

Leah is a teenager who has the notion of marriage being nothing but a form of bondage after many failed attempts to love wholeheartedly without falling out of love. She sees love as something she is not simply cut out for, but it seems destiny had other plans for her, as she gets involved with an unearthly being(a god) whose job was to protect her as she died in her first life whilst taking an attack which was initially meant for him, whom she had loved intensely. "Leah!... Leah!, YOU CAN'T DIE " i heard him scream as i lay in his arms, weak and breathless as all my powers had left me. I knew i was gonna die any moment from now, seeing Alex looking so weak, trembling with tears in his icy blue eyes for the first time ever, made me so upset and at the same time i felt really sad. "Alex, don't you dare shed a tear, i will return but promise me you would always be by my side even if i may not be able to see you"' i said weakly, trying to capture his face with my right hand when he caught it and said sobbingly "i promise you i would always be by your side, no matter how far you might be in your next life" he said as i gave up the ghost. Alex, a supernatural being of great cold aura, supreme power, has pledged to become her guardian angel in the next life to pay her back, as she had sacrificed her life for him when he was powerless, without knowing that she even loved him. Little did he know that he had also developed feelings for her as well, but was still yet to recognize the feeling as the so called love. Would fate give these two a chance to finally have a happy ending? Well, let's find out.

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We both woke up looking so haggard as we pulled an all nighters practicing for the gala which was today. I really didn't mean to push Leah beyond her limit and I only have the best in heart for her. She might have a really boring personality, but that has been what never ceased to amaze me. My sole purpose to bring her to the party with me is to let her experience life outside places she already knows.

She might not get picked, I don't really care about that but having a face as cute as this is capable enough to grab someone's attention. The phobia she has for marriage is of really great concern to me, she always says she wouldn't ever feel lonely even without a husband, she always listed solutions to possibilities of her being lonely, adoption and c-drama's , k-drama's. I could see that she's breaking inside her even if she's pretending to be all great and fine on the outside. I really meant it when I said I will be her fairy God mother guiding her on the path of true love, just like the story of Cinderella. She's actually lucky to have her best friend as one. *chuckles*

"Is there something on my face?" Leah asked as she turned towards the mirror to check. "Nope", "Then why were you staring so intently at my face which lead to the chuckling sounds I just heard", she said while still rechecking her face. "Aish, my baby is just looking so bright today", I said holding her face together. "How can you still lie like that seeing we both still have dark circles underneath our eyes" she said pointing to her eyes. I tried to tease her a little, "Well yours sure looks way visible than mine", "What!!!, Sarah I'll so get you for this" she exclaimed as we ended up having a pillow fight which lasted for a while until I decided to throw in the towel.


"Kids, breakfast is ready!", I heard sarah's mum call out. Our breakfast wasn't quiet as we continually cracked jokes and laughed wholeheartedly. "Mum, we will be going to a party tonight, which I have formerly informed you about." "And…..", "And what" her mum replied, "we will be needing your car", "but you haven't gotten your license even if you have just turned 18 and had already known how to drive", her mum said whilst spreading some peanut butter on her bread. "What!, you know how to drive" I exclaimed looking so shocked, almost choking on my food. "Yeah, it was supposed to come as a surprise but mum just had to let the cat out of the bag" she said pouting playfully at her mum. "Well, don't look at me like that, I really didn't know that it was meant to be a SURPRISE" she said sarcastically stressing the word surprise.

"Then, could ask big brother to drive us there?", "why can't you ask him yourself?" her mother said. "He would not listen, after what I did to him the last time", she giggled. "And, what did you do?", "I just had to tell on him about the way he brings girls over, each time mum and dad went on vacations", " You are such a…"

"villainess" I know, I do like that name, she chuckled. "not really, I was about to say 'cunning little fox'" I said to her pointing my fork at her. "Well… I think i like that too", Her mum and I both chuckled at her statement, before she began pleading to her mum with her signature large puppy eyes to ask her big brother James to drive us there. And just like me, her mum was also swayed by that display of hers and now James has no choice but to take us there, *chuckling*. "Thanks again for the food, Mrs Anderson, it tasted really good." I said as I helped do the dishes as it was the least I could do to repay her kindness. "You are welcomed, I really wish sarah could be more like you" she said as we both giggled.

The day went by more quickly than I imagined. I guess it was because I couldn't seem to relax all day long and now, the moment every single lady in New York has been waiting for is in an hour's time. Sarah and I have gotten all dolled up and ready to go and we looked super beautiful. I feel like I could marry myself right now.


Today's the day, he has been anxiously waiting for. Even if he might not show it, I know a lot is going through that humongous mind of his. I know him more than his own self, of course after being his closest subordinate for more than a thousand years. "What are you going to do when you finally find her?", I asked him a question which seemed to have stopped him in his tracks as he dropped the hard copy documents he was busy reviewing to look at me.

He examined me with that feisty looking eyes of his for a while before he turned his face to the eastward direction as he cleared his throat and began "She asked me to stay with her at all times before she died, which I can only do by signing a contract with her to become her guardian angel and her husband at the same time", "and you think she would agree to that last condition" I replied. "I'm afraid she has to agree, whether she likes it or not. I just want to pay my debt to her in this lifetime so I can finally be free from this damn bondage she had put me in by making me owe her. She's just a mere human anyways, I could easily hypnotize her at my will".