
She's my employee

"Hi, I'm sorry,you almost kissed my forehead. Unfortunately, your lips didn't touch"he sighed

Avery blushed when she heard his last statement.

Oh boy!"said Alex's assistant who just saw Alex's cold face

Alex placed both hands in his pant pockets glared at both assistant and Samuel the guy standing in front of Avery.

He moved and stood behind Avery ,Alex eyed at Samuel suspiciously , Samuel smirked,seeing the cold face of Alex.

"Hey !Alex how are you doing?"he said grinning from ear to ear.

"Why are you here?"Alex said with a grim look.

Avery hearing Alex voice from behind flinched,and looked at him.

Alex's face soften when he saw Avery's eyes.Naughty Samuel was smiling like a birthday boy .He moved forward and stood beside Alex.

"So ,beautiful do you work here?"he asked Avery with a wide smile.

Avery nodded and shook her head , disagreeing on what Samuel said . Samuel raised a confused eyebrow.

"It just,WOW!,your smile and face .Did anyone tell you, you're handsome,no you look like a god"she said not feeling shy.

Alex gritted his teeth and clenched his fist to stop himself from punching the guy beside him.

"I don't work here yet ,but maybe I'll start when I produce my files to the boss standing beside you"she said pointing towards Alex.

"Don't you dare point at me"Alex said sharply.

Avery rolled her eyes at him and muttered under her breathe "Annoying brat"

Samuel chuckled at the "Tom and Jerry"argument.He took Avery's hand and said

"OK,since you don't work here , why don't you go on a date with me, let's say tomorrow at 8:00pm ,my treat.What do you say ".

Avery was about to answer when she got pulled by Alex into his hard chest.

"She's my employee"he snapped.

Avery felt a funny sensation when he touched Alex's broad chest and inhale his sweet scented cologne .She raised her head to look at Alex's face and damn!,she was tongue-tied.She turned her head and looked at his side profile,sharp jaw , handsome face and a godly expression. She was brought back to reality when she heard Alex's deep voice.

"Chillax ,Alex ,you are scaring beautiful"Samuel said

"Her name is Avery not beautiful"Alex warned Samuel

"Alex , thanks for the information ,but I think beautiful I mean Avery is uncomfortable with her face pressed on tour chest.Samuel jabbered.

Avery pulled away and coughed slightly with a light blush.

"Aww , you're blushing"Samuel said

"Why are you here?"Alex changed the topic.

Samuel cleared his throat and tidied his suit.