

Leah is a teenager who has the notion of marriage being nothing but a form of bondage after many failed attempts to love wholeheartedly without falling out of love. She sees love as something she is not simply cut out for, but it seems destiny had other plans for her, as she gets involved with an unearthly being(a god) whose job was to protect her as she died in her first life whilst taking an attack which was initially meant for him, whom she had loved intensely. "Leah!... Leah!, YOU CAN'T DIE " i heard him scream as i lay in his arms, weak and breathless as all my powers had left me. I knew i was gonna die any moment from now, seeing Alex looking so weak, trembling with tears in his icy blue eyes for the first time ever, made me so upset and at the same time i felt really sad. "Alex, don't you dare shed a tear, i will return but promise me you would always be by my side even if i may not be able to see you"' i said weakly, trying to capture his face with my right hand when he caught it and said sobbingly "i promise you i would always be by your side, no matter how far you might be in your next life" he said as i gave up the ghost. Alex, a supernatural being of great cold aura, supreme power, has pledged to become her guardian angel in the next life to pay her back, as she had sacrificed her life for him when he was powerless, without knowing that she even loved him. Little did he know that he had also developed feelings for her as well, but was still yet to recognize the feeling as the so called love. Would fate give these two a chance to finally have a happy ending? Well, let's find out.

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Sarah and I walked majestically into the hall after being dropped off by James, just as we had practiced, heads high, chest out and buttocks up. We were determined make everyone drool at our beauty but we were the ones caught drooling at the women already present in the hall. I realized we had no chance against these drop dead gorgeous goddess-like ladies we were seeing and I dropped my act then signaled sarah to do the same.

"The once in a lifetime event every lady has been waiting for has finally arrived, everyone has high hopes to get picked by the 'great Alexander Kendrich', no one wants to lose to nobody tonight." I heard sarah whisper to me as we walked over to a waiter for a drink. "Well, except me, I came to take beautiful pictures 'cause I am really loving myself right now,*chuckling*." I said as we got to our destination.

I was about to take a sip of the drink when he came walking down the stairway in all dripping glory, girls began to drool at this sight, of course he was a beauty to behold, he looked so handsome today. He walked in between the crowd as he began to interact with his business associates. "The lady he's choosing tonight as his bride has to be as beautiful and well of as him to be able to be picked tonight" I said to sarah who was also in a trance created by Mr Billionaire over here, i rolled my eyes at this gesture.

The party had being going on for about an hour now and I was already getting bored with the shameless sight of women dressed in nothing but pieces of clothes, trying their possible best to entice him and the damn classical music. My words to sarah were already getting really slurry as I had gotten drunk after just 3 shots. I begged sarah to get me outta here before I do something stupid but it seems she was kinda drunk as well. "I need to use the restroom, I'll be back in a few", sarah said to me as she went on. This was my first time of taking alcohol and I never knew my alcohol tolerance would be this low. "I can't take this anymore", I said to myself. "Would someone tell those darn musicians to shut the fuck up, already", I then yelled, attracting everyone's attention to my side.


Since I got here, there have been different ladies throwing themselves onto me foolishly, like I was the only man in the hall, this gesture alone has gotten me really irritated and the darn so called music, "what the hell was Felix thinking to have invited these god damned musicians", I thought to myself. The sight of one of the ladies seemed to have caught my attention as she seemed like the only one who never gave a damn about who I was.

She looked like an African as her skin was not so lightly tanned which made it shimmer beautifully under the golden light. She was by far the most beautiful, both outside and inside, I have seen today, she looked genuine. She would sometimes steal glances at me when ladies shamelessly came to seduce me, with her eyes filled with disgust and a hint of jealousy. "Would someone tell those darn musicians to shut the fuck up already", I heard someone yell and to my surprise it was her.

Her words echoed loudly through the entire hall causing everyone to stop in their tracks and facing her direction, I smirked at what she had done as it looked like she had gotten super drunk. She started by walking towards one of the waiters to gulp down another glass of alcohol, then started walking towards me in an unstable manner almost falling before I stretched out my hands to assist her. "I am Leah and you are… ", she began smiling so brightly at me, not minding the feisty looking and murderous eyes of hundreds of women fixated intently at her, she stretched out her both hands as she drew me in for a french kiss which I had least expected.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard, was she the Leah I had been waiting for to be reincarnated for more than a thousand years or just another one of those tricks the fates played years back, as i had, had a similar experience before. I pulled her away to stop time as I needed to satisfy my burning curiosity by confirming if she's the one or not. There was a star-shaped birth mark which had appeared at the middle of her right palm on that fateful night she died.

It wasn't visible to mere humans or other beings, even her herself as I had made sure it was kept unseen with the last juice of power left in me that day, in order to protect her from getting noticed by the dwellers of the underworld as she lived on earth. And there was it, in full view, clearing all my doubts. She's really the one I have been waiting for, for so many centuries and now i have finally found her, i am never going to let anyone take her away from me this time. Even death itself, i swore to myself.