

Leah is a teenager who has the notion of marriage being nothing but a form of bondage after many failed attempts to love wholeheartedly without falling out of love. She sees love as something she is not simply cut out for, but it seems destiny had other plans for her, as she gets involved with an unearthly being(a god) whose job was to protect her as she died in her first life whilst taking an attack which was initially meant for him, whom she had loved intensely. "Leah!... Leah!, YOU CAN'T DIE " i heard him scream as i lay in his arms, weak and breathless as all my powers had left me. I knew i was gonna die any moment from now, seeing Alex looking so weak, trembling with tears in his icy blue eyes for the first time ever, made me so upset and at the same time i felt really sad. "Alex, don't you dare shed a tear, i will return but promise me you would always be by my side even if i may not be able to see you"' i said weakly, trying to capture his face with my right hand when he caught it and said sobbingly "i promise you i would always be by your side, no matter how far you might be in your next life" he said as i gave up the ghost. Alex, a supernatural being of great cold aura, supreme power, has pledged to become her guardian angel in the next life to pay her back, as she had sacrificed her life for him when he was powerless, without knowing that she even loved him. Little did he know that he had also developed feelings for her as well, but was still yet to recognize the feeling as the so called love. Would fate give these two a chance to finally have a happy ending? Well, let's find out.

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I wasn't gonna lie, he was absolutely stunning. He wasn't too muscular but you could see he was well fit and body built like he had spent his whole life in a gym. He was clothed in black from head to toe, which made me drool and I am sure I wasn't the only one he effortlessly captivated with this look.

He was wearing a turtle neck long sleeve with a long, black, woolen overcoat that hugged him rightly, black belt and black trousers that looked like they were made specifically for those long, slim legs. His hair was chestnut brown in color, they were looking so sleek and shiny, styled in a way that perfectly matched his clean shaven face which made him look so innocent yet dangerous. Judging from his looks, I think he should be about 27 or 28 years in age.

It seemed like he was on a call as he was seen standing with a hand in his pockets and his phone onto his left ear. The picture looked like it was taken in an airport by one of the by-standers , but he looked even more handsome than models in magazines.

"See, you're already shamelessly drooling at him", Sarah said as I came back to my senses, unable to meet her gaze as I was too embarrassed to do so. I then started walking past her as fast as I could, before I heard her chuckles which made me stop then I turned. "Won't you come along, I have things to do at home" I said as I started walking again.

She met me in no time and started "So are you going?", This made me stop in my tracks as I started facing her this time. "One, I am not up to 18 and neither are you, Two, I am sure you are aware that the word marriage annoys me and NO, I am not going to any f**king party whatsoever", Sarah sighed saying "Of course, I am aware of these facts but the thing is, you might become Mrs Leah Kendrich, who knows" "And why aren't you vouching for yourself missy" I replied immediately.

She then stated the fact that she loves someone else who she's even dating as well, I very well knew about this. Sarah was a hard lover which made me admire her commitment to her lover. She pleaded continuously with her round large puppy-like eyes that I just couldn't say no to her, then I sighed before I started, "I will think about it BUT, I ain't promising anything" she jumped on me saying 'thank you' whilst squeezing the air out of me, by the time she released me, I was gasping for breath. We got to our homes which were just opposite each other, late 'cause of the whole drama that Sarah played out.



I have being living in this part of the universe which is mostly filled with humans (Earth), for a thousand years with only one mission, to find her. After much pleading, the fates gave me only a hint on where I could find her, which was the place she had been reincarnated recently, New York City. She had been reincarnated more than once before but each time, I found her already dead.

I don't even remember how many times I had to change my identity, but the current identity I'm using is Alexander Kendrich, I have never changed my first name in hopes that she remembers and comes for me, even if I know that it's not possible. In order not to get discovered, the deaths of each identity was faked by my assistant Felix, he has been with me all these years and is also like a big brother to me.

The amount of money I have acquired in all these years can't even be imagined by any normal human. I managed to maintain a low profile for a long time but it seemed to have come to an end as some human reporters just had to stick their noses in my business 3 years ago. This forced me to build a company in less than a week to cover up as a billionaire and be exposed to the public, women threw themselves shamelessly at me as I used them anyhow and anytime I wanted to satisfy my desires and quench my frustration.

I recently became tired of the search and to no avail game, the fates were playing with me. Even if it sounds old fashioned, I released word out for my search for a wife 2 weeks ago and tomorrow is gonna be the gala night, and just as I already stated at the press conference, I really hope to find her this time. I really miss her. I miss her smile, her laughter, her scent, everything about her. I just want to be with her again.