
Serve me on bed

Avery looked up with a pouted lips and puppy eyes and said

"Will I still get the job ,if I tell you I left the files at home"

Alex eyes darkened when he heard what Avery said he found her changed mood very funny

"Under one condition"Alex replied

"What condition?"Avery asked.

"Serve me on bed"Alex said with a smirk on.

"I'll rather go to hell than to serve you,you good for nothing bastard "Avery snapped.

She angrily stood yon,took her bag ,flipped her hair and left the office.

"Follow her "that was the only instruction Alex gave to his assistant.

His assistant rushed and followed Avery in a haste,he stop in his tracks when he saw Avery making a call .

Avery brought out her phone ,when she heard it ringing ,she looked at the caller ID and bit her lips ,her phone rang for sometime before she picked up.

"Hello?".she took in a deep breath.

"Hello ,Avery ,I just called to inform you ,that your mom's condition is getting better now so there's no need to stress yourself"said a male doctor.

"Thank you so much, doctor, I appreciate whatever you did for my mom."she said with a smile on her face.

"Avery how many times should I tell you to drop the formalities, call me by my first name Charles , OK".the doctor seriously said.

She hummed before disconnecting the call.

After she was done with the call , she raised her head almost kissing a handsome guy's forehead. She pulled away quickly ,looked at the guy who smiled at her before apologising.

Alex's assistant who was standing not too far from Avery called his boss telling him what was currently happening.

"Oh !this is not good"he said to himself,before taking his phone .The call went through within some minutes.

"What is it?"Alex asked coldly

"Umm ,s-sir Mr Samuel is speaking to Miss Avery near the receptionist desk."he said

"Make sure they don't talk or drag her out of there and bring her to my office"Alex harshly said.

"I don't t-thi-nk she'll fo-follow my order sir"he stammered

"I'll be there in the next ten minutes"Alex said before rushing out of his office.

In front of the receptionist desk,Avery was looking at the second most handsome man,having sea blue eyes , kissable lips ,well trimmed her and a nice black tailored suit