
Married To Hell

"I'm your wife". I found myself saying despite the warning bells. I never expected the next thing he did. He snorted. That bastard snorted. "Wife in paper". "The only reason I agreed to this silly marriage is because I was threatened with the company. Get this into that thick skull of yours. Left for me, I wouldn't settle for less". "Get out of my sight". He shouted at the top of his lungs pushing me hard such that my ass collided with the hard floor. I barely had time to blinks back the tears that threatened to fall when he broke me in pieces with his words. "You're a disgrace of a woman. I'd never see you as a wife even with a gun to my head". .................... Life is really cruel How will innocent Jade survive the devil's den? Especially when she is his favourite new toy with the aim of making her pay. But what exactly is she paying for?. ................. Join them in their journey to find out. A journey of revenge, hate and......... love? *Note* It’s gets interesting as you read

brace_christopher · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Warning bells

Jade's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name and gently runing their hands through my hair. Pealing my eyes open, I saw grandma seated on my bed smiling down at me.

"Morning grandma". I greeted.

"Morning sunshine rise and shine. She said as she opened the curtains inviting the sun light in. And be down in five you have a visitor". She added and left.

Who could that possibly be. I wondered as I stood up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

"Who else where you expecting today?" My inner self asked rather harshly. Reminding me I could be stupid at times.

"Well obviously I don't remember so if you do then help me out and don't be a bitch about it". I snapped at my inner self. I swear I need to see a psychiatrist. This voice in my head had to end. I was literally runing mad. There was this time I had an arguement with my inner self over which pads were better of in a super market and ended up embarrassing myself as people started at me like a lunatic, which logically speaking I was.

Sighing, I quickly brushed my teeth and tied my hair up in a messy bound, splashed water on my face, changed my shorts to a sweat pant. Just as I was about to go downstairs I remembered Greyson saying he would come over for the paper today so I went to the drawer and took the damm paper.

"Well, took you long enough to figure that out." My inner self said sounding like the bitch she is. Choosing to ignore her, I focused on the tax at hand.

Getting downstairs, I went straight to the sitting-room and as expected, Greyson or should I say Mr douche bsg  was seated on a couch laughing at something grandma said. The nerve of this A'hole coming here acting all nice and charming. With all the rage building inside me, I matched towards them.

"What do you want?" I asked stopping in front of Mr douche bag. I obviously already knew what he wanted, but I felt the need to irritate him hence my reason for asking.

"Is that how you great your future husband?". He smirked, sarcasm dripping from his words as he laid emphasis on the word husband. Well, you just watch me wipe that smirk off his face.

"Judging from last night news you already have a 'Miss luvky' and she's certainly not me". I said smiling sweetly at him. The reaction I expected was totally different from what I saw. Mr douche bags smirk only broadened at my words.

"I can see you read the news. I was here for lets say five minutes yesterday and you couldn't recognize me. Then you read what? Five, seven lines of an article and you finally figured it out. How impressive." He finished setting his right leg over his left. Amusement dancing in his eyes.

What an ASS.

"What do you want? "I repeated this time calmly. I mean there was no need arguing with the brainless.

"You know why I'm here". He simply said not bothering to explain further.

"If you are here for this, then take it and leave". I seethe throwing the paper on the floor. My annoyance finally consuming me.

"I'll leave you both alone". Grandma said from beside Mr douche bag. Poor woman I'd totally forgotten about her. All the shouting would stress her out.

Bending down, Mr douche bag picked up the paper and investigated it. Satisfied, he stood up and adjusted his suit and started walking towards the door.

"See you in church wifey". He said and left.  I hadn't realize the gravity of my decision untill now. After seeing pictures of him and that stunning woman together, something inside me sparked. The need to show him I wasn't affected by him was so strong that I found myself signing the agreement. There was this strong urge pushing me to the edge, making me sign. The urge to show him that what  he does,  didn't bother me at all.

"All what you said just shows he affects you. You're just living in denial". My inner self said. As much as I wanted to argue and scream at her right now, I can't because she's right. As often as I tell my self he didn't affect me, I knew I was wrong. Merely the sight of him, made me nervous. 

