
Martial Peak Fan-Fic

A Martial Peak Fan Fiction Try to post once or so a week. This is for fun and has lazy writing but I just want to be productive. Thanks for reading and enjoy if possible. If there are any mistakes then please let me know!! Thanks for reading.

BrainDeadGuy · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

The Spider Mole felt a sense of crises swell up inside. It knew that it needed to escape now or it was doomed. It was just that, it was backed into a corner and had nowhere to go. Shao Jingyi was also surprised that the Spider Mole was not fourth order monster beast but actually a fifth order. Knowing this he understood that his initial attack just now was dumb. If the Spider Mole had been at its peak strength, Shao Jingyi could have fallen into a dire situation. Fortunately though, the Spider Mole was injured.

Shao Jingyi back up a couple meters and got into a square stance and squared a bit. He place one hand open in front of him facing the Spider Mole. The Spider Mole new that Shao Jingyi was doing something intentional and it wasn't a good thing. Not letting him get the upper hand the Spider Mole lunged with a slash. Shao Jingyi's reaction remained indifferent as he pulled his other arm back and then punch forward swiftly while roaring loudly. From his punch a sharp and precise force shot towards the Spider Mole. This move was something he had devised after watching Jiang Meixiu's archery skills. With the use of his tremendous strength, aptitude, and creativity he thought up of this move.

Not being able to dodge the Spider Mole could only block the attack. The attack swiftly penetrated through two of the Spider Mole's legs before striking and caving in its abdomen. Blood flew everywhere and the light in the Spider Mole's eyes seem to dwindle. As a last result effort to try and take Shao Jingyi to the grave with it the Spider Mole started attacking ruthlessly not caring about injury. It slashed left and right with any legs it had and screeched in anger.

Dust was flying everywhere and the earth was breaking everything the Spider Mole's attacks landed. Shao Jingyi just continued to evade unable to do anything at all. While evading Shao Jingyi's body suddenly felt exhausted as he lost the strength in his legs and arms. As he landed on the ground his legs immediately gave out. He fell to his knees just as a slash came from the Spider Mole. Weakly putting his hands up to defend himself, the attack landed and Shao Jingyi was sent flying across the room.

As the dust cleared Shao Jingyi slowly got up. He was pretty beat from the last attack. His arms were tattered and bloodied. His clothes were shredded and blood was dripping from his nose and mouth. "Man I feel like shit.", he thought.

Before he had anytime to rest a screech could be heard getting closer. "You're really courting death aren't you bitch!!!", Shao Jingyi yelled as he stared at the Spider Mole with animosity. Using all the strength he could muster he started to move again, evading the attacks. Shao Jingyi had a thought come to mind if he wanted to win without sustaining any more serious injuries. Closing his eyes and continued to dodge the Spider Miles attacks. That was when Shao Jingyi started muttering some words.

Heaven and Earth, Chaos and Order, all things are definite and indefinite. There is balance in all, but instability in balance. This is true balance. There is not one or none, only I.

Reciting this chant over and over Shao Jingyi started to comprehend the mysteries of heaven and earth. A mild aura started to permeate off of Shao Jingyi. He was showing signs of a break through. The Spider Mole immediately noticed this and used all of its energy to kill Shao Jingyi. If he was things strong right now, just how much stronger would he become if he broke through. This wasn't a minor realm but a great realm.

Shao Jingyi continued to evade and got even faster. His aura started to solidify, and fast. Knowing that it he was going to succeed soon, the Spider Mole attack even more furiously as it screeched at the top of its lungs. Such an unexpected change shocked Shao Jingyi. He had thought that the Spider Mole had exhausted all of its strength and was attacking at full power before but again it bursted with even faster speeds and power.

Shao Jingyi couldn't do anything and was attacked brutally. Shao Jingyi was at his final ropes and started to roar madly. As one leg came piercing towards him he grabbed it. Then came the second. He grabbed that leg as well. His eyes burning with hatred. Him and the Spider Mole locked eyes. Both emanating deadly killing intent towards one another. There could only be one or the other under the heavens. Today one or both will die.

Gripping both legs with all his might Shao Jingyi gritted his teeth. The Spider Mole pressed down on him as he started to tip back. The Spider Mole tried to pull a sneaky one and sent another leg piercing towards him. He had no other to to dodge or block it so he mustered all his strength and was able to catch it with both of his legs as he clamped down hard. They were now in a deadlock. Under pressure from all sides Shao Jingyi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. He was so close to breaking through. He started chanting his secret art and was gradually getting closer.

The Spider Mole couldn't do anything. It's other legs were being used as power for its attacks. If it used one more leg it's grip would slip and Shao Jingyi would be free. Frustrated the Spider Mole spat multiple webs at Shao Jingyi. The webs landed and Shao Jingyi was now now stuck to the legs. He continued to immerse himself in his secret art. Now that it's enemy was stuck the Spider Mole lifted Shao Jingyi high in the air and then slammed the ball of web at the tip of its legs towards the ground. As the slam hit the ground dust flew everywhere.

Feeling a sense of crises and dread, the Spider Mole retracted its legs and it's body started retreating involuntarily. In the dust a bright light started to shine.

"Ahhh I feel so much better", Shao Jingyi said before spitting a mouthful of blood. He waved his hand and the dust immediately settled. Clasping his first and taking in a mouthful of air, he felt so refreshed. He could now feel all the qi in his body. All his meridians, bones, organs. He could feel every detail in his body now. This was thanks to his promotion to the Initial Element realm. Before he could only vaguely feel the presence of qi in his body because it was so abundant in his body but now he could utilize it. He felt powerful.

