
Martial God Asura: Journey of in overpowered CHU FENG

Adam_Sharma · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


In a deep forest, sounds of roaring of beasts is occasionally listened and here a very cute young boy of age seemingly 5-6 years old is saw walking inside the forest with a sword in his hand.

Yes, this is our MC Chu Feng who is walking inside forest to hunt the fierce beasts to start the experience in bloodshed that one has to experience in cultivation road.

Chu Feng POV

I walking inside the forest using my spirit power to find the fierce beasts and occasionally talking to Eggy and Xue Ji during this time .

" Chu Feng there is spirit realm beast in left side of yours in about 4 km of distance " Eggy said to me. Looks like this I will have my first kill blood now since during this time I have stronged my mentality so that I will now only move forward not look back in cultivation road. I immediately ran towards that direction and taking advantage of trees so that I can hunt fierce beast more effectively. After some minutes I walked towards near a tree from where I can directly see the fierce beasts which is of Rank 6 looks like I have to kill him so that I can complete my first mission.

I immediately raised my sword and started using Dragon -slayer seven killing cut technique and immediately raised my sword in direction of neck of beast to which it also get aware of upcoming danger of death on it and started moving fastly from there but since my strength was equal or more than it so it can only save its neck not its body which was cleaved into two parts and blood spurted over all the area and some also on me to which my response was not any major no feeling of any puking or else but I have a sense of relief that I can kill my first beast and slow I watched its eyes closing.

"ding Congratulations Host you have successfully hunted Rank 6 fierce beast You have gained 10 SP and also would you like to sold this body to system Y/N ? "

"Congratulations Host on hunting your 1st beast REWARDS : 1 black iron sword, Fierce Tiger Claw Martial technique (rank 6)"

" Yes and system also next time any beast I hunt down you should automatically sold it with its body only give me notification if it has anything important or rare and can you give source energy inside present in form of pills."

" host request is considered affirmative

gained source energy pills * 4 "

After killing the beast I move starting again also I exchanged my new black iron sword from inventory and stored my previous one inside. Now lets start the hunting.

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After 1 month I was sitting inside the cave during this month I had gained my SP and also completed my 100 rank 6 and rank 9 fierce beast mission also gained a total of 7000 SP. Now I also written during the time I moved away from my home that a master has taken me for cultivation due to my talent so that my foster father will not be worried. Now I also have used my some resources to reach 8 stage of spirit realm well I did not moved to 9th so that I can practice and have more tougher fights as I had an over OP system and with over Op cultivation and hunting it will be bullying na so what will be its benefit. I also practiced claw martial technique during this month and also my spirit cultivation will reach white coat spiritualist on reaching next stage. I also have given the source energy pills to both Xue Ji and Eggy helping them reaching on 1 stage of origin realm.

Since I had completed mission regarding the present base cultivation I am thinking to attempt the Battle War Hall Test as it will be extremely favourable for me and I can start moving to next realm but firstly lets reach on 9th stage of spirit realm and I started taking out spirit beads so that I can reach next stage which after some hours I reached at 9th stage of spirit realm.

" System open War Hall test and martial cultivation "



Martial cultivation test

' Select test for starting from which to ending cultivation ' "

I immediately chose from 1st realm of spirit realm to 9th realm of spirit realm to which my system immediately responded and in front of my eyes I reached inside a darkness filled area which may max of 10*10 km also I started feeling as like my cultivation is like restricted here since I came first time here and don't know how inner function is worked as I only give some specific details to the god so this filled my mind with curiosity and also some heavy mood.

" ding

1st floor of WAR HALL TEST

Host cultivation restricted at 1st level of spirit realm

Host battle power : 2nd level of spirit realm

Fight and finish 100 2nd level of spirit realm cultivators

Rewards : 500 SP ,50 origin beads "

Failure/ Death : you cannot use this function for a month.

Reading the system's message I immediately understood it is like unleashing contestants in fight for resources which was how basically Chu Feng were in Life and Death battles remembering which made my blood boil as it will lethaly help me in fighting experience and build how my father (now) wanted to experience sothat I will be king at same realm.

Taking a deep breadth and taking my sword I clicked start to experience the blood bath.

" starting 1st level test "

and immediately infront of me shadow type cultivators as only their shadow was present to me and yellow glowing eyes were present and all of them were spawned front of me.

Seeing this made my breath quick as I have to face all these cultivators but also boiled my blood I starting taking my sword in front but did not started using the martial technique so that I can gain a quick idea of how many can I kill without any technique and it also will give me sword mastery.