
Married To Hell

"I'm your wife". I found myself saying despite the warning bells. I never expected the next thing he did. He snorted. That bastard snorted. "Wife in paper". "The only reason I agreed to this silly marriage is because I was threatened with the company. Get this into that thick skull of yours. Left for me, I wouldn't settle for less". "Get out of my sight". He shouted at the top of his lungs pushing me hard such that my ass collided with the hard floor. I barely had time to blinks back the tears that threatened to fall when he broke me in pieces with his words. "You're a disgrace of a woman. I'd never see you as a wife even with a gun to my head". .................... Life is really cruel How will innocent Jade survive the devil's den? Especially when she is his favourite new toy with the aim of making her pay. But what exactly is she paying for?. ................. Join them in their journey to find out. A journey of revenge, hate and......... love? *Note* It’s gets interesting as you read

brace_christopher · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Dance with the devil

Greyson POV

I really don't know why but the fact that she signed the agreement made my heart tumble.I was hell bent on making her sign but now that she has, I wasn't too sure anymore. This means we get to live together for the rest of our lives, miserable lives. Well, miserable for her. When I got to know about this whole wedding thing all I could think about was making her pay. But seeing her today showed me something.

Seeing the flame in her eyes as she spoke to me today, showed me she's just as frustrated with the whole idea as I. Meaning if I wanted her to pay, I had to go the extra mile. I don't know how extra that is but I'm willing to find out. I'm willing to know how much it would take to make her bleed. I'm willing to see how hard I need to push for her to fall over the edge.

I'm willing to do all that it takes for Sandra.

If she thinks she hates me, or hates the idea of us living together as much as I do then she's wrong. I know she had always dreaded my presence and hid from me when we were kids. I can remember faintly the last party she attended with her parents when I was eleven. She was so scared and hid behind her mother. I watched from a distance as she tried to shrink in size, squeezing her already small self back then to become smaller. She was trying to become invincible, like the crowed would attack her, like they were zombies chasing after her. I noticed her searching the croud for me before she headed towards Rachael. When we were little, we weren't close but each time I saw her acting all scared and timid, I'd makr it a mission to torture her more by gracing her with my presence. But that very night I didn't. I just let her enjoy herself and observed her from a distance trying to figure out why she was so scared

You're probably wondering why the walk down the memory lane.

The thing is it was easier to dislike Jade back then. She was everything I couldn't stand.

Scared, timid, low self esteemed. She was all that i hated so it was easy to hate her back then. But the very first day I saw her in years, when I went to hand her the paper to sign I noticed she'd changed. It was easy to recognize her but there was something different that I couldn't place. Then today I saw what Greg was talking about, I saw the fire in her eyes, her confidence. And it reminded me of Sandra and I hated it. She even threw the paper on the floor disrespecting me and what did I do?


Instead, I stupidly bent down and picked it up. There are only two women I tolerate disrespect from. My mum, then Sandra. But yet today it was like I was spell bound. Bound to do whatever she wants. The authority with which she spoke held me spell bound. Now you see why I had to give a flashback to her past. It would have been much more easier if I were to marry the four year old scared Jade.

She had a confidence so strong but I promise to break it whatever it takes. I was going to be her worst nightmere, remindung her that it was I who had to loose everything. I was going to make sure she regrets ever agreeing to this, and I'm going to find pleasure in doing so.

I got off the bed, shaking the thoughts of Jade from my head.Just as I was about to head towards the bathroom, my phone started ringing. Picking it up, I saw who the caller was.

Just great add to the fuel. Sighing, I picked up.

"What is this I'm seeing?" My father's voiced echoed from the other end.

"Can't say dad since I'm not there with you". I answered rather uninterested in whatever he had to say.

"Don't play smart with me boy. What am I seeing on the news?" He repeated thus time clearly loseing his patience.

"Which exactly, the business or entertainment news?" I knew exactly what he was talking about I just wanted to heat him up a little.

"Greyson Jared Wayne! you will not play dumb with me". Great I just angered the gods. My dad never calls me by my full name its either he calls me Grey or son. Using my full name in a sentence meant war. Using my full name and third name in a sentence meant bloodbath. In simple terms I was dead meat. So me being a reasonable man, knowing better than to further ignite the anger of the gods, dropped the cocky act.

"I went on a date with Andrea".