'See you in church wifey'. Those words left warning bells ringing in my head. The way he said them was like a promise. And a-not-so-pleasant one at that. Even the look in his eyes when he said them sent shivers down my spine. Not the type of shiver that leaves you wanting more. N,o it was the kind that made you wish you were invisible, the kind that made you wish the ground opened up and swallowed you. The kind that covered your skin with  goosebumps as fear grips your heart.

What's done, is done. I could only brace myself for the worst.

Sighing, I went to the kitchen and saw grandma standing by the stove. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked confusing me.

"Tell you what?" I asked.

"That Grey was here yesterday". She said not taking her eyes off whatever she was cooking.

"I didn't see the need to. Besides it wasn't something I couldn't handle". I replied setting myself on the counter top.

"How are you feeling Jade?" She asked this time turning to face me.

"How are you feeling Jade?" She asked this time turning to face me.

"Great". I replied not so sure why she was asking. Although I had my suspicions.

"Not that Jade. I mean with the wedding and all".

"I'm fine ma". I said getting down from the counter ready to leave. My walls were crumbling now and any moment they would fall. But before I could escape grandma spoke.

"You know you can deceive everyone but me. Fine is your escape word. I've known you for long to know when you're not fine. Plus I can tell a lie when I hear one . You're like a closed book Jade and the last time you were like this was when your parents died. You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders alone, you've got me to help you with that. I know things might seem difficult right now but I promise you everything would be alright". Those comforting words finally did it. All my bottled up emotions breaking free. The tears rushing like water pouring from a tap. Grandma has always been the one to see past my facade and charade. She was the only one I knew who could bring down my walls.

"Everything won't be alright ma. Nothing has ever been alright with me. Life had always found a way to rid me of my happiness. First my parents, now I'm to marry a man who disgust me as much as I disgust him. I'm stuck in a loveless marriage for the rest of my life". I sobbed harder.

"Come here hun.  Grandma said engulfing me in a warm hug. Don't ever say such things again. True your life may not be what you pictured but it doesn't mean things won't work out. At times we pray and put in our all in life yet we get the opposite of what we've asked for. That doesn't mean our prayers weren't heard or our efforts weren't rewarded. Ugly beginnings, prepare us for beautiful endings. So don't give up easily as long as you're alive, keep fighting for your hapoy ending. Where there's life there's hope". She finished placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I could only hope she was right.

"Okay! that's enough". grandma said seperating from me. It was then I noticed she herself had been crying. "Food is ready, time to eat". She added.

"What are we having?" I asked.

"I made pasta".

"Perfect." I said gradually feeling like myself again.

"What are you waiting for? Go get the plates lets eat". Grandma said sounding like a four years old eager to eat chocolate, making me grim. Her attempt to lighting the mood was a success.

"Yeah.... that smile on your face never let anything or anyone wipe it of"f. She said with so much love and admiration.

"I promise". I told grandma looking her in the eyes  equally sending her my love.


The rest of the day went in a blur with me spending time with the love of my life,


Just as I was about to turn off the tv and head upstairs my phone vibrated indicating I had a message. I opened my inbox and saw a message from an unknown.

Unkmown: The wedding is fixed for 28th of the month. Preparations are already in place. You will have your gown delivered to you. Enjoy your life while you still can.

Also don't get too comfortable.

Your husband,

Greyson Wayne.

The message left my jaw hanging so low. I was getting married in five days time. I wasn't even a part of the preparations. No one cared for my opinion on the cake, wine, not even the venue. Heck even my wedding dress was already picked.

All this didn't even bother me as much as the last line did.

'Don't get too comfortable'. For the second time today, warning bells were ringing in my head. Every other girl would be excited about getting married and prayed time flew and the day came quickly. But in my case, I was scared. Scared that in five days time I would be trapped for life, and could only wish that day never came. I wasn't even married to him yet and the thought of staying under the same roof with him made my palms sweat. I was not even concerned with how he got my number. All that I could think about now, was in five days time I'd be Mrs Jade Wayne.

Jade what did you sign up for?


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