

Leah is a teenager who has the notion of marriage being nothing but a form of bondage after many failed attempts to love wholeheartedly without falling out of love. She sees love as something she is not simply cut out for, but it seems destiny had other plans for her, as she gets involved with an unearthly being(a god) whose job was to protect her as she died in her first life whilst taking an attack which was initially meant for him, whom she had loved intensely. "Leah!... Leah!, YOU CAN'T DIE " i heard him scream as i lay in his arms, weak and breathless as all my powers had left me. I knew i was gonna die any moment from now, seeing Alex looking so weak, trembling with tears in his icy blue eyes for the first time ever, made me so upset and at the same time i felt really sad. "Alex, don't you dare shed a tear, i will return but promise me you would always be by my side even if i may not be able to see you"' i said weakly, trying to capture his face with my right hand when he caught it and said sobbingly "i promise you i would always be by your side, no matter how far you might be in your next life" he said as i gave up the ghost. Alex, a supernatural being of great cold aura, supreme power, has pledged to become her guardian angel in the next life to pay her back, as she had sacrificed her life for him when he was powerless, without knowing that she even loved him. Little did he know that he had also developed feelings for her as well, but was still yet to recognize the feeling as the so called love. Would fate give these two a chance to finally have a happy ending? Well, let's find out.

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"The banquet hall is ready, and everything needed for the gala tomorrow night is in order, anything else you want me to do?", Felix asked as he walked towards the bar stand to pour himself some whisky.

"Why are you even asking, it's not like I even care about things such as this" I replied. "Well, you are gonna choose a bride for the first time ever, it obviously needs your attention", he said as he poured me a glass as well. "You are so carefree about so many things you know, even the company", He pointed out. "Firstly, I don't belong to this world. Secondly, there is practically no reason I should care, all I want to do is..." "Find Leah", Felix said completing my statement.

"I know she's out there somewhere, and when i finally find her, I promise never to let any harm get to her" i finally said with my hands in my pocket whilst sipping my drink, as I admired the beautiful painting before me which was called bleeding rose.


It's been 2 weeks already and I have finally decide within me to go. I feel a kind of familiarity between I and this so called billionaire that has got the world talking, like I 've have known him before, I think it's strange. Sarah came to visit since it's a Friday today, she is always the one to visit me as I always never felt like going out of my home, I am such a bad friend. Even still, she doesn't seem to get offended by it, she really gets me.

"Have you made your decision?", Sarah asked as she came to lie on my bed near me while munching on some chips. "Well....." "Ok, I will go but I don't have anything suitable to wear for that kind of occasion" I lamented. "No problem, I got you covered, how much have you saved up until now?" "I had used up all my savings to purchase a new laptop and so I am officially worth nothing more or less than 0.01 dollars as at now" Sarah face palmed herself after hearing what had just came outta my mouth as she dragged me off of the bed in a whim, all the way to her house then to her room as she sat me on her bed.

She then went over to her piggy bank to pick it up and the next thing she did was to smash it revealing coins and dollar notes all scattered, on her bedroom floor. I just sat dumbfounded, unable to process what the hell she just did and what she wants to do with all that cash until she spoke, "I will be your fairy God mother for today, making sure you make heads turn as you walk into the hall" she said as she held her hips, nodding slowly and looking very proud of herself.

I didn't know what to say, maybe to say thank you or tell her to return that. I knew how long she had being saving to finally buy a ticket to her favorite boy band's concert. I was just so amazed by the love she was showing me, even if we weren't blood related, she really made me feel like a sister.

I finally spoke "Thank you so much.... how would I ever repay you back", she giggled and began "Going to that party is all you have to do, okay", I started crying unknowingly and as she tried to pacify me, she began to cry as well. We shared this outpour of emotions for a while before we got down on our knees to count it, it was a total of 3000 dollars.

We set out to the mall that afternoon as we had limited time to prepare before the party. We purchased an off-shoulder dress combo which was of different colors, white and blue. The embroidery made on the blue long flair skirt was what attracted me, it gave that spark of royalty and the off the shoulder white crop top kept my bare shoulder bone in view.

It looked so beautiful on me that Sarah kept continuously praising the maker of the dress. We went out of the boutique, then on to the shoe store to buy a silver-colored high heel which I specifically disagreed on, because I don't know how to walk in those. I was always being compared to a baby goat taking its first steps, each time I tried walking in them. We bought few matching accessories as well to finally end our shopping spree for that day.

As tomorrow was the D-night,(I named it that since it was a gala night), Sarah advised me to sleep over at her home so she could teach me some etiquettes required for such occasions. Now, I feel kind of nervous, it's as if I am getting married tomorrow. "Arghhh, Sarah look at what you've done to me" I said as I face palmed myself, earning me a giggle from her.