"I can see that I'm not blind. You went on a datd with your fiancee cousin how responsible of you." He said, sarcasm lacing every word.

"Technically dad we aren't engaged."

"From my point of view you've been engaged for over a year now, and will be getting married in less than a week". He said and i could litrarily see the smirk on his face right now. The smirk that screamed I won.

"Look dad it wasn't a big deal". I was tired of being reminded of the wedding. Plus I needed a breather right now and the only way to get it was to comply with whatever he had to say.

"It will be the next time something like this comes up again". He ended the call signifying his words were final.

Whatever spell Jade and her grandfather put on my dad was obviously working. We weren't even married yet and he's already defensive and protective over her.

Pff. I needed to clear my head. I dialled Greg and he picked on the first ring.

"Sup mate".Greg greeted from the other end.

"You busy?"

"Nope". Greg answered poping the p. "Just got off work. Why?"

"Great!! "lets hit the bar".

"Why, wifey got you stressed". Greg said amusement dancing in his voice.

"Now's not the time to play smart Greg. For fuck sakes can't I have a simple conversation with someone that doesn't involve her." I seethed. All the anger making my blood boil.

"Cool off man. Meet me in the bar in five". He said then hung up. What's up with people hanging up on me today.

quickly showered and got dressed. I wore a casual wear, white T.shirt and blue faded Jean trouser. The bar wasn't far from my apartment so in less than 15 minutes I was already there. I parked my car and walked into the bar and as expected, Greg was already there.

"Hey man. I greeted him to announce my presence. He was looking so distracted and stressed.

"Hey dude. You good?". Greg asked turning to face me.

"I should be the one asking." I said as I sat down beside him. "You look lost." I added.

"It's nothing. it's just work . You know the usual. Meetings and stuff". Just as he was done speaking, the bartender walked towards us.

"What can i get you handsome?" She asked flashing us her perfect set of white teeth.

"Two shots of whiskey". Greg replied shooting her a smile.

"I will have what he's having".

"So how's preparations going" Greg asked turning sideways so he could face me.

"Already done with". I answered knowing what he was talking about.

"By already done with you mean?"

"I mean the venue has been picked, everything has been arranged." Why was he even asking me this. Can't he fuckjng drop this topic for once?

"And is she a part of this?" Greg asked further fuelling my anger.

"No she isn't and she doesn't need to. I will just text it to her. Now can we drop it." I snapped slamming my hands on the bar table. Just then the bartender came back with our drinks.

"Here you go." She said placing them in front of us, bending low enough for us to see her perfectly sculpted tits. Greg flashed her a smile. Typical Casanova.

"So I saw you on papers with miss clingy", Greg said smirking. For some reasons Greg never liked her. The sight of her always irritated him. Not to be mean or anything but I myself could barely stand her.

"I still wonder why you keep her around". Greg said staring into space, irritation written all over his face.

"You know why". I simply said.

"You can have any girl for fun Grey, so don't give me that bullshit". Greg said and i knew he was right. Well, if she was good for my revenge plan then she's welcome to stay. But I wasn't going to admit this to Greg. Him knowing I was just using her to get at Jade would just make the lecture more intense

Speak of Jazebel and she appears". Greg said just as I was about to give a smart reply. I followed his gaze and found Andrea standing by the entrance. I swear this girl was every where. It's like she has a micro chip on me or something. Her gaze finally locked with mine and she started walking towards us. She was wearing a low cut evrning dress, the cut was so low that the base of her breast was on full display. She walked elegantly and seductively, her eyes were fixed on mine as she swayed her hips. The colour of her dress was red, stoping mid-thigh and perfrctly highlighting her features, she was sexy and just the sight of her stirred me up.

So help me God.

"Hey Greg". She greeted now fixing her gaze on Greg who in answer to her greetings, simply rolled his eyes. I swear he had to grow up.

"Hello handsone". Andrea said runing her hands down my chest. "Mind if I seat?" She asked and I simply nodded a yes. There was a seat beside Greg but instead Andrea sat on my lap. To be exact she sat on my crotch. Just great.

"So what brings you boys here". She attempted in starting a conversation.Greg just stayed focused on his drink while I battled for control.

"So if you guys aren't doing anything useful, what do you say we ditch this place and go somewhere private". She stood up and straddled me, whispering seductively in my ears. Placing my hands on her waist, I gently stopped her from furthering driving me crazy and gently pushed her up my laps. I needed to get out of here real quick.

