
Veronica called me

"Veronica called me!"Samuel grumbled

"So?"Alex asked him.

"She's complaining about what happened when she came to you last time."Samuel said.

"Is that ,the only reason why you came here?"Alex asked.

"No!, let's talk in your office".

Alex nodded his head and instructed his assistant to show Avery around.

"Dave,my assistant,wil show you around"Alex said to Avery.

He walked away with Samuel following him.

____________in his office-------

Alex opened the door of his office and went in hr sat down comfortably and looked at Samuel

"Talk"he said harshly

Samuel took a seat infront of him and muttered to himself

"Lack of manners"

"I heard that"Alex said .Samuel shrugged his shoulders and replied "I don't care.

"The reason for me being here is to inform you,the mighty Alex that our new rival wants to work with Veronica,because she was once your secretary and a lover"Samuel said reading Alex

"What has that got to do with me?"Alex asked

"And Veronica called to complain about,her babe Alexander Gibson ,who is now cheating on her,because she willingly brought herself to you ,but you rejected a beautiful body and offer.Because of?. Nobody knows.So baby Alex tell me,why did you reject her ?why happened?waaaait ! it's Avery right?. You rejected Veronica cause of Avery."

Samuel looked at Alex with a questioning gaze.

"Your new catch is Avery right? Wow! Answer me moron !,you are dating your employee aren't you? Where's the policy of 'No dating of employees' hr joked with the few statement

Alex looked at him with folded arms and said

"The policy is ongoing , I'm not dating Avery, she's too sassy for my liking,i don't want her."

Samuel wasn't convinced on what his friend said ,so he plan to investigate on his own to know the real truth .Within some minutes they were back to the business world .They spoke for some.hours before Samuel bid good bye.

Alex brought out his phone to call someone

"Follow Veronica and report any thing unusual to me"