Circulating his Yuan Qi he ran at the Spider Mole. The Spider Mole was scared and didn't want to fight anymore. What kind of monster was this boy. The energy that came off of him was too much for anyone, even for a fifth rank monster beast, the amount of qi it had was like a drop of water in a ocean compared to Shao Jingyi. Chills were sent up it's spine as it start to flee.

Shao Jingyi just smiled as he quickly caught up to the Spider Mole and grabbed one of its legs. He pulled the leg and was trying to pull the whole Spider Mole but instead ripped off the leg. The Spider Mole's fear grew deeper and it started burning the essence in its monster core. Shao Jingyi however caught up instantly and he sent his fist towards it. Unable to fight back against its terrifying foe, the battle finally ended.

After killing the monster beast Shao Jingyi let out a deafening roar as his Yuan Qi exploded. It was his victory. Shao Jingyi stumbled as he sat down to recuperate himself. His system notification went off but he ignored it.

Two days later Shao Jingyi left the cave made by the Spider Moles. He was dressed in new clothing but he was still dirty and had dry blood all over his body. During his recuperation Shao Jingyi had used his system to buy a couple healing pills. With the help of the pills Shao Jingyi was able to fully heal his internal and external injuries.

This little adventure came with many gains. For one, Shao Jingyi earned some experience, and a very crucial one at that. He struggled for life and death during his battle with the monster beast and pushed himself to the limits. Such experiences paved the road towards success for cultivators. He had also gained many insights during this trip and made some coins to use for his system.

Only after an hour Shao Jingyi made it back to the Central Capitol. His speed had significantly increased and so did his strength. Now that Shao Jingyi could utilize the Yuan Qi within his body, he could perform physical tasks much more easily.

Shao Jingyi immediately found something to eat after returning and left to cultivate shortly after. He had many insights and thoughts that he still haven't touched yet since he needed to heal and find a safer location. Now that he had eaten and was in the Central Capital, he could start immersing himself in cultivation.

After ten days of closed door cultivation, the door to Shao Jingyi's room finally opened. The aura lingering from him was that of a cultivator in the fourth stage of Initial Element realm. If Shao Jingyi only payed attention to raising his cultivation then it could have gone higher, maybe even reaching Qi Transformation. But he was more intrigue in deepening his insights on other matters.

When Shao Jingyi left the inn he was staying at, someone immediately came up to him. "Are you Shao Jingyi?", the man said.

"Who's asking?", Shao Jingyi replied.

"My master has requested for your audience, Shao Jingyi.", the man said.

Shao Jingyi had plans to leave the city for more training but now it seems something had come up. "Who is this master?", he asked.

"You will know once you get there.", the man just remarked. Not having a problem with it, Shao Jingyi just left with the man.

Arriving at a dazzling building, Shao Jingyi was shown inside. The hall wasn't too big but it was still very new to him. Everything was decorated lavishly and almost everything had a shine to it. After passing through a couple doors his guide stopped at a door that seemed different than the others. It gave off an eerie feeling to Shao Jingyi.

The man knocked and said, "Master, I've brought him."

After a pause an old but not weak voice spoke, "You may enter."

After saying so the man opened the door and bowed forward with his arm to the side, urging Shao Jingyi to enter. Shao Jingyi walked in as the doors behind him closed shut. Walking forward he was met with the sight of an old man levitating over a mat with his legs crossed.

"Greetings senior," Shao Jingyi said as he bowed slightly with his fist cupped.

The old man didn't reply but just smiled at him. After a moment of silence Shao Jingyi was growing impatient so he spoke, "I wonder what the purpose of requesting my audience this senior has." After he spoke the old man spoke in return.

"Young man, as you can see, I am getting off in old in my years. I have no children nor relatives. It is just me. I have trained many disciples but none are worthy of my inheritance. I have kept a close eye on you ever since you came to the Central Capital. I have felt your strength and seen your aptitude. Truly worthy of this kings legacy. Now, tell me, would you like to inherit this kings inheritance?"

Shao Jingyi immediately declined. What use was the inheritance of some master in this world. Maybe an inheritance from someone in the Outer Universe might be tempting, but this, this was nothing to Shao Jingyi.

"Why must you so be fast to decline a lavish offer?", said the old man.

"Because I don't need your legacy, why? Are you going to force me to accept? Of course this isn't something that is given out for free. You want something from me don't you?", Shao Jingyi remarked.

"Good good, you're a smart boy, then there is no need to beat around the bush. The real reason I called you here is to take your body! I have reached the threshold of my bodies aptitude and will die within a couple decades. I was originally going to have you cultivate the body for me and then take it but it seems that this will not work. Boy, today I will take care of your body. As thanks, do you have any wishes that you want to fulfill, I will make sure to fulfill them for you in this body as thanks," the old man laughed.

"No thank you, I will fulfill my wishes myself. As for my body, you will not be taking it at all. It seems that settles this matter. I'll be taking my leave," Shao Jingyi said as he started heading towards the door.

"Why so eager to leave. If I want you to stay then you can't refuse," the old man said as he reached out his hand. A hand formed of qi appeared and grabbed towards Shao Jingyi.

Seeing this he jumped back several times and summoned his sword. Grasping it with both hands Shao Jingyi slashed at the hand shattering it. The explosion sent Shao Jingyi flying back. Using the momentum he broke through the door and fled. This wasn't an opponent he could face at the moment. Judging the aura that the old man enmited, he was at least a first order Transcendent.

As Shao Jingyi was running through doors he heard a voice call out to everyone in the building. "There is a boy running around causing damage to the building, he looks around 14 years old. If you can capture him and bring him to me, you will be rewarded."

"Fucking old dog," Shao Jingyi cursed. What had he done to deserve this. He just wants to focus on his journey to the peak of this world. He hadn't incurred the wrath of some god did he.