
Martial God Asura: Journey of in overpowered CHU FENG

Adam_Sharma · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7

I had spent one another moth here in this forest so that I can reach to 5th stage of heaven realm and a blue coat spiritualist well even though I can reach it very easily with resources present in the shop and refining them but during trials in War Hall gave me experience that how one should fight for what's one. Also both Eggy and Xue Ji have also reached 2nd realm Martial Lord which will be extremely helpful for me in gaining secret skills and resources present in the Emperor Tomb.

Flashback .......

"Here is present an Emperor Tomb which will very helpful to me in my journey upto Martial Emperor." I said to both my spirits

Eggy: " Is there really an Emperor Tomb present in this backward area Chu Feng because as I know emperor tomb is very precious and why did not other people came here"

I " Yes Eggy here is Emperor Tomb of Martial Emperor Qing Xuantian who was born here and there is also a legend of him here that was Ten thousand years ago, the continent of the Nine Provinces was still just a wilderness. Nine powerful families that knew martial cultivating methods occupied the Nine Provinces. The family that occupied the Azure Province was called the Qing family.

On that year, a boy was born into the Qing family. On the day that the boy was born, golden, colourful light engulfed the entire sky. Four enormous beasts surged and roared mid-air and they shook the entire continent."

"That boy was naturally intelligent. According to the legends, one month after he was born, he could speak. On the second month, he could stand up and walk. When he was 1 year old, he started to learn the Four Arts. He was familiar with all the ancient books in the world at the age of five."

He started martial cultivation at the age of seven. He was extremely impressive in martial cultivation. He entered the Origin realm when he was 9 years old, Profound realm when he was 11 years old, and Heaven realm when he was 13 years old. He swept across the Nine Provinces and made the Qing family the overlord of the Nine Provinces.

Xue Ji " Well even though he was intelligent and talented little brother but you are more talented than anyone as you have reached Heaven realm only at age of 5 years which shows that how talented and powerful are you"

I showed a gentle smile and said" Event though I may be some what more talented but those people have to fight for resources and they do not have more resources I just have to gather which are already present to me and refine them and improve thatswhy I only advance to next Realm only when I have advanced all War Hall test as it is also a way where I fight for resources and helps me so that I don't have any arrogance as those who are arrogant their final destination is in nether world/ hell."

Xue Ji pouted " You are not fun little brother you talk like you have known all the truth of world even though you are so small"

( Wait till I grow and age a bit then I will tell you how big I am " Thought Chu Feng)

Eggy said to Xue Ji " Even though Chu Feng is like this but you are also like this fox "

Xue Ji teasingly said" Oh Eggy is jealous of me"

To which both of them started bickering.

Flashback end....

Lets firstly go to White Tiger Mountain Range, and collect the resources and White tiger slaughtering technique there.

"Eggy , Xue Ji we will firstly go the White tiger Mountain range to collect the things."I said to them to which both replied in my agreement.

And then I started travelling towards white mountain range.

After I reached the White Mountain Ranges there I saw White Mountain Villa which was certainly better than my house then I started to move towards the white mountai range to search for the tomb entrance entrance and since I was blue coat spiritualist finding tomb entrance was certainly easy for me .

I opened the tomb entrance which appeared in front of me and then I stepped in.

Simultaneously, the surrounding darkness slowly faded away. When my feet stably stood on the ground, my surroundings completely changed.

It was like a palace because it was very luxurious it was most luxurious place that till now I have seen

It was like a huge formation because symbols were engraved everywhere. They were all interconnected with glittering lights, and it was as though it was a huge net that enveloped the area.

It was like a tomb, because in the center of all that, there was a round stage. In the middle of the round stage, there was a sparkling, crystal coffin.


The crystal tomb was transparent. Chu Feng walked onto the stage and he could clearly see that there was an old man who laid inside the tomb.

The old man had snow-like hair, paper-like face, and a dried up body which was as thin as a stick. Even though he gave some feeling which told him that he was Heaven realm cultivator when he was alive even though these remains will not help Eggy and Xue Ji till I asked them that do they want to absorb it which both of them replied no as it was like needle in a ocean so I left it maybe it may help others who may come here.

He fastly moved forward as these sealing cannot do anything to him also he should be able to collect White Tiger Slaughtering Technique easily and he also have to collect other secret skills.

Just at that time, deafening bellows reverberated everywhere and it was more than several times stronger than before. The ground trembled and there were even cracks that appeared. Sounds of rocks falling could be heard, and the most important part was that the powerful yet ancient oppression feeling pounced towards them.