"Nice meeting up man but I've to bounce". I told Greg standing up and patting his shoulders.

Speak of Jazebel and she appears". Greg said just as I was about to give a smart reply. I followed his gaze and found Andrea standing by the entrance. I swear this girl was every where. It's like she has a micro chip on me or something. Her gaze finally locked with mine and she started walking towards us. She was wearing a low cut evrning dress, the cut was so low that the base of her breast was on full display. She walked elegantly and seductively, her eyes were fixed on mine as she swayed her hips. The colour of her dress was red, stoping mid-thigh and perfrctly highlighting her features, she was sexy and just the sight of her stirred me up.

So help me God.

"Hey Greg". She greeted now fixing her gaze on Greg who in answer to her greetings, simply rolled his eyes. I swear he had to grow up.

"Hello handsone". Andrea said runing her hands down my chest. "Mind if I seat?" She asked and I simply nodded a yes. There was a seat beside Greg but instead Andrea sat on my lap. To be exact she sat on my crotch. Just great.

"So what brings you boys here". She attempted in starting a conversation.Greg just stayed focused on his drink while I battled for control.

"So if you guys aren't doing anything useful, what do you say we ditch this place and go somewhere private". She stood up and straddled me, whispering seductively in my ears. Placing my hands on her waist, I gently stopped her from furthering driving me crazy and gently pushed her up my laps. I needed to get out of here real quick.

"Nice meeting up man but I've to bounce". I told Greg standing up and patting his shoulders.

Speak of Jazebel and she appears". Greg said just as I was about to give a smart reply. I followed his gaze and found Andrea standing by the entrance. I swear this girl was every where. It's like she has a micro chip on me or something. Her gaze finally locked with mine and she started walking towards us. She was wearing a low cut evrning dress, the cut was so low that the base of her breast was on full display. She walked elegantly and seductively, her eyes were fixed on mine as she swayed her hips. The colour of her dress was red, stoping mid-thigh and perfrctly highlighting her features, she was sexy and just the sight of her stirred me up.

So help me God.

"Hey Greg". She greeted now fixing her gaze on Greg who in answer to her greetings, simply rolled his eyes. I swear he had to grow up.

"Hello handsone". Andrea said runing her hands down my chest. "Mind if I seat?" She asked and I simply nodded a yes. There was a seat beside Greg but instead Andrea sat on my lap. To be exact she sat on my crotch. Just great.

"So what brings you boys here". She attempted in starting a conversation.Greg just stayed focused on his drink while I battled for control.

"So if you guys aren't doing anything useful, what do you say we ditch this place and go somewhere private". She stood up and straddled me, whispering seductively in my ears. Placing my hands on her waist, I gently stopped her from furthering driving me crazy and gently pushed her up my laps. I needed to get out of here real quick.

"Nice meeting up man but I've to bounce". I told Greg standing up and patting his shoulders.

"Yeah there will be be bouncing alright. But you and I know you wouldn't be the one to bounce". I didn't miss the sexual innuendo in his words. Holding Andrea by the waist, I left for my car.

The drive home was quicker than usual. Andrea got off the car heading towards the building. Just when we got in, my phone buzzed. Andrea wore a scrowl on her face as she headed upstairs.

Opening my inbox I read the message.

Rachael: if I'm ruining anything sorry. Just called to say I've got her wedding dress. So... call me when you can. Please use protection I'm too young to be an aunt.

I had totally forgotten I'd sent her to get Jade's wedding dress. I haven't even told Jade yet. Just when I was having a good time her name had to come up. I swear that girl is going to be the death of me. Litraroly speaking. I quickly sent her a message.

Bad omen: The wedding is fixed for 28th of the month. Preparations are already in place. You will have your gown delivered to you. Enjoy your life while you still can.

Also don't get too comfortable.

Your husband,

Greyson Wayne

I had asked her grandma for her number today and the old woman happily gave it to me. I'm not sure why I added the last part but its better she knows what to expect. If I was going to give het hell, then it's only fair she prepares for it. I was going to be married in five days but that doesn't mean I'll be actually married. If she wants to be Mrs Greyson Wayne then she should be ready to dance with the devil himself. With that thought in mind, I stood up and headed for my bedroom.