
What a beautiful morning

"What's wrong with me?"Alex asked himself.

He went to his study room to finish some uncompleted documents.Minutes later he had a call from someone,he.took the phone with checking the call ID.

"WHAT!!"he answered harshly

"Woah!did someone pee in your whiskey or you're up to something?"

Alex removed the phone from his ears and looked at the caller ID .

"What do you want Samuel?" asked Alex referring to the guy on the other side.

"I just found out that your baby Veronica came to you ,this evening,aren't you pleased or you need more?"

Alex closed his eyes and massaged his temples before answering him.

"First of all she is not my baby ,second of all nothing happened between us.I've gone back to my old rule ,which was "not using the same female or should I say bitch for more than 24hours".

"But Veronica has been with you since the third day you took over the company,and was that was three years ago.Aish! Mr. Gibson you really are a cold-hearted person. Poor Veronica, having a pleasure affair with a cold-hearted person"Samuel complain

Alex brought the phone out from his ear and disconnected the call without saying good bye.

He stood up and walked to his bedroom,laid on it ,he planned to sleep a bit but opened his eyes instantly.Ge groan and moved to the other side of his bed,covered himself with the duvet .He tried to sleep the second time but it was useless he couldn't even sleep.

"Why is her face wherever I go?"He asked himself

Flash back

Alex was in a hurry when he found out the rain was about to fall,he took his phone out tried to call his assistant yelling him ,he should cancel all his meeting for today.He was absent minded when he was walking towards his bike which was on the other side of the.park .He bumped into someone and the call disconnected.H e looked up and saw a beautiful figure sitting on the floor.Hr smirked to himself when the she asked him for help.Wheb he refused she stood up and smiled to himself.

"Beautiful!"he said to himself

He froze on the spot when he heard what he said.He was about to apologize when he had a call ,he took out his phone only to see his assistant calling.He frowned and walked passed Avery,when he got near his bike ,he remembered the figure,he saw earlier.Unfortunately for him ,she wasn't there

He was confused and asked himself

"Why am l even here?"

He shook his head and went back to his bike ,got home took his bath came out to see someone called Veronica on his bed.This day has been a tired day ,he closed his eyes and took a deep breath

Flash back end

Avery was sleeping on her bed peacefully as the alarm ringed loudly near her,she groan out of frustration,searching for the alarm clock to destroy.Regretfully ,for her she couldn't reach it.She stood up dragging herself from the bed,rubbing her eyes like a baby and yawn loudly

"What a beautiful morning"she said with a smile in her face.

She turned and looked at the time on the alarm clock

"OH!SHIT!!!! l'm late for the interview"

Apparently ,when Avery had a message from Gibson Company , she was suppose to be at the company before seven but now it was seven -thirty .In a haste she forgot her files at home.She rushed out from her apartment and hailed a cab