
Marry me Young Master Yi !

She died because of her stupidity but heaven gave her a second chance. Not driven by revenge, Li Hua only wishes now to live a quiet life with the man she loves and once disappointed. Unfortunately, the demons of the past do not seem to want to leave her untouched even in this life. WARNING : MATURE CONTENT

Lperlederve · Urban
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3 Chs

3 I want to file a complaint!

In the taxi, Li Hua borrowed the driver's mobile phone and dialed Jiang Wei's number.

She is a maid who worked at the Wangs' house and the only ally Li Hua had in that house. Unlike the other employees who had known her since birth. Jang Wei had only been working for two years. After seeing the treatment she received from her stepmother and stepsister, Jang Wei could not help but sympathize with Li Hua because she had also grown up abused.

"Li Hua!!! What's going on? Why aren't you in the hospital?" the person on the other end of the line asked without pausing.

"How do you know? "

"I followed madam and the young lady to the hospital this morning. Is everything all right? "

"Um... I'm actually on my way to the police station. Do you have the evidence we collected with you? "

Over the past two years, Jang Wei had helped collect evidence against Zhao Ahn and Wang Lin. It was through this evidence that she had managed to detach herself from the Wang family in her former life, simply asking them to let her go.

Who would have thought that even after all this, this family would continue to ruin her life?

This time she was going to make them pay.

"I never go anywhere without it! "Jiang Wei confirmed proudly.

"Then join me. And get some money ready because I don't have money for the taxi. I'll pay you back, I promise. "

"No worries! See you all!"

When Wang Linli came out of the hospital and saw her mother gasping for breath, she realized that Li Hua had escaped. The two women had woken up early that morning to check if the girl had woken up after spending two weeks in a coma. It seems that after falling down the stairs, the girl had hit her head, causing her to bleed. Had they delayed in calling for help, Li Hua would have died in their home. Who would have thought that she would suddenly wake up and run away from the hospital?

"What do we do, Mom? What if she goes to the police?" asks Wang Linli, panicking after joining Zhao Ahn. She was the one who had put Li Hua in this state, and the thought of going to jail gave her the shivers.

"Let me call your father. He'll find a solution."

While Mrs. Wang informed her husband of the situation, Li Hua had just arrived at the police station. She got out of the car and asked the driver to wait until her friend came. A few minutes later, Jiang Wei appeared wearing a simple dress and flat sandals. She paid the two cabbies before joining Li Hua, who was standing outside the police station.

"Let's go!" she said.

The girl covered in bruises and bandages immediately attracted the attention of passers-by, who began to whisper. But Li Hua paid no attention to them and went straight to the reception.

"Hi sir, I would like to make a complaint! "

The policeman behind the counter looked up and saw a girl covered in blue accompanied by a woman probably in her late twenties. He stood up and asked them to follow him. He sat them down and placed a glass of water in front of hers.

"Explain to me your situation. "

"I wish to file a complaint against my adoptive family for abuse and attempted murder. "

"Do you have any evidence? "asked the policeman.

Li Hua handed her medical file to the policeman, who began to examine it. Looking at the X-rays and medical findings, it appeared that this girl had experienced abuse to the point of almost losing her life. No wonder she wanted to file a complaint. But!

"I'm sorry, but this is not enough. If you want to incriminate your family, you must be able to prove that there are guilty. Without overwhelming evidence, I can't help you."

"We have evidence! We have evidence!" cried Jiang Wei before retrieving a USB stick from her handbag.

Jang Wei handed it to the policeman, who checked its contents. After that, he asks Li Hua to fill in a form and register her complaint. It was not long before the arrest warrant was issued.

"You can wait here while we apprehend the suspects or follow us. It's up to you," the policeman offered.

"I prefer to wait," she said, a mischievous smile on her face.

The officer didn't insist and headed for the exit with three other teammates leaving Li Hua with Jang Wei.

"I can't wait to see the look on those two bitches' faces," declared Jiang Wei without hiding her joy.