The legendary Secret Skill appeared as it was his first time seeing a secret skill he have some expectations in seeing it.

The roar of the tiger went in all directions and it shook the world. The tomb violently trembled as if it would crumble at any time.

In an instant, white-coloured gas surged over from every single direction. They started to condense in the air, and with a blink, it formed into a huge White Tiger.

That tiger was extremely big. It was over twenty meters long. Although it was a White Tiger, it was not an actual body. White gas rolled all over its body. It was like fog that swirled in the air as it stared at Chu Feng.

" Hmm you are very talented boy and not only talented even mature and calm for your age and your cultivation hm.." Seeing Chu Feng's cultivation and age WHite Tiger was shocked but maintained stoic face in front of Chu Feng as he did not wish to see a child that also thought what happened to children are all children now are such talented even Qing Xuntian at such did not know any cultivation and here this boy is at heaven realm and also looking at his spirit power he is a blue coat spiritualist.

Thinking this he said " Boy you are talented to keep me as your secret skill but I have wish that you will have to collect other 3 skills also."

Chu Feng respectfully said " Senior I will collect other seniors also will you help in my journey."

Seeing this White tiger has more better mood that boy even though talented is so polite so said " Yes boy now I will tell you about White Tiger Slaughtering Technique.

"I will do a self-introduction. I am the White Tiger Slaughtering Technique and I was created by a Martial Emperor. It is inconvenient to reveal my master's name, but with his power and might, with a slightly movement of his toes, he could cause this entire land to crumble and this sky to collapse. He is an extremely powerful person in this world." Just at that time, the god-like White Tiger did a self-introduction.

After that, it fiercely roared and its fog-like body separated within the world-shaking roar and it started to rush towards Chu Feng's brain.


At that instant, Chu Feng felt piercing pain from his brain because enormous amounts of information was surging into his mind. There was so much information that none of the martial skills that he had read before was comparable to it.

That most amazing thing was, when the information entered his brain, it was absorbed by his mind and it was digested, enabling him to use that skill. At the same time all that happened, the voice of the White Tiger was ringing in Chu Feng's mind.

"Boy, remember the words that I've said today. I am called the White Tiger Slaughtering Technique. I am the strongest attack within Secret Skills and ordinary martial skills cannot be compared to me."

"Today, I pass my ability down to you. However, that does not mean that my power will be freely controlled by you in the future."

"Although your power will affect my power, if I do not give enough of my approval to you, you will have no way of using my ability."

"So, you need to remember clearly that you must not use my ability for evil. You can kill those who offend you, but you cannot kill the innocent. You can remove the roots, but you cannot slaughter the innocent."

The White Tiger's voice lingered around Chu Feng's ears, and other than giving its warning to Chu Feng, it also told the characteristics of the Secret Skill to Chu Feng.

The white-coloured fog that surrounded Chu Feng gradually became less and less. The White Tiger's words also dimmed down. However, when the fog dissipated and when the words were gone, the Secret Skill, the White Tiger Slaughtering Technique, already thoroughly melded with Chu Feng and they became one.

"The White Tiger Slaughtering Technique. Let me, Chu Feng, experience your power."

Chu Feng was extremely excited. He raised his hand, extended his finger, and a strand of white-coloured mist flowed out from his fingertip. The white-coloured mist seemed extremely fragile, but in reality, it contained extremely great power.

Since he was already 5th stage of heaven realm the strike.

With a bang, it was like an arrow leaving a bow and it explosively shot out from Chu Feng's fingertip. Its speed was extremely quick and it almost surpassed Chu Feng's line of sight. Its might was like lightning, its speed was as fast as a shooting star, and with unstoppable power, it shot straight into the tomb's wall.

The tomb was created by special materials, and despite being battered up from everything that happened before, it did not collapse. The walls could be said to be complete, but Chu Feng's attack from his finger completely penetrated through the wall and also nearby it also started to have cracks. The power was shocking.

"That's so strong! Eggy, Xue Ji, did you see that? I got the Secret Skill, the White Tiger Slaughtering Technique! "

Chu Feng said some what happily to both of them even though he also have many such skills but he knew he can collect all these skills and later on may form divine body from them them as he remembered it was ranked 4 on the Divine body's board.

Eggy and Xue Ji were also happy for him. Now Chu Feng was looking forward to other secret skills.