
Marry me Young Master Yi !

She died because of her stupidity but heaven gave her a second chance. Not driven by revenge, Li Hua only wishes now to live a quiet life with the man she loves and once disappointed. Unfortunately, the demons of the past do not seem to want to leave her untouched even in this life. WARNING : MATURE CONTENT

Lperlederve · Urban
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3 Chs

1 I hope you will be happy now

On this New Year's Eve, while everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves in the company of their loved ones, the atmosphere in the famous Cheng Hospital was just as festive, except in one of its VVIP rooms, where silence had reigned for many minutes. A young man in his late thirties with drool-inducingly beautiful features was there with his wife, soon to be ex-wife lying on the hospital bed. This man was Yi Xichen, CEO of Sky Corporation, the most coveted billionaire in the whole country, 5th richest man in the world according to Worbe magazine and 1st in all of Asia. Few people had ever met him, let alone spoken to him, as he was known to be cold and distant. At the moment, his face was as tired as if he had not slept for days, and he was very sad. He looked at the woman in front of him and felt his heart clench. Only God knew how much he loved this woman. But despite all his efforts, she never gave him so much as a glance as to wish him dead. Who would have thought that consumed by her hatred, she would not even spare their unborn child. For him, this was the last straw.

He placed the divorce papers in front of Li Hua with a pen, waiting patiently for her to decide to sign.

Li Hua had been hoping for this moment for years, the day Yi Xichen would finally grant her freedom, but for some reason she was not happy. The price of her freedom was her child, how happy she could be. He must surely blame her, and even if he didn't, she could only blame herself for her stupidity. As she wrote his name on the piece of paper, she couldn't help but hold back her tears, not being able to cry in front of him after all she had done to him. Li Hua handed him the document and saw him get up to leave. When he was close to the door, he put his foot down.

"I hope you will be happy now. This is the last you will hear from me so live your life. "

When the door closed behind him, Li Hua let go. In this life, she trusted the wrong people and could only blame herself for her stupidity. Now, after losing everything, how could she go on living?

She took out the knife hidden under her blankets and without hesitation cut the veins in both her arms. Gradually bleeding to death, Li Hua saw her life flash by in her head like a television series. The monsters that had destroyed her, the ones she had failed to cherish and the ones she had hurt...

Lu Jin, if there is another life and we meet again, I swear on my soul not to disappoint you...

Hello everyone, this is my first novel on this plateform and i hope you will like it. Don't forget to give me yours impressions

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