

Leah is a teenager who has the notion of marriage being nothing but a form of bondage after many failed attempts to love wholeheartedly without falling out of love. She sees love as something she is not simply cut out for, but it seems destiny had other plans for her, as she gets involved with an unearthly being(a god) whose job was to protect her as she died in her first life whilst taking an attack which was initially meant for him, whom she had loved intensely. "Leah!... Leah!, YOU CAN'T DIE " i heard him scream as i lay in his arms, weak and breathless as all my powers had left me. I knew i was gonna die any moment from now, seeing Alex looking so weak, trembling with tears in his icy blue eyes for the first time ever, made me so upset and at the same time i felt really sad. "Alex, don't you dare shed a tear, i will return but promise me you would always be by my side even if i may not be able to see you"' i said weakly, trying to capture his face with my right hand when he caught it and said sobbingly "i promise you i would always be by your side, no matter how far you might be in your next life" he said as i gave up the ghost. Alex, a supernatural being of great cold aura, supreme power, has pledged to become her guardian angel in the next life to pay her back, as she had sacrificed her life for him when he was powerless, without knowing that she even loved him. Little did he know that he had also developed feelings for her as well, but was still yet to recognize the feeling as the so called love. Would fate give these two a chance to finally have a happy ending? Well, let's find out.

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His icy deep blue eyes were glittering like the view of the sun's reflection on the ocean's surface, with his long chestnut brown hair flowing graciously to the direction of the wind. His skin looked super smooth and fair like he hadn't ever been under the sun his whole life. His face, like one which had been carefully sculpted by God himself looking extremely handsome and at the same time, extremely beautiful. It's safe to say he was perfectly gorgeous.

His lips looked so plump and red in color, he had lashes which were so long that even girls would be jealous of. In general, his whole demeanor emancipated great supremacy with an immense power, a majestic cold aura which bought chills to my bones. Believe me when I say, these attributes of his are practically enough to make any lady fall head over heels with him at first sight without him needing to do anything.

I was captivated by this beauty before me for a moment, as it disappeared just as fast as it came but as I tried remembering the rest of his physical features apart from his face and other parts of the dream, I then realized that I couldn't seem to remember, as it seemed like it had been completely deleted from my memory. At that moment I heard mom say what had seemed to help me come back to reality, "Won't you hurry up there, you have to catch the school bus"

I dashed into the bath tub as I hurriedly took my bath as fast as I could 'cause I knew i had missed the school bus already, "Today's so fucked up" I yelled to no one in particular as I tried hoarding a taxi but it seemed like the universe was out to get me today. After a few trials and failures, a taxi stopped and I got in.


"And why did our class genius get late again", Sarah said as she came to my desk while I was about to take my daily afternoon nap. Sarah has been my best friend ever since 10th grade. We had initially hated one another in 7th grade due to the fact that she thought I was too proud and I thought she was too rude, but after we fought in class and got detention, the few hours of staying alone together made us become friends.

It wasn't until 10th grade that we became best of friends. There were times when I was being insulted by other classmates, she was always the first to stand up for me as I wasn't really good at giving befitting comebacks, and other times when she was been teased I tried to feign as much boldness as I could to stand up for her as well.

She was what you could describe as bold and really cheerful while I was the opposite, timid and mostly boring. You could say that we were opposite but complementary individuals to one another like the Redox reaction in chemistry *chuckling*.

"Today is just so not my day" I playfully pouted after answering her. "hmm hmn.... Well, at least you got the brains to pass the final exams even if you come as late everyday as you did today" she said with her hands on her hips, nodding her head. "You know that it's not as if I am a genius, I mean... Amanda and Daniel are naturally intelligent, but I have to stay up reading the whole night to get distinctions, which I know you'll be able to achieve as well if you could sacrifice your time" I said to her, nodding this time. "Arghhh, you know I can't do it, it's simply TORTURE", She spelled out for me. We were about to continue the discussion and just then, the next teacher came in as break was finally over.

I suddenly remembered the missing scenes of the dream I had last night.

"Leah! Leah!, YOU CAN'T DIE" I heard these screams coming from the extremely handsome being, he was not his usual self as he was trembling with tears in his icy blue eyes, he looked so powerless and weak, different from his normal majestic appearance. A girl whose face I tried seeing but I just couldn't, was laying on his lap with her clothes soaked in blood.