
Chapter 2: You'll regret it

Alex moved from.her and went to the hotel telephone in his room ,dialed the manager's number.

The manager answered the phone lazily

"hello? who's this?"he asked

"Send two well built men to my room "Alex said

The manager position himself well on his seat before talking.

Veronica wasn't pleased on what she heard from Alex , sending two well built men into his room .She moved near Alex to get an explanation,when Alex gave her a cold glare

"Get out or else!"Alex threatened.

Veronica scoffed and walked away sat on the sofa near a table ,a table which contains wine and a wine glass,poured herself some red wine .

"I'm going nowhere ,whether you like it or not I'm not moving"

Veronica sipped her wine ,the lowered her head looked at Alexander's wrapped in his towel

"I don't know if you're trying to seduce me or not but you look hot in that towel of yours"

Alex was about to reply when he heard the doorbell ring. He took a deep breath instructed the people to come in .

Two guards who were in their uniforms came into the room ,they blushed when the saw Veronica sitting on the sofa half naked and Alex in only a towel and nothing else.

A tall guard cleared his throat and told Alex the reason of coming.

"The manager said you called "

Alex nodded his head and told them ,they should drag Veronica out of the room.

The guards moved closer to Veronica ready to drag her out ,but they blushed profusely when they saw Veronica's half baked body .

Clearing their throats , one moved closer to talk ,before he could utter a word Veronica splashed the wine on him and stood up.

"I don't want any filthy hands on me".gritted her teeth.

She turned and looked at Alex and said

"I don't know why you are acting this way ,but I tell you , you'll regret it,every single thing you did to me Alex baby ,but don't worry when you need me I'll accept you with open arms baby boo"

Veronica paced towards the bed took her clothes from the floor and slipped into her body.She didn't mind the three men watching her .She smiled when she was done .She walked slowly to Alex bit his earlobe and whispered

"Have a nice evening"before walking through the door.

Alex glared at the men standing there idle and instructed them to get out.He closed his eyes sat on the sofa and drank the remaining wine from the glass which Veronica was sipping on.He stood up and smashed the glass on the floor walked into his walk in closet and changed into his clothes,ash pants and a hoody