
Marry me Young Master Yi !

She died because of her stupidity but heaven gave her a second chance. Not driven by revenge, Li Hua only wishes now to live a quiet life with the man she loves and once disappointed. Unfortunately, the demons of the past do not seem to want to leave her untouched even in this life. WARNING : MATURE CONTENT

Lperlederve · Urban
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3 Chs

2 Terrible Nightmare

Li Hua stood up, her face was sweaty and breathless. She looked like someone waking from a terrible nightmare, which was the case. Looking around and not recognizing the place, it took her some time to orginized her though.

It was the hospital room where she stayed after Wang Linli had pushed her down the stairs, almost killing her ten years ago. To avoid being denounced, They brought her for treatment so that she wouldn't complain after waking up.

Li Hua could not believe it. She went back 10 years in time. Caught by tears of joy, she fell back on the bed and let them flow. God had pity on her and given her a second chance. After many minutes, Li Hua calmed down. This was not the time to gloat. Her new life had begun and in order not to spoil it, the first thing she had to do was to leave this room.

It was with great difficulty that Li Hua walked. She opened the door and, after making sure that no one was there, and headed to the reception.

"Hello, excuse me, I would like to withdraw my medical file. Where can I meet the doctor who treated me?"

The nurse behind the counter looked up and saw a beautiful young girl covered in blue. You didn't have to be smart to figure out that someone had hit her hard, leaving enormous bruises on her whitish skin.

What monster would do such a thing ? she asked herself

"What is your name please?"

"Li Hua," she replied.

The nurse began typing on her computer before making a phone call, hanging up, and asking her to follow her. She took Li Hua to the GP's office and he wasted no time to hang over her file.

Still wearing a hospital gown, Li Hua asked the nurse who had accompanied her if she can lend her some clothes. She asked her to wait a moment before leaving for a few minutes and coming back with a dress.

Li Hua thanked her and promised to return it. After changing in the nearest toilet, she did not waste a minute and took the direction of the exit. But as she was about to leave, she heard someone shouting:

"Li Hua! You little bitch! Where do you think you're going?"

Li Hua recognized it too well because it belonged to her adoptive mother, Zhao Ahn.

The little lady, dressed in expensive clothes, ran towards her despite her heels. Li Hua quickened her pace.

There was no way she was going to get caught!

Fortunately, a free cab passed by when she was near the road and picked her up.

" To the nearest police station, please."

After that Li Hua glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that Mrs.Wang had stopped running, out of breath.

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