
Chapter 1: Rain

The clouds were pregnant with rain,beautiful,young lady wearing a v-shape dress printed with flowers on it. Avery was sitting on the lovers bench waiting for her favorite person .Her best friend,who promised to meet her half an hour ago and she is still waiting for that ungrateful brat . She sighed deeply.

"She's not going to come".she said to herself.she took her phone out to check the time . After looking at the time ,she stood up and walked to the bus stop waiting for the next bus to arrive. Going through her phone she felt a drop of rain touch the screen and looked up.

"Great!. Just great!"Avery snapped.

She placed her phone in her bag tied her hair in a messy bun , looking of a shelter ,before the rain becomes worst.

People begun running,looking for shelter,couples holding an umbrella and smiling at each other.Avery rolled her eyes when she saw the couples.Moments later she decided not to wait for the bus ,but hail a taxi . Walking through the rain someone bumped into her she fell down instantly.

Raising her head to look at the person s.he was tongue-tied.Coming back her present state,she glared at the persona and scoffed

"won't you help me get up?"she asked the stranger

It turns out that the stranger was a handsome man wearing a black leather jacket with a blue jeans.Alex looked at her and smirked ,Avery gazed at him and took a deep breath and stood up,she smiled , cleaned her dress and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a phone ringing ,she looked around looking for the phone ringing and found out it was from the stranger standing infront of her .He slid his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone.The only thing he did was hum and walked passed her.Avery face grew red when the stranger just passed by without saying anything .

Hours later Avery reached her apartment,took her bath and walked straight to the kitchen to prepare some noodles for herself which she ate to get satisfaction.She was about to head to her bedroom when her laptop dinged from the living room.She went straight to the living room took her laptop and sat on the sofa placed a heart cushion on her lap scrolled through looking for the message she squealed in excitement when her dream company called her for an interview "Gibson Company"is one of the best company in the country.It is owned by the infamous Alexander Gibson,the most handsome bachelor in the country , everyone has advantages and disadvantage in their lives and Alexander is no exceptional ,his disadvantage is ,him being a play boy changing girls like clothes ,he also like sleeping with only virgins.Most females but not Avery has a crush on him whenever they meet him anywhere ,Avery ,the sassy and savage girl will rather go to hell than have a crush on him .

In the tallest building ,room571 a female who is half naked is laying on the Almighty Alexander's bed . Veronica used to be Alexander's secretary then ,but now she is his girlfriend,Alex got out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist ,chest full of tattoos,an eagle with spread wings ,Alex frowned when he saw Veronica in his bed .He moved to his bed and snarled at her . Veronica jolted when she heard Alex harsh voice.Veronica for up from the bed with only her underwear on went closer to Alex.

"Baby ,you scared me"she cried to him.

She traced her index finger on his chest and across his shoulders. She was planning to steal a kiss from him when Alex pushed her away.

"Get out!!!"he voiced out

Veronica was confused on why Alex has changed all of a sudden.Two years ago she worked for him she was his favourite,she boasted with the position of being his secretary,then later Alex made up his mind ,he can't date and have an affair with his employees ,so he decided to to fire her and make her his girlfriend.W hen he confronted her with his decision ,she was over the moon.

"Alex baby ,what has come over you ?"she asked .

Alex moved from her and went to the hotel telephone in his room dialed the manager's number.