
Martial God Asura: Journey of in overpowered CHU FENG

Adam_Sharma · Anime & Comics
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huff huff... I feel tired I feel like I cannot do this but if I did not kill I will end up becoming dead.

Picking my sword and slashing towards the upcoming attack towards me but even though I can fight one or two at same time I cannot defend the attacks of other two will I end up my first challenge as dead person even though I knew I will not die in reality but thinking about penalty and how would you feel ended label as weak person not only in power but in mentality also this feeling No Never I will not die I will only kill my enemies and those enemies those are at in my road of cultivation will become only my stepping stone.

The sword in my hand will cut down any enemies that will intercept me thinking all these things my mind became very calm and I unconsiously closed my eyes but in air there came a sharp feeling from me the sword in my automatically move back and all my opponents came towards me with intention to kill.

Then I opened my eyes and used my sword towards my enemies and formed Dragon Killing Seven Cut technique but this rather than those like previous attempts a sharp qi emitted from my sword which obilitrated any enemy in front of me .

" ding

Congratulations host to fully master Dragon Killing Seven Cut technique (100/100%)"

I checked system window to check progress

[ no of enemies remaining :13 ]

To which I raised my lips up forming an crazy smile and moved my sword to kill them.

After half a hour I finally killed all of them


Congratulations host to complete first level of War Hall test

Rewards: 500 SP, 50 origin beads.

You will be healed for next level.

You can start next level in atmost 3 hours "

Reading I relaxed and sat down on the floor even though I was fighting them I had some cuts and many blood injuries which was healed by the system.

EVen though I cannot take help of Eggy and Xue Ji during the trial but they can see me in taking part in trial so I asked them about how they think about it. To which Eggy replied " even though you have gained resources and experience but seeing this and how you were injured made me feel very bad but it was also your trial in which you proved yourself.

" Seeing working hard also made me to take part in trial so when will be take part in it." Xue Ji said

To which I thought for some time and said" we can do it later for you since now I have many trials coming and also you have also some experiences and for resources I can eventually give them to you "

To which them they both replied that they had do their own hard work and they cannot only rely upon him and also how they should also take care of him which made me feel warm in my heart and a smile was raised on my mouth.

After some time after taking rest I eventually stand up to prepare for next level raising and watching sword in my hands I started moving.


After one month a boy is seen sitting under an waterfall closing his eyes and also maintaining a calm expression on his face ,he looked around 6-7 years old and some muscles were starting to build on his body which were lean type.

The boy was our MC Chu Feng who was presently concentrating and relaxing his mind. During this month not only he gave trials but also reached strength of 2nd stage of profound realm and not only him but his spirits both Eggy and Xue Ji have also reached 1st stage of heaven realm. Also he had completed many missions and practiced many techniques and cultivated in way of sword.

Presently his status is like


NAME : Chu Feng

AGE : 5 Years


[ SPIRITUALIST : Your talent in learning world spirit techniques increases and also your spirit power is 10% more pure

SWORDSMAN : due to this your talent in cultivating swords increases.

CALM MIND : helps to maintain calm mind all time especially helpful in dangerous situations]



CULTIVATION : 2nd stage of profound realm.

SPIRIT CULTIVATION : Grey coat spiritist

MARTIAL SKILLS : Dragon-Slayer Seven Killing Cut (Rank 6 {M}), Fierce tiger claw martial technique (Rank 6 {M}), Sword Qi ( 81/100%), Heavenly Wind God Technique {: Heavenly Wind Shadow, Slicing Wind Stance /Rotating Sharp Stance ,Rotating Wind Palm and Wind Lightning Destruction} ( 39/100%), Heaven eyes (21/100%) Dragon and elephant spirit technique (11/100%)

SP : 23000

Slowly Chu Feng opened his eyes which appeared to be as calm as ocean. During this month his temperament also changed which has shaped from immaturity to calmness and some maturity as his soul was already already more aged and during this time due to time spend in wilderness and also facing challenges in War Hall he had gained more maturity and also temperament above his peers. This will be extremely helpful in his journey and also will help him to keep ahead his peers.

He slowly stand up and changed his clothes while he was changing his clothes he was thinking of to start his journey whether to fastly progress so that he will take things in the Emperor tomb and also gaining the four divine beasts or secret technique since coming back here will slow his journey and in this region theere is not a single thing which will help him except emperor tomb and his real challenge will only begin in eastern martial region and Holy land of martialism in this lower realm but his deep thought was interupted by Eggy and Xue Ji who were currently teasing him that he does wish to talk to them and also regarding many things which lead him to sigh thinking who is more mature between him as a small kid or these two bigger aged spirits.

Tell me your thoughts should I start progress should fastlyin martial Lord and take away the skills and go from here or as in taking some resistance and slowly taking them to eeastern martial region. As I am thinking of starting a arc between Chu Feng and Mermaid clan princess like in original but somewhat more detailed in mine as I am thinking her to add in Harem.

Adam_Sharmacreators' thoughts