Shao Jingyi belongs to the former. But, a thought came to his mind.

If one were to overfill a cup with water, then the water would spill out. A smile appeared on his face as he devised a devious plan. Outside the dazzling building the streets were bustling with activity. Out of nowhere a huge explosion sounded. Debris was flying in the air and people started to gather.

"YOU DARE!!!," a voice roared.

"HAHAHA!! See if I dare to do it again," Shao Jingyi yelled as his fist started to glow. Obviously, the explosion was caused by none other than him. Using the concept he had thought up, he just overfilled his fist with his Yuan Qi and threw it. The second it made forceful contact with anything it would cause a chain reaction resulting in an explosion. This could only be performed by him due to his unlimited reserves of qi.

Shao Jingyi fist was glowing as he was ready to throw another qi bomb but he was stopped.

"This is the City Guards, everyone back away," a voice sounded.

"Oh shit," Shao Jingyi thought. He threw the bomb at the building before running away. In the distance a voice could be heard, "I'll get you back for this boy!!"

Shao Jingyi just laughed as he ran. He originally had plans to leave the city to gather materials so he did so after this event. Within the mountains Shao Jingyi was picking herbs. He was planning to practice the Dao of Alchemy. In this world Shao Jingyi was interested in many of the Grand Daos. This was one of them. He wasn't in a rush to raise his cultivation. He had millennia's to raise it so for now he wanted to tread the several Grand Daos. Who knows, maybe he would have some unexpected gains.

As he picked herbs he would get support from his system. It was very helpful. The system would give a full description of anything he asked about. For the herbs he picked, it would give the name, age of the herb, and it's effects. If he had other questions then he could ask the system and it would supply him with knowledge. The system in a way was a master teaching him their profound knowledge.

Shao Jingyi was preparing to learn about Alchemy. Such an important and amazing Dao, he just had to learn about its mysteries. After a couple days of collecting herbs and fighting monster beasts, he decided to start practicing. He exchanged some coins for an alchemy furnace in his system shop and some alchemy manuals. After a few hours of studying the manuals, he grabbed the common herbs and started performing alchemy.

During his first time refining the pill, he had failed. But on the second try he succeeded. With his perfect aptitude he wouldn't need to spend too much time improving his Dao but it definitely still required work and time. After a couple days he had reached the peak of Earth Grade Alchemist. He could reach the Heaven grade but he lacked the materials. Such herbs of that grade were expensive. Of course he could exchange them from his system shop but he would run out of coins too quickly. This was it for now.

Next Shao Jingyi wanted to study the Dao of Spirit Arrays. He could practice without using resources. Of course the progress would be a bit slower but it was cheaper. After buying some manuals from his shop about Spirit Arrays, he immersed himself for the next few days.

After two weeks Shao Jingyi stopped. He had reached the peak of Heaven Grade Array Master but had the knowledge and understanding of a Spirit Grade Array Master. With this he was satisfied. He felt that with these things, he would have hobbies to pass time.

Shao Jingyi initially planned for this plan to last about a month but he ended earlier. His next course of action was to meet Yang Kai. Who wouldn't want to. Shao Jingyi respected Yang Kai very much and wanted to meet him. But before he would set off, he would consolidate his gains. Clearing his mind, Shao Jingyi started meditating.

After five days, lots of world energy started to be sucked into a cave. This was the cave Shao Jingyi was currently retreating in. After the world energy settled down everything was silent again. After two days Shao Jingyi exited the cave. He had now advanced to the Fourth Stage of Qi Transformation.

Now was the time to set off to High Heaven Pavilion and meet Yang Kai. But Shao Jingyi didn't know the location of High Heaven Pavilion. He returned to the Central Capital to inquire about its whereabouts. When he got back to the Central Capital, he went back to the inn. The only person had really talked to was the head clerk of the inn he resided at. He asked him lots of questions and always inquired about many things from him. When he got back he greeted the head clerk and asked about the whereabouts of High Heaven Pavilion.

"Head Clerk Zou, do you happen to know where High Heaven Pavilion is located," asked Shao Jingyi.

"Oh, why do you asked, have you also heard about the Legacy Cave," said the Head Clerk.

