
Chapter 5 - Promise Ring

"Dad, what is this party about?" 

Natasha beamed with happiness as she noticed that the house was beautifully decorated. The guests arrived wearing expensive and gorgeous attire. The guest was comprised of important and influential personnel. 

Dignitaries and businessmen from all over the world were invited to the party. The big hall was filled to the brim, hoarded with men and women of great status.

"It's a surprise." Micheal gave her a playful wink. 

"Oh, I love surprises." Natasha danced happily. 

"Now go get your brother, the party is about to begin."

"Okay Dad," Natasha scurried away. She rushed to Colton's room and she saw him holding a necklace and was talking to himself.

"Hey Col." Natasha's screeched with Joy, making him immediately hide the necklace. "Dad has called for you." 

Colton ignored Natasha as usual and just went inside his closet to get dressed. He knew he had to get dressed, since his father has been continuously singing to his ears, relentlessly reminding him of this day, even though he was not told what was to happen on the day.

Colton picked a plain shirt and pants and he wore black shoes. He styled his hair into a neat fringe and he wrapped the necklace around his hand. 

"Wow, look who is looking good today," Ariella commented as she saw Colton step out of his room.

"Colton always looks good," Ava argued. She settled her eyes on Colton, watching his every step, more like she was counting them.

"I know he does looks good everyday, but can't you see he's been calm lately. Or haven't you noticed?" 

"Yeah, I noticed it too. He's been very good since that visit to the beach."

"I'll tell dad to let us visit the beach more often, it seems the ambiance over there is good for him." Natasha appeared behind them.

"I think that's a good idea," Ariella grinned. "I want to visit the beach again and this time, I'll make sure to build a beautiful sandcastle with Colton."

"You think he'll agree to build sandcastles?" Ava wrinkled her face. "Eww, that's a play for kids." 

"Aren't you a kid too?" Ariella was confused about Ava's dramatic description.

"I am not a kid!"

"Then what are you?" Natasha placed both hands on her waist as she listened with interest. 

"I am an adolescent! Who in the name of hell calls an eleven-year-old a kid? Huh?

"I don't care if you're an adolescent or whatever, all I know is that, I'll have Colton build a sandcastle with me, and when we're grown-ups, we'll build real castles." Ariella beamed, she stared into space as she imagined all of that and more of what she'd do with Colton.

Ava rolled her eyes and pats the air. "Whatever."

"Why do you like my brother so much?" Natasha sat with Ariella after Ava was gone.

"He is cool and unique." 

"Add cold and annoying to that," Natasha hissed.

"He just doesn't like to talk to strangers." 

"What?" Natasha furrowed her brows. "You mean, 'We' are strangers to him? Even Dad is a stranger to him? Natasha shook her head and Puffed. "Oh Please Ella, don't try to justify him okay?"

"I am not justifying his actions, all I'm saying is that, he still isn't used to life without his Mom." 

"Can we stop talking about Colton for now please?" Natasha looked up and hissed again. "I just can't stand his tantrums."

"You know it's not him doing that but his...."

"His what?" Natasha stood up and clasped her hands together. "No more talking about Col, or I'll leave."

"Alright, I'll stop." Ariella shook her head lightly. She noticed Michael stepping onto the stage and she turned to Natasha. 

"Whose birthday is it?"

"It's no one's birthday, dumbo."

"Then what are we celebrating?" 

"I don't know, dad said it's a surprise."

"Oh, can't wait to see what it's all about."

Micheal spoke from the stage, his voice echoing loudly in the big Hall. 

"Good evening everyone. I welcome everyone to this momentous event where the Bensons join Chapmans.

"We are joining your family?" Ariella became Even more confused by the announcement. 

"Must be business related," Natasha hissed. "I thought it was about something good."

"Isn't it good that we're joining your business?"

"Goodness Ella, you are such a dummy." Natasha ignored Ariella and she listened further to Michael's announcement. She was stunned when she heard Michael ask Ava to come up the stage. 

"Why is dad calling Ava? He should call me. I'm his daughter, aren't I?

"Calm down. Let's see maybe he'd call us both, up there too."

Natasha indeed stayed calm, watching keenly everything that was happening on stage. She waited to be called up the stage but instead of her, she heard Micheal call Colton up.

"What is dad doing?"

She waited to be called immediately after Colton. She stood up ready to go forward but was shocked by Michael's words again. 

"I gladly announce the joining of these two in marriage. However, because they are still young, they'll have a promise Marriage and when they come of age they'll solemnize the marriage."

"What?" Natasha's jaw dropped as she listened on. 

"Marriage?" Ariella jumped. "How can they get married, aren't they too young for that?"

"That is why it's a promise Marriage, Moron."

"Oh My God! But I want to get married to Colton, why did she have to steal my position?" Ariella cried. She got up and went crying to her father. "Dad, why did you agree to that?

"Agree to what, dear?" Mr. Benson held her and bent forward. 

"Why did you agree to marry Ava off to Colton?

"Oh that," Mr. Benson Chuckled. "That is because it's the best thing to do."

"But I want to be married to Colton."

"Oh?" Mr. Benson gasped. "I didn't know that."

"Well now you know Dad, take back Ava and put me there."

"It's not that simple dear," Mr. Benson pointed at the stage and Ava already took the promise ring. "Look they already exchanged rings.

"But Colton didn't put it on her! She picked it on her own!

"I understand you dear but whether he gives her the ring or not, they are already married. This is just a formality."