
Chapter 6 - Biscrab

"What was that?"

"Huh?" Michael Chapman blinked his eyes again and again. He tapped his cheek repeatedly, he wanted to make sure that he wasn't hearing things. 

"Answer Me!" Colton yelled again. 

"You are indeed talking to me!" 

"What was all that crap you spoke on stage?

"Col dear, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

"Just tell me!"

Michael stood close to his son with his mouth agape, he stared at him. His heart was filled with joy to finally have his son speak to him. 

"I think Ben's idea will work." He mumbled

"I asked a question dad," Colton ignored his father's dramatic words. He hissed, with his hands on his hips, his angered gaze landed on Ava, who was now smiling. 

"Whatever you heard out there is true." Micheal deposited his hand on his shoulder. "Ava will be your wife in the future and your companion from now on."

"And you did that without asking me first?"

"I did it for your wellbeing."

"My wellbeing or your selfishness?" 

"Col, I will never do anything that will hurt you."

Colton yanked his father's hand off him. "All my life you've done nothing but hurt me!"

"What?!" Micheal was aghast. He was astounded as he watched his son leave. 

"Colton!" Natasha called out and so did Ava but he responded to none of them. He dashed out of the house and went straight to the seaside. 

He sat by the shore awaiting Marissa, with his head bowed, he silently reminisce the past. He thought about the time when his mother was alive and all they used to do together. 

"Hey Col, what would you like to be in the future?"

"I want to be a pilot."

"Oh Wow, my baby wants to ride airplanes?"

"Yes Mom, I love it."

"Good," Cynthia nodded impassively. Colton noticed this as he sat on her lap.

"You don't want me to be a pilot?"

"Pilot is a good career dear, but I want you to be a businessman just like your father."

"Oh," Colton raised his head to look at his mother's face. He watched her smile as she explained to him all he stands to gain if he chooses to become a businessman. 

"Do business Men have planes?

"Of course son, a businessman can own a private jet."


"Yes dear, your father also owns a jet."

"Wow, that is so cool."

"Yes dear, your father is super cool."

"Why do you adore him so much?" Little Colton asked; it was quite obvious that his mother idolizes his father. 

"Because he is your father." She pulled his cheek with love. "He gave me a cute and sweet little bun like you."

"Do you love him?"

"Of Course Dear, I love him." She hugged Colton to her bosom and rubbed his raven black hair. "And you should too."


"Because he's your father. You should follow in his steps and be like him."

"Is that what you want, Mom?"

"Yes dear, I want you to grow up in his image. Be like your father because he is the best."

"Really Mom?

"Yes Col, he is the best companion, husband, and father. That is a lot, given the present era that we are."

"If that is what you want Mom, then I will do it. I will become a businessman just like Dad."

"That will be great." Cynthia clapped happily. "We'll be having double Micheal in the family."

Colton cackled as his mother tickled him. "I love you Son."

"You trusted him so much Mom, yet he betrayed you." Colton hissed as he stepped out of his reverie.

"Hey Col! Marissa waved from the other side of the shore.

"Mari! Colton stood up and rushed to her. He hugged her as soon as he arrived before her. Marissa was astonished; She couldn't speak or react. She just stared at Colton, wondering what was wrong.

"He is a liar. He betrayed her." Colton cried

Marissa didn't need to be told who he was referring to. She already knew that he was talking about his parents. 

"It's okay Col," Marissa stroked his back as she hushed him down. He hugged her tighter as she spoke. 

Her soothing voice traveled to his ears, reminding him of his mother. 

"She loved him but he killed her." 

"Hush now Col, she won't be happy if she sees you this way."

Colton hushed up but refused to let her go. His hold on her was firm like he was afraid that she might vanish into thin air if he lets go.

"She wanted me to be like him," he sighed. "Does that mean I'll kill the woman who loves me too?" 

"No you won't," Marissa rubbed his hair. "You're a better human."

"You think I can be better than him?

"Of Course Col., You are going to do things differently."

"You have so much faith in me?"

"I do." Marissa nodded. "I have come to see that not all humans are evil. And you're one of such people, Col."

"I won't disappoint you ever."


"Forever Promise."

"Come, I brought you some snacks." Marissa led him to a rock by the seaside and they both sat there. She opened her purse and brought out the snacks 

"Wow, this looks good....and strange." Colton held a biscuit that looked like a crab. "What snack is this?"

"It's called Biscrab."

"I've never heard of that." 

"Nor have you tasted it." Marissa smiled seeing the look on his face as he flipped the snack in his hand. 

"Did you make this?" 

"No, my Mom did. But the recipe is mine."

"The recipe is yours?"

"Yes." Marissa flashed a proud smile. 

"Now, I want to taste it." 

"Open up," Marissa commanded. She opened her mouth to demonstrate what she meant. Colton obeyed and she dumped a Biscrab into his mouth. 

"It's Crunchy," Colton widened his eyes in amazement. 

"I knew you'd like it."

"Like? I don't like it, Mari, I love it and I want you to always bring me this, every time we meet."


"Yes, I want to eat this Everytime I see you Mari."

"That is a long time, Col, will you only eat Biscrab or should I add more of my special snacks?

"You can add others too, but I want this despite that." Colton happily munched the snacks.

"Okay," Marissa smiled but she was amazed at how much he liked the snack. "So, will you only eat just Biscrab forever?

"I will," Colton Affirmed. 

"You won't get tired of eating it?

"No, as long as it is made using your recipe."

"Pinky Promise?"

Colton hooked his pinky with her and hugged her side. "Pinky Promise."