"Legacy Cave??", Shao Jingyi said with an unknowing look. But then Shao Jingyi remembered. In the story there was a Legacy Cave that belonged to the 3rd Generation Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress. This held the inheritance of both of their ancestral sources. Such an opportunity was heaven defying. Yang Kai and Su Yan were truly lucky individuals.

"Yes, I am intrigued about the Legacy Cave," Shao Jingyi continued.

"Well I hope you know that only disciples of High Heaven Pavilion, Storm Manor, and Sanguine Society are allowed to enter. No exceptions," said the Head Clerk Zou.

"Of course I've heard of this, but that doesn't mean I don't want to witness the Legacy Cave. Such a rare sight will probably never appear again," Shao Jingyi affirmed.

"That is true. High Heaven Pavilion is located…"

After getting the location of High Heaven Pavilion Shao Jingyi set off. Who cares if only certain sect disciples are allowed to enter the Legacy Cave. If I want to, then I can enter. No one can stop me. In the original story, there was a trial to test cultivators to see if they were worthy of the inheritance that lied within the Legacy Cave. Shao Jingyi of course was tempted but he would let fate run its course. Yang Kai and Su Yan were destined to inherit the ancestral sources of the Dragon Emperor and Phoenix Empress.

What Shao Jingyi was interested about were the numerous other opportunities and resources in the Cave Legacy. These were existences at the peak of this world. Of course they had things in the Legacy Cave that would allow him to soar even without the inheritance. Besides, he could also gain a Dragon or Phoenix source from his system shop but it was ridiculously expensive. A Dragon Source costs 10 million coins and a Phoenix Source costs 8.5 million coins. Of course there were other good things he could buy if he had enough coins such as a pair of the Legendary Twin Lotuses. This was something Shao Jingyi didn't really need at all but would still get since he would get some benefits from them. A pair costs 20 million coins. And they would start at the lowest stage, only being at the fifth grade. In the story they can both reach the 7th stage. Currently, Shao Jingyi had saved up around 300,000 coins. All from earning achievements, cultivating, and killing monster beasts. There were also side quests that he would be awarded for accomplishing.

After getting the information Shao Jingyi set off for High Heaven Pavilion. The cave had been discovered just five days ago. It takes 2 days of travel by carriage to reach High Heaven Pavilion from the Central Capital. With his speed, he could reach it in one and still have lots of time to loot the Legacy Cave.

After a day of traveling Shao Jingyi finally arrived. The city in the outskirts of the sects in the area were lively and cultivators were everywhere. After inquiring about the Legacy Cave from various shops Shao Jingyi again set off.

Leaving the city Shao Jingyi activated his concealment technique, erasing his existence from the world. Of course he could still be seen physically, but other than that, his aura or soul couldn't be detected at all. After some sneaking around Shao Jingyi found the entrance to the Legacy Cave. It was heavily guarded though. How would he enter now that there were so many masters guarding it. He really didn't want to but it seemed that Shao Jingyi would have to steal some clothes and act like a disciple.

Walking nonchalantly, a sect disciple was minded his own business.

"Cough Cough, martial brother, Cough Cough. Please, I am injured. Help me please," a voiced called to the disciple.

The boy just looked at an alley and gave a mildly antagonizing face. Then his face went normal. He thought that the voice calling out was a joke but when he looked at the direction of the voice calling out he could see some blood leading into the alley.

He moved towards the alley and the second he entered, all could be heard was, "What the Fff…"

Coming out of the alley, Shao Jingyi was wearing some red clothing. It resembled one of the masters guarding the Legacy Cave so the disciple he just borrowed this clothes from should be of the same sect. It was a bit tight on his skin but it would have to do.

Releasing his concealment technique he adjusted his aura to the level of 5th Stage Initial Element. He walked out into the open and went towards the masters guarding the Legacy Cave. He went up to one of the masters wearing similar clothing to him and greeted.

"Ordinary Disciple, 5th Stage Initial Realm, Wu Kuang greets honored master," Shao Jingyi said as he bowed and cupped his fist.

"Good good, another disciple willing to test their luck. May the heavens be with you," said the master as he let Shao Jingyi pass.

Passing the master and entering the portal Shao Jingyi was excited as he entered the Legacy